This is the way of the world. Of course, there will be people passing away every single day but mourning would be ascribing partners to God, it is a custom of the idolaters. We will always live the joy of faith.
(A9 TV; June 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Mahdi (pbuh) will be the one who opens the Holy Ark [of the Covenant], insha'Allah. The time for that is drawing near. The whole world will see the Holy Ark.
(A9 TV; June 15th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
The main characteristic of the Mahdi (pbuh) is that he is a man of love. The one who enables peace, justice and love is the Mahdi (pbuh). One should keep away from those who talk about fighting. One should keep away from those who preach bloodshed.
(A9 TV; June 13th, 2014)
Adnan Oktar
Unbelievers might sometimes say that - May God forbid- “Muslims are acting in a gullible fashion”. Actually they [Muslims] are the wise ones; they are the ones doing the most reasonable. With faith auspiciousness comes to their lives, they become more beautiful inside and out. Even their organs rejoice in faith; people rejoice in faith inside and out. Their eyes, their gaze becomes meaningful; their expressions become meaningful; their mind, their foresight is opened with faith, their speech becomes beautiful.