Almighty Allah has explained Mahdi (pbuh) in great details in the Qur'an but in a very concealed manner. For instance in the story of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh), in the Surah Yusuf, Allah explained the Mahdi. In the story of the Dhul'Qarnayn, in the Surah al-Kahf, in the verses related with the global dominion, Mahdi is explained in details. There are many signs.
Negotiations with Imrali are palliative; I mean they are temporary treatments. Wounds do not heal with medical dressing. This is cancer. A very fundamental treatment is required for that. And that can be done with the Qur'an, with faith, with facts related with creation, with science, with arts and with overall education. But of course we do appreciate the good will of the government.
(A9 TV; February 8th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Putting fair usage right and quota on Internet is the most negative movement of our age. The world needs culture, information and our country Turkey especially needs wide means of knowledge, culture and information. Internet is the world's greatest university.
(A9 TV; February 8th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
How is it acceptable to apply quota to science and knowledge? Internet should be free in the whole country; it should be free of charge.
(A9 TV; February 8th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
A formidable lovelessness and egocentricity has enwrapped the world. Qur'an is the remedy for this disease.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The system of the Mahdi is in its young ages, later on it will reach maturity insha'Allah.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
According to the hadiths and according to the explanations of Bediuzzaman the dajjal (antichrist) will die of a microbial disease.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Hospitals should be very spruced and beautiful just like hotels.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Making up religiously unlawful acts other than what is commanded in the Qur'an would be ascribing partners to Allah.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Jealousy would cause the collapse of a person. Jealousy turns a person insane and it makes one ugly.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Bad character would burn out a person's soul.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Smoking inside the house would be cruel to people living there.
(A9 TV; February 10th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Darwinist education brings about a grave disaster and direness, it would cause major devastation.
(A9 TV; February 6th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The most perfect armament against terror is arming with science. I mean it is giving scientific response in schools and everywhere to the Marxist and Darwinist superstition which is the origin of terror. Without the intellectual defeat, armed struggle would not yield any result.
(A9 TV; February 9th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
PKK is making propaganda uninterruptedly and is using fake science to do that. They are carrying out Marxist propaganda all over the world. Consequently scientific propaganda is very crucial in the struggle against the PKK.
(A9 TV; February 9th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
There is psychological, social and economic crisis in the world right now. Allah is showing people that there is no way for solution other than the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; February 9th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Attempting to solve matters with tanks, cannon balls and weapons brings about hatred all around the world.
(A9 TV; February 9th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Palestine should be truly religious, not Darwinist religious.
(A9 TV; February 9th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Those looking at the world through Marxist point of view evaluate everything with that perspective and fail to see the real solution. Solution is in unity, in integration.
(A9 TV; February 9th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
Religion exists because of the love of Allah. It would not be appropriate to see religion as –may Allah forbid- a remedy for straits. Religion is not to be implemented to be at ease or to find peace. Religion is practiced only for Allah.
(A9 TV; February 9th, 2013)
Adnan Oktar
The world is in a comatose state at the moment. No one is able to cheer up, people are unable to laugh. Without the love of Allah, Allah does not give joy to people. But with the appearance of the Mahdi, a festive air will enwrap everyone insha'Allah.