It is only possible to put away the distinction between the Shia and the Sunnis with the system of the Mahdi. The world dominion of arts, science and aesthetics can only be possible by the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; February 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The real spirit of religion is only with the system of the Mahdi
(A9 TV; February 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Religion is the spirit of this world. God gives religion as a blessing in this world. As He creates the world, God teaches us how to use this world with the Book, like a prospectus. If you use it as God tells us to, the world turns into a heaven on earth.
(A9 TV; February 7th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
According to the laws of God, it is not possible for a movement to be successful without the help of God and without the support God bestowed within destiny, without that movement being on the path of God, without it being under the command of the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; February 6th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Willingly or unwillingly all states, all governments, all societies, all foundations, all kinds of structures are under the command of the system of the Mahdi.
(A9 TV; February 6th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
All animals, all creatures have a leader. All religions, all sects have a leader. Buddhists, for instance, have a Lama as their leader. Christians have a leader, they have their Pope. Jews have a leader, they have their Chief Rabbi; and you say that “Muslims will not have a leader.” Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the name of the leader of Muslims that will appear in our days.
(A9 TV; February 6th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
God refers to a leader in the verses of the Qur’an and He refers to a leader selected to lead the Muslims. Muslims would not be leaderless after all.
(A9 TV; February 6th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The fact that there is always good in everything should never be forgotten. Almighty God would never keep the world stagnant; He always keeps it in motion and He revives it. So there is always a constant movement, a constant excitement in the world.
(A9 TV; February 5th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Adnan Oktar
Information is like gas in a car that you start the engine with. When you fill the brain with information, that person would behave perfectly, but there will be no movement without information, just like a car left without gas. Such a person would not be able to do anything.
(A9 TV; February 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
When you educate a person, that person would become a very precious friend of yours for a lifetime; he would become a person on Islam’s side.
(A9 TV; February 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
When you speak of politics, love and compassion should come to mind. Politics should be under the command of love, it should serve love. At the time of the Mahdi, politics will be the source of love and affection; it will be used to attain love and affection, Insha’Allah.
(A9 TV; February 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Diamonds become precious when sculpted but as a rough gemstone they do not have the same impact. This is the same with humans; when they are finely trained, when they are finely educated they attain quality. It would not be right to be too lazy or to avoid making that effort.
(A9 TV; February 3rd, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
When people are trained with Islam as lived in the time of Companions, with Islam as lived in the time of the Mahdi, not with radicalism, a breathtaking, helpful and good- natured people would be raised. That is why the system of the Mahdi is of such importance.