The Water Bird That Cuts Through the Water Like Scissors

Most birds cannot fly if their wings come into contact with water because water causes their feathers to stick to each other, which disables the bird by stopping it moving its wings. However, although aquatic birds dive into water all day, nothing happens to them. You must be wondering how and why, are you not?

There is a special oil on the wings of water birds that prevents feathers from sticking to each other when wet. This is how these birds can dive into water with no trouble. However, the skimmer, a species of water bird, lacks this oil. Therefore, unlike other water birds, it cannot dive into water to hunt. How, then, will it find its nourishment when it cannot enter water?

Bir Bitki Doguyor

Allah, the All-Merciful, All-Compassionate, has created the lower beak of the bird longer than its upper beak. The tip of the longer, lower beak is sensitive to touch. In addition, the wings of this aquatic bird have been created so perfectly that it can glide just above the sea for a long time without flapping its wings at all. While flying, it breaks the surface of the water using its lower beak like scissors. As soon as the sensitive tip of the beak touches its prey, the bird immediately detects and catches it. This bird is one of the proofs that Allah is the Originator of all creatures.

  • Introduction
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  • The Structure of Birds' Feathers
  • Birds' Techniques for Gliding
  • The Water Bird That Cuts Through the Water Like Scissors