Birds Which Lay Foundations for Their Young

Megapodes live in Australia and build very special nests for their eggs. The male megapode digs a large hole and fills it with wet, decaying plant matter. The bird has a very important and specific reason to do so. Bacteria in the decaying plant matter produce heat and thus warm the nest. In order to keep the temperature steady, the male makes ventilation openings and continuously checks the temperature of the nest by sticking its beak through these openings. It also makes a funnel shaped opening on the surface of the heap of vegetation. This opening lets rainwater leak into the heap during winter and thus keeps it moist.

Bir Bitki Doguyor

Once the nest is ready, the female comes along and lays its eggs in the hole. However, the temperature of the nest increases continuously during the summer, upon which the male megapode covers the nest with sand. In this way, it tries to prevent transmission of heat to the nest.

Now, let us ask a question. Before you read these paragraphs, did you know that heat is released by decaying plants? It is natural for you not to know about this unless you have already read a relevant book. Many people do not know. Yet, megapodes have this knowledge. What is more, they make use of this knowledge for the benefit of their young.

Well then, but how could a bird do such delicate calculations and sensitive measurements? How could it take technical precautions according to the results it achieves? Why does it undertake such a troublesome task for its young?

Bir Bitki Doguyor

In order to do all these, a bird needs to have technical knowledge like that of an engineer and the intellectual functions of a healthy human being. Certainly, a bird does not have the reason and the brain to act like an intelligent and learned person. There is a Power Who directs and makes the megapode carry out these tasks, which require intellect. This power is Allah, Who created everything in the most beautiful way.

As you read this book, you immediately see that these creatures cannot do all these wonderful things by themselves and you understand that Allah created all of them. Yet, there are some people who refuse to accept this fact, which you have understood at once. Allah has informs us of these people in the Qur’an. In Surat ar-Ra‘d, Allah states:

Say: "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?’" Say: "Allah." Say: "So why have you taken protectors apart from Him who possess no power to help or harm themselves?" Say: "Are the blind and seeing equal? Or are darkness and light the same? Or have they assigned partners to Allah Who create as He creates, so that all creating seems the same to them?" Say: "Allah is the Creator of everything. He is the One, the All-Conquering." (Surat ar-Ra‘d: 16)

  • Introduction
  • Blind Termites Building Skyscrapers
  • Security Measures of Animals
  • The Compass in the Ant's Eye
  • The Marvelous Co-Operation of the Ant and the Bird
  • Little Engineering Birds
  • The Heating System of the Winter Moth
  • How Do Salmon Find Their Way?
  • How Do Fish Live in Water?
  • How Do Macaws Know Chemistry?
  • Engineering in the Cobweb
  • An Interesting Creature: The Nautilus
  • The Male Catfish on Duty
  • Butterflies That Have a Knowledge of Physics
  • Did You Know about Luminescent Creatures?
  • Luminescent Underwater Creatures
  • The Sleeping Bag of the Parrotfish
  • The Skillful Camouflage of the Scorpion Fish
  • Interesting Features of Sea Horses
  • Dragonflies: Flight Machines
  • Secret Shelters in the Seas: Corals
  • Life in the Desert
  • The Special Cooling System of Gazelles
  • The Strength of Woodpeckers
  • Cute Squirrels with Big Cheeks
  • The Bird with the Longest Wings in the World: the Albatross
  • Adornment Artists: Bowerbirds
  • Birds Which Lay Foundations for Their Young
  • The Powerful Memory of Jays
  • The Armored Tanks of the Animal Kingdom
  • Migratory Birds That can Fly Even in the Dark of the Night
  • Cleaning Workers of the Seas
  • The Noisy Cicada
  • Cleaner Birds
  • Pond Skaters That Walk on Water
  • Tenacious Suckerfish
  • Walking Fish with Red Lips
  • Colorful Herons
  • Parakeets That can Survive A Month Without Water
  • The Structure of Birds' Feathers
  • Birds' Techniques for Gliding
  • The Water Bird That Cuts Through the Water Like Scissors
  • Cuttlefish Like Jet Engines
  • Greylag Geese
  • A Matchless Security System
  • Conclusion