
Adnan Oktar

Allah ruins those who forget Him. But those who fear Allah are happy and contented.

Adnan Oktar

They ask if “Darwinism is really a danger.” Nobody in any university in the world can stand up and say that DARWINISM IS INVALID. NOT IN ANY COUNTRY. No state official can say, “I am against Darwinism.” But what are all these things if there is no Darwinism? The entire state structure in Islamic countries such as Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria is based on Darwinism. The public are terribly oppressed in Egypt. The entire government espouses Darwinism. It is the same in other countries. They have narrow horizons. Some are weak in faith, attaching little credence to the idea that Allah might have created.

Adnan Oktar

Struggling against sickness and being disabled is a very precious test.

Adnan Oktar

THOSE WHO SAY “THERE IS NO DARWINISM” TEND TO HOLD DARWINIST VIEWS. These people are striving, with a Darwinist mentality, to damage Muslim sensitivities and eliminate the struggle on that subject. They are generally ignorant. Ask them “What has this got to do with Darwinism?” and they will not know. They are only interested in what is going on around their homes. Countries such as Cambodia, Morocco, Egypt or China do not exist for them.

Adnan Oktar

THE PRAYER ALLAH WANTS IS SINCERE PRAYER. PRAYER IS OBVIOUSLY HEALING. It is Allah Who inflicts problems and Who cures them.

Adnan Oktar

SOME PEOPLE DO NOT TURN TO ALLAH WITHOUT TROUBLES AND PROBLEMS. Allah cites the example of those who pray on board ship in a sudden storm. Allah creates sicknesses. But we still see people madly trying to take advantage of many blessings, but never working out Who those blessings come from or giving thanks for them. That is why Allah says human beings are cruel and ungrateful. Allah sends troubles and problems to break that excess of the soul.

Adnan Oktar

Favors the size of mountains are invisible to the angry eye.

Adnan Oktar

Old people come to high society meetings. Some take drugs for kidney stones and others for cancer or blood pressure. But nobody lets on. They all show how well groomed and happy they are. They never show how weak and helpless they are at home. A YEAR LATER AND ONE THIRD OF THEM WILL BE DEAD. But since new members come to replace them they remain unaffected. NONE OF THE BEAUTY QUEENS OF THE 1920S ARE STILL AROUND. If you reminded them then of how they would be in 80-90 years’ time, they would put on all kinds of airs and never even think about the future. BUT THEY ARE ALL DEAD AND BURIED. They all return to the soil. NOT ONE OF TODAY’S MODELS WILL BE LEFT IN 80 YEARS’ TIME.

Adnan Oktar

Allah uses the image of trouble “rising to the skies” to describe it. BUT IF YOU SINCERELY SUBMIT TO HIM, YOU WILL FIND COMFORT IN YOUR HEART.

Adnan Oktar

Anyone who says “Allah is One” is announcing that he is a friend of Allah.

Adnan Oktar

Allah uses me as is instrument when it comes to giving love of Allah for women who uncover their heads. A very bright and high quality younger generation is growing up. Religious books are banned in many countries. But my books are not banned because I AM VERY POSITIVE AND DISPLAY AFFECTION. I APPROACH MATTERS WITH SCIENCE AND LEARNING, AND AM STRONGLY OPPOSED TO BIGOTRY. I WANT THE CLIMATE THAT PREVAILED IN THE TIME OF THE COMPANIONS OF OUR PROPHET (SAAS).

Adnan Oktar

MUSLIMS MUST LITERALLY SUBMIT TO ALLAH. Muslims must say, “My body and soul belong to Allah.”

Adnan Oktar

ALLAH SAYS THAT THE VEIL WILL BE LIFTED AND PEOPLE WILL SEE CLEARLY IN THE HEREAFTER. WE LOOK AT THINGS FROM BEHIND A VEIL. BUT WE WILL SEE THE TRUTH WHEN THE VEIL IS LIFTED. There will be a wonderful clarity. When you think of an orange it is all a bit vague in your mind, but it will form immediately and really clearly in Paradise. Allah will produce whatever you want, as well as your beloved. Allah produces a vague image, a taster, for us to understand this. But the full system will be in Paradise.

Adnan Oktar

There will also be women among the followers of Hazrat Mahdi (as).

Adnan Oktar

Allah makes two great gifts in the End Times; The Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as).

Adnan Oktar

They are striving to turn young Israelis into Darwinists. BUT ISRAEL WILL BE ONE LARGE MASJID, FILLED WITH THE SOUND OF THE CALL TO PRAYER. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will call the Jews to the Qur’an. ALL ISRAEL WILL BE RELIGIOUS IN THE TIME OF HAZRAT MAHDI (AS).

Adnan Oktar

Let us be complete followers of Allah, so the world will be a lovely place.

Adnan Oktar

DIVIDING OUR KURDISH BROTHERS FROM US WILL DO NOBODY ANY GOOD. They must not want a communist administration in the region.

Adnan Oktar

A federative system is a polite name for partition. Our entire nation must be determined when it comes to Islamic Union. For every person wanting a federative system, there are a million of us. The main feature of the PKK is that it is Marxist, Leninist and Stalinist. Wanting a federation at a time when the system of the Mahdi is on the move is amazing. FEDERATION JUST MAKES IT EASIER FOR COUNTRIES TO BE SWALLOWED UP.

Adnan Oktar

Hazrat Mahdi (as) is in everyone’s subconscious. We know this from time when people gave their promises to Allah.

Adnan Oktar

Every society has a leader. The Turkish nation is the leader in the End Times. OUR PROPHET (SAAS) SAYS THAT THIS DUTY LIES WITH THE TURKS. THE LEADERSHIP OF THE TURKISH NATION IS NOT BASED ON ANY RACIAL SUPERIORITY. We are all the children of the Prophet Adem (as), from the same family. Racial superiority is out of the question.