
Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar


Adnan Oktar

Only scientists can become aware of the Creator. Those who look at a black curtain only see a black curtain. God has shown us the easiness of taking away that black curtain. A little bit of attention, a little bit of will power and conscience and that curtain would instantly be removed.
A9 TV; August 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

There is a formidable hatred in the subconscious of the people against the PKK but weapons provide respect for the PKK. Some people bow before power. I mean they kiss the hand that they cannot defeat, so to speak. This is where the scourge lies.
A9 TV; August 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

The PKK gets its strength from threats and violence. When this force is taken away, people would forget about the PKK. The people in the region would get on with their own lives. Normal political discourse would start and the PKK terrorist organization and the political thought allied with the PKK would rapidly fade away.
A9 TV; August 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

If they lay down their weapons, the PKK's whole political strength would disappear and they would disappear as well. The only thing that keeps the PKK standing is their weapons, their armed force. Consequently, the PKK would by no means lay down their weapons.
A9 TV; August 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

How beautiful is a loyal, allegiant person. There is no risk of that person's stabbing you in the back, no risk of him playing tricks on you, no risk of his being disloyal, no risk of him not being thankful for what he's given. Such a person would have no worldly ambitions, no worldly expectations; his entire goal would be the Hereafter.
A9 TV; August 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

If you completely abide by the Qur'an and love God as is due, if you submit your heart completely to God, if you turn into a man of love, if you burn with the love of God, God would bind and brace His manifestation on you; that manifestation would never leave you. God is the One Who takes that manifestation away from you. One might think that the manifestation leaves a person by them taking an individual decision but God is the One Who brings that blessing to you and He is the One Who takes that away from you.
A9 TV; August 24th, 2014

Adnan Oktar

The goal of Europe and America is to arm the PKK on the pretext of fighting against ISIS and then using it against Turkey, against our soldiers. If they attempt to annihilate Turkey, let me say that America and Europe would all be turned into a flat field. If you fight with Turkey, God would fight with you. If you attempt to bring about grief on Turkey, God would bring about grief on you.
A9 TV; August 23rd, 2014

Adnan Oktar

The affection and love between Muslims is very important. They might have different ideas, different ways of expressing matters, different ways of thinking but we are all brothers in faith. There is no difference and no distinction between them.
A9 TV; August 22nd, 2014