
Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 28th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The strengthening of the religious communities means the strengthening of the Islamic world. If the communities are destroyed, the Islamic world would be led to destruction as well, may God forbid. The whole Islamic world consists of communities anyway.
A9 TV; December 27th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

It is not that easy, not that cheap to overthrow a government and to wipe out a PM. This is not a third world country. We are a high quality country. Consequently we would not let something like this happen. Everything should be reasonable and wise within the limits of law.
A9 TV; December 27th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

God does not want a monotonous world, He wants a lively, active world. And He brings about the system of the Mahdi out of that action.
A9 TV; December 26th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Words have a vicious destructive power. Words can upset people deeply. Let us choose beautiful, good, to the point, reasonable, right, loving, enthusiastic, fervent, hopeful, exciting, enthusing words targeting to give hope to people.
A9 TV; December 25th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

The life in this world is really very short, we will all be gone. May we all go to Heaven insha'Allah. We are in a very short period of trial. We should not offend each other for insignificant things, we should not upset each other and we should choose all we say very carefully.
A9 TV; December 25th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

It is nice to think positive and talk positive. In my opinion making provocative talks is not good at all. It would leave bad feelings in the subconscious of people. No matter how insignificant people might consider what's going on, such provocative talks settle in their subconscious.
A9 TV; December 25th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

If you want God to forgive you, you should be forgiving as well. You should not be vindictive. They will just be given the punishment they deserve in this world within the framework of laws. Alright; that will be enough. There is no need for grudge and hostility on top of that. If he repents, he will be your brother.
A9 TV; December 24th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

What God really wants is peace. God doesn’t want conflicts. God creates such conflicts just as a means of trial. Who puts an end to the conflicts and dissolves the dissension? God does. God makes Muslims instrumental in that and He brings about the environment of peace.
A9 TV; December 24th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

One needs to avoid all sorts of behaviors that would set a Muslim against another. That is both unlawful and inauspicious. God doesn’t like such an atrocious manner. No one should ever encourage such an approach.
A9 TV; December 24th, 2013

Adnan Oktar

Our Prophet (saas) says that the sole address for the Islamic Union is Imam Mohammed Mahdi. There is no other address for that. If they believe in the portents of the End Times, if they believe in the miracles of our Prophet (saas) they should know that this is the truth.
A9 TV; December 23rd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 22nd, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 21st, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 21st, 2013

Adnan Oktar

A9 TV; December 21st, 2013