
Adnan Oktar

Allah tells Muslims about past events so they can see the wisdom in them because past events shed light on future ones, and that is why they are important.
25 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

If you declare that a whole community, the Freemasons for instance, or the Knights Templar, are the enemy of Muslims, then that just serves the dajjal’s purposes. Let us not fall for that.
25 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

THE GOSPEL IS A LIGHT. IT SHEDS LIGHT ON THE HEART. Allah praises the Gospel in the Qur’an. When one rejects His book one has in any case abandoned the faith. But one must read and understand the true parts, those parts that have not been corrupted and are compatible with the Qur’an.
24 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

Allah wants us to think deeply and properly evaluate His creations; then we can grasp the truth. One can understand very little when one thinks superficially.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

IF ONE HAS A PROFOUND LOVE FOR ALLAH IN ONE’S HEART, THAT IS WHAT WE CALL FAITH. If you tell someone whose faith has not yet been perfected that this and that and the other thing are prohibited, you are actually doing harm, and it is of no use. One must first bring someone to belief through the signs leading to faith.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

THE WAY OF THE MAHDI IS THE NAME GIVEN TO THE GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO STRIVE AGAINST THE MOST FANATICAL UNBELIEVERS AND HYPOCRITES EVER SEEN since the days of our Prophet (saas). The most psychopathic hypocrites are those of the End Times. And the most powerful spiritual guides are also those of the End Times.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

When someone IS EDUCATED AS A DARWINIST AND A MATERIALIST, WHEN HE DOES NOT FEAR ALLAH, HE LOSES HIS REASON AND BECOMES BOTH CRUEL AND BLOODTHIRSTY, HE BECOMES A SAVAGE ANIMAL. He becomes senseless like an animal, savage and bloodthirsty like an animal. That is what the Darwinist/ materialist ideology turns people into.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

THE OFFICIAL POLICY OF THE STATE IS TURKISH-ISLAMIC UNION. THAT IS WHAT ATATURK WANTED. The state can have no policy of division. Such a thing would be treason. Nobody could have the nerve to do that.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

There is no stasis in communism. There is this idea of constant revolution in communist thinking. And there is no world without blood in communist thinking. There is always bloodshed and terror and anarchy. Communism rejects a peaceful world.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

War will never end while we have communist and dialectic thinking. There will be constant conflict and the conflict of opposites, and bloodshed will continue until the so-called dictatorship of the proletariat is established.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

THE ARMENIANS ARE VERY DEAR TO US. Let them come. Let them and the Greeks wander round as they like. We will live as friends and brothers, side by side, in the same way we did in Ottoman times. We are all servants of Allah. But they are also brothers in religion among themselves. Of course they will watch out for and protect one another. Muslims will also watch out for and protect one another. But there needs to be a climate of friendship and brotherhood.
23 July 2011; A9 TV

Adnan Oktar

Dhu’lqarnayn is another name of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).
21 July 2011; A9 TV and Samsun Aks TV

Adnan Oktar

THE ONLY SOLUTION IS ISLAMIC UNION, TURKISH-ISLAMIC UNION. Otherwise all these pains will just continue in all their intensity. Our brothers must support this with their prayers, hands and words. ANYONE WHO DOES NOT DO IT SHARES THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE PAINS AND TORMENTS.
21 July 2011; A9 TV and Samsun Aks TV

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is under the command of our Prophet (saas). He is his soldier, in other words. What does our Prophet (saas) say? You must not shed blood. How does he issue commands? Through revelation. He says it through the command he receives through Gabriel (pbuh). Can Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) oppose Allah’s commandment as brought down by Gabriel? No, he will say that he cannot spill blood. Of course such a thing is impossible. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will not shed blood.
20 July 2011; A9 TV and Kaçkar TV

Adnan Oktar

Only loveless people trouble Turkey and the world. Enemies of love are very troublesome. But that can be resolved if people who live by love come together.
19 July 2011; A9 TV ve Kaçkar TV

Adnan Oktar

If there are one hundred proofs against and one proof in favor of faith, then faith is what is commanded.
19 July 2011; A9 TV ve Kaçkar TV

Adnan Oktar

For example, it is a good thing to tune the TV into A9 in a restaurant or gas station. It will be very useful and also be instrumental in many people earning merit.
18 July 2011; A9 TV, Kahramanmaraş Aksu TV

Adnan Oktar

A nation that constantly seeks unity can never be divided. But one that does not seek unity can be fragmented because absence of unity and growth means stagnation. And stagnation means contraction.
16 July 2011; A9 TV, Kocaeli TV, Aba TV

Adnan Oktar

Wherever we look in the Qur’an, we see that every people have always had a leader, and Allah regards Muslim society as a single whole in the verses. In other words, Allah never speaks of a Muslim society divided into sects and communities.
15 July 2011; A9 TV and Kaçkar TV

Adnan Oktar

The Mahdi (pbuh) has been awaited in every century; Muslims have awaited him with fervor and passion. In this century there is a state of panic. People say, “Let him not come in our century, not in our time.” And that is one of the main signs that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is already here.
15 July 2011; A9 TV and Kaçkar TV

Adnan Oktar

THE HYPOCRITE IS A STATE ALL TO HIMSELF. He is supported by blasphemy. He regards himself as a state. He is predisposed to all kinds of treachery and evil. He strives to lower Muslims' morale with all kinds of explicit and implied threats. But of course he can never succeed.
15 July 2011; A9 TV and Kaçkar TV