
Adnan Oktar

Almighty God created this world metaphysically. He doesn't like a plain life. He wants life to be vigorous, full of wars, heroism and bravery. As a result of all those hardships, Islam prevails in the world. God likes this.
A9 TV; August 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Unless the PKK comes to faith, they would never be saved from their troubles. They are evidently the army of the antichrist. And they will be drowned in the sea of troubles just like the army of the Pharaoh. They should pull themselves together. They should start believing and save themselves. They will save themselves if they say, "La ilaha Illa Allah Muhammed Ar-Rasul Allah." They should pull themselves out of this sea of filth.
A9 TV; August 1st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

At the time of the Mahdi (pbuh), God's Name Al-Hadi (The Guide) prevails in the world. As Mahdi (pbuh) passes away, God's name "Al-Hadi" will be withdrawn from the world and His Name that causes people go astray will start to manifest itself. Jesus Messiah will live for a short period of time in this world anyway and after he passes away, people will go crazy. The world will turn into a living hell.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

A gloom pervades the whole world after Mahdi (pbuh) passes away. Everyone would try to preserve their faith, but faith would constantly regress. God's Name that causes people to go astray will then prevail in the world after that.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

The separation of our country has no place in destiny but in order to awaken the ummah, there is a need for the antichrist. The antichrist crows like a rooster and awakens people. Or else people would continue to sleep. Without the antichrist, people would not take action. Once it fulfills its duty, all of them would disappear.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

What is a prayer? It is love and respect. If you show love and respect, in response to your love and respect, God creates a beauty for you as a gesture. These are mutual demonstrations of love.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God says 'You are to love for Me, you are to love Me. You are to love Me to death.' And so we love our Lord to death. God wants to be loved purely and wholeheartedly. God is entitled to such love.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God doesn't want to be loved ordinarily, He doesn't want a monotonous love either. No one would want such a love. What good would a monotonous, plain love do? You give money and in return she loves you. She loves you because of your profession. She loves you because of her own interests. There is no such love.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God wants an insanely deep love. God is very meticulous about love. In God, there is a complete manifestation of a lover. He ruins those who betray His love but He loves those who respond to His love with love for all eternity.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

God does not want us to be alone. God wants us to be in love with Him. He loves loving, He loves to be loved, He loves beauty.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

What the US wants is to open up some land for the PKK. I mean they are trying to vacate ISIL from the region and have the PKK settled there so that they can found a state there. Everyone should see this plot.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Let us please put aside the habit of crying at the funerals of martyrs. It is not in compliance with the Qur'an, it is not in compliance with our customs; there is no such habit in the morality of Islam. That is a custom observed since the ancient Sumerians. It is not appropriate to cry after those who have gone to Heaven.
A9 TV; July 31st, 2015

Adnan Oktar

What they mean by "Solution Process" is the PKK founding a state there and making Abdullah Öcalan the president of that state; it is snatching up that region from Turkey and settling in a Stalinist, communist, predatory, red regime in that region: This is what they mean by the “solution process”.
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

It is a religious obligation on Muslims to annihilate the PKK with laws and the legal system. It is religiously unlawful to refrain from struggling against the PKK.
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Laying down weapons is something the PKK would never accept. First of all that is against Marxist, communist, Stalinist principles. These people have been trained as communists, Stalinists. Stalinism is reliant upon weapons. Why should they lay down their weapons? Would they ever leave their weapons simply because you asked them to do so? That can only be possible with education. You can only do that if you stop this Darwinist, materialist education system and teach creation and the existence and oneness of God.
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Muslims are inoffensive people. It is not at all rational for them to be at each other's throat. You've been oppressed by everyone anyway, you've been exiled, you've been devastated. Why is there the need for you to oppress one another? These are all foolish acts. Wherever we go, we see that they are in a wretched state. We look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen; they are all very poor and miserable. Why is there the need for such conflicts? Unite and be brothers. Live a beautiful, humble, rich, healthy, pleasant life.
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Sunnis, Shias, Wahhabis; these are all equal to one another, they are all the same. They are all brothers. Getting into a struggle against one another is impertinence. They should strive for Islamic Union. Try to unite all Muslims and make an effort for this. Tell people about the necessity of the Islamic Union.
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Islamic Union means love of God. It is the name of love for God. If they do not want Islamic Union, then troubles would continue to rain down on them and no one could stop them up until the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

Right now, the terrorists have incomprehensive advantages because they disregard the laws. We, on the other hand, abide by the laws. We have to follow the law to the letter. The laws should be made to be in favor of our citizens in all regards.
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

In the struggle against the PKK, we need to follow the policy that states "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." I mean the state should follow this policy no matter what.
A9 TV; July 30th, 2015

Adnan Oktar

ISIS has some mistakes and deficiencies: They do not abide by the Qur'an. They make additions to the commands of the Qur'an from Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi. Just like many other conservative Orthodox Muslims, just like Shias, Sunnis, Wahhabis, they are making additions; and that is what happens when you make additions. Violence and terror comes about. I am against violence. We know from the hadiths that this will all be put right when Mahdi (pbuh) comes.
A9 TV; July 29th, 2015