As they strike ISIS, ISIS would become the sole power in the region. A demolished building would be a perfect position to hold for ISIS. When you wreak havoc in the region, there would be nothing left behind to call the state of Iraq or Syria.
(A9 TV; September 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
We would help an injured person even if he is a PKK militant or an ISIS militant. It would be a grave immorality to leave an injured person on the ground, it would be persecution. Only the PKK would do something like that; they either leave their injured ones behind or shoot them in the head. A Muslim would never do something like that.
(A9 TV; September 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
ISIS does not pose a threat for Turkey. The PKK is the greatest danger for Turkey and the region.
(A9 TV; September 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK is a thousand times more dangerous than ISIS. It is a grave danger directly targeting the Turkish nation. We need to warn and inform world governments against the PKK.
(A9 TV; September 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The PKK could very easily be brought to their knees with an international coalition. With a strong military blockade, the PKK would totally be paralyzed.
(A9 TV; September 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The international force prepared for ISIS should primarily be directed towards the PKK. All their lines of supply should be cut, there should be a blockade; an economic blockade could be widened in all aspects if necessary.
(A9 TV; September 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Before ISIS, the state should first intellectually neutralize the PKK. If we need to send soldiers or if there needs to be an international intervention, the PKK is far worse than ISIS, they are far fiercer. First wipe out the PKK; solving the ISIS problem is easy.
(A9 TV; September 26th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Islam is the true path and thus remains standing but all the systems of persecution have vanished. "Falsehood is always bound to vanish." That is the promise of God.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Some people do not believe in the fact that this is the end of the PKK. Persecution would never be everlasting. This is a fact set out by the verses of the Qur'an. I mean no persecuting system has ever been sustained long-term in history. They should have understood it from that. This is the law of God; every tyrant, every persecuting system is bound to be destroyed. Only the rightful systems remain standing.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
A religious CHP will be successful. A religious CHP will be the ornament of Turkey. They should be sure that they would come to power with at least 70 percent of the votes. You are talking about Marx; you should also be talking about Bediuzzaman and Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan. Only then you would be successful. Anything other than that would not work.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
ISIS is a group that would eventually pledge allegiance to Turkey and the Mahdi. Bringing them to submission would take at maximum half an hour. They would be very lenient, docile like lambs. Now they are monstrous but later on they will turn into lambs. God is the One Who makes them act like monsters and God will be the One Who will turn them into lambs.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
If one attempts to annihilate Turkey, he would himself be annihilated. It is very dangerous to mess with Turkey; that would bring one only his own ruin.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Without the Turkish nation, without Turkey, the whole world would be destroyed. They have to know this. If we go, we would be gone along with the world; we would drag the whole world with us. That is the only way.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
God razed the PKK to the ground. The life of a persecutor is short. The discussion is over. This region would never become Godless or Bookless; the PKK failed to see this fact. How could the Middle East become faithless and irreligious?
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
ISIS would not assume an attitude against Turkey. It appears that they will most probably become a state. They would have a command in the whole region but it is not possible for them to constitute a threat to Turkey and Turkish people. They would then be destroyed. All of them would then be burned. They can never do that.
(A9 TV; September 25th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Bringing ISIS into line is something that requires maximum half an hour's talk. It is possible to persuade them all in at maximum half an hour. That is because once you persuade their leader the rest will be persuaded. That is easy. The tough one is solved; the tough one was the PKK.