There is a group of people who, disguised as Muslims, are Rumis and Darwinists, and advocates of homosexuality. They are supported by the shadow state of Britain.
(A9 TV; May 7th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
An intellectual struggle must be carried out against the PKK. The roots of terror are ideological: As long as the ideology of terror is not eradicated, military operations would not suffice.
(A9 TV; May 7th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Having a weak sense of attention and appreciation in the face of shocking and stunning information shows how incapable the human mind and soul are. The willpower falls short. Otherwise, normally people should feel quite amazed, astonished. The only cure for this weakness is prayer.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Almighty God always uses a proper and kind tone, He always treats people properly; therefore, He never broke the hearts of any of the prophets. No matter what the prophets said to Him, Almighty God always replied to them with a kind language.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
There would be no trial in this world if people who have no faith, mock religion, and are against Islam did not exist. God creates such people even if they do not exist in the first place. They have to exist so that believers can be compared to them, so that their trial gains meaning through them.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
People gain beauty through faith; faith renders both men and women more beautiful. One loves another because of their wisdom, piety, cleanliness, and profoundness.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Piety is what is essential. The notion that the believers are pleasant people stems from faith; this is why believers love other believers dearly. This why God makes the believers seem pleasant.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
What would happen in the absence of faith? Everything would lose its worth, its meaning. Faith bestows people with grandeur and beauty. God brings forth love through faith.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Neither the AKP nor the MHP will be separated. Their struggles are in vain. Both of them stand fast. No harm will come to both parties. Both the AKP and the MHP consist of pious people. Certain henchmen of the English shadow state are waiting for the separation of these parties with bated breath but their wait is in vain.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
People are virtually adrift in a sea of habituation. They should pray to God to be able to shed themselves of it. They should say, "O Lord, render my mind clear enough so that I can appreciate Your miracles. My mind does not let me feel the way I should feel in the face of such miracles." To use a metaphorical example, there is writing but people cannot read it. The believers should say, "May I attain my foresight so that I can feel the excitement of such miracle. O Lord, may I be able to appreciate You appropriately."
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
People are adrift in a sea of habituation. In order to dispose of this affliction, they must get out of the sea of habituation and begin to use their reasoning and foresight. If they did so, they would have a tremendous faith when they realize the miracle hidden within a cell. Their faith would match those of the prophets. But people suffer from a lack of foresight.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The universe is full of miracles. The believers should pray to God to be able to keep all these miracles in their mind. They should pray to be able to feel the excitement and amazement of how magnificent these miracles are. And they should ask from God the capacity to offer the appreciation they feel in the face of such knowledge to God.
(A9 TV; May 6th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Ashab al-Kahf [The Companions of the Cave] is another name for the system of Mahdi. It is the implicit, cryptic description of the system of Mahdi. All those ciphers depict the system of Mahdi. How, when and where the system of Mahdi will occur are explained in great detail via a highly secret ciphering system.
(A9 TV; May 5th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
History does not repeat itself. The system always progresses and gives rise to innovations; it undergoes a change in every cycle. When people try to repeat their past deeds through a romantic historical conception, it will only lead to their ruin, their defeat. We live in the era of science, knowledge, love and piety. Victory can only be achieved through love and piety. There is no other way.
(A9 TV; May 5th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
The English shadow state will be defeated no matter what they try. The system of the antichrist has appeared and laid waste to people. And now they are cooperating with the foul, extorting, thieving, treacherous murderers of the PKK. They formed a homosexual organization out of the PKK members in the Southeast of Turkey. They send every European to join this organization. But God will bring down this organization on their heads.
(A9 TV; May 5th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
If there is a global shadow state, so is there a shadow state created by God. In no way can they cope with the shadow state of God. The shadow state of God includes the Mahdi (pbuh), Khidr (pbuh), angels, the jinn, and many more. It is an insurmountable metaphysical structure.
(A9 TV; May 5th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
Those who do not realize the marvelous art of God and call it a coincidence will answer for every one of His arts and their details in the afterlife. "How did all these things happen by coincidence?" they will be asked. Of course, they won't be able to explain. They will feel a great deal of resentment. They will feel a great regret.
(A9 TV; May 4th, 2016)
Adnan Oktar
During his Miraj [Night Journey], Our Prophet (pbuh) saw the Mahdi (pbuh). He asked Almighty God "O Lord, who is this person?" God commanded "He is the Mahdi. I love him dearly, so you should love him as well."