
Adnan Oktar

Against all kinds of criticisms, we advocated that we need to be friends with Israel and reconcile with Russia.
A9 TV; July 14th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

For a very long time we suggested that we should reconcile with Russia; now that we've reconciled with Russia is an answer to our prayers.
A9 TV; July 14th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Turkey must first advocate that a technocratic government in Syria is essential. The establishment of a legitimate government will solve the rest of the issues.
A9 TV; July 14th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

It is not essential for Assad to be the president of Syria, but a government accepted by the people must be formed as soon as possible and talks must be held with them.
A9 TV; July 14th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The only threat for Turkey is the terrorist PKK. We should channel all our resources into dealing with the PKK.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Real success against terrorism will be won when its ideology is ended.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Wherever we look, there is the seal of God. Every flower displays the holy light, art and magnificence of God.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

There is fascinating art in seashells. The beauty of God’s creation is everywhere.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Our government abandoned the policy of distancing itself from other countries and adopted a loving, peaceful and forgiving approach.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The Turkish government is doing the right thing by fixing our relations with our former allies. God wants us to be loving, peaceful and forgiving.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Beginnings are only for us, humans. There is no beginning or end for God. Starting from the time God created us, there is no end for us too.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The oppression of women is very common. Misogyny is outrageous, unacceptable.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

God loves compassionate people and helps them with blessings. It befits Turkey to be compassionate towards our Syrian brothers.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The PYD, aka the PKK, is a devious and treacherous group. They are opportunists. They give false coordinates to US forces to get civilians bombed.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Darwinist-materialist education is producing mentally unstable people; further increases the suicide rates.
A9 TV; July 13th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

All my friends strive for God's approval, none of them expect any monetary return.
A9 TV; July 12th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The reason why my statements make such an influence is because I expound from the Quran and science together with explicit evidences.
A9 TV; July 12th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Faith is in every aspect of my life, my whole life is with religion. But according to some, religion could only be practiced in a mosque.
A9 TV; July 12th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

God informs of mansions of Heaven, fruits and bazaars of Heaven, drinks and glasses of Heaven in great detail in the Quran.
A9 TV; July 12th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

Everything one could desire is present in Heaven. God grants believers that anything they ask for in Heaven will be created that instant.
A9 TV; July 12th, 2016

Adnan Oktar

The wine in Heaven has no resemblance to wine in the world. The honey, glasses, drinks and wine in Heaven are described in detail in verses.
A9 TV; July 12th, 2016