Age: 58 million years Tigers have never changed over the many millions of years their species has existed; neither have lions, bears, foxes or jackals. The 58-million-year-old wild boar, whose skull is pictured, has not altered, either. Fossils such as these, belonging to countless life forms, show that living things have never been subjected to the slightest change. This in turn entirely discredits evolutionist speculation regarding the fictitious evolution of man. There is no evidence that living things evolved, and not humans, either. On the contrary, the fossils left behind by all living things completely refute evolution. Evolution never happened, and each of the fossils illustrated in this book is a separate proof of that. |
Age: 58 million years Darwinists were their able to gather their original supporters by using a very primitive logic. In a climate of scientific ignorance, it was easy to convince the public that proteins and eventually, cells could form spontaneously from muddy water that mammals hunting in water eventually developed fins and turned into dolphins and that monkeys decided to stop leaping from tree to tree and instead to walk upright, and thus evolved into human beings. The sciences of genetics and paleontology were unknown, so all these imaginary transitions were depicted as incontrovertible fact. But now Darwinists are in a far more difficult position. The science of genetics has revealed the complex structure of the cell and how traits are passed on from generation to generation. Paleontology has shown that living things have never changed. Countless specimens, such as the 58-million-year-old wild boar skull shown here indicate that living things exhibited the same complexity millions of years ago as present-day specimens. It is no longer possible for Darwinists to deceive the public. |
Age: 45 million years Allah has created all living things with their different appearances and forms. In the same way that their lifestyles and needs differ, so there are profound differences in their body structures. This means it is not difficult to describe the fossils that are unearthed, making it possible to establish the anatomical features of a living thing whose fossil remains have been discovered. The 45-million-year-old zebra fossil illustrated makes this distinction. It’s evident that there is no difference between the fossil’s characteristics and those of a present-day zebra’s skull. There is no doubt that this is one of Allah’s divine miracles. The scientific evidence to hand is too definitive for scientists to be able to deny, even if they are evolutionists. It’s a scientific fact that species have not changed, and they have undergone no evolutionary process. |
Age: 7.3 million years On the basis of some elements of ape behavior, Darwinists maintain that monkeys and human beings are both descended from a common ancestor. They claim that monkeys one day decided to descend from the trees, to walk upright, to speak, sing, and compose music, to construct buildings and to make scientific discoveries, and thus turned into human beings. In that case, similar processes of transition must also apply to other living things. Since cheetahs, for example, are able to run very fast, they should one day be able to alter their physical structures and turn into sentient beings winning gold medals at the Olympic Games. However, a look at the scientific facts reveals that cheetahs, tigers, wolves, fox, lions and leopards—in short, all animals—never changed at all. The same stability or stasis also applies to apes and human beings. Apes have always existed as apes, and human beings as human beings. |
Age: 85 million years For a long time, a great many people took at face value the statements made by academics and scientists who espoused Darwinism. They imagined that since these experts believed in evolution, there must be something to it, and blindly believed in evolution themselves. At the root of this error lay their ignorance of the fact that Darwinism was supported solely for ideological reasons. They did not know that scientists who espoused Darwinism also held such nonsensical ideas as fish left the water and began using legs that formed by chance to walk on land, or chimpanzees that began using stones to crack open nuts developed into humans who founded civilizations, launched rockets and studied themselves in laboratories. However, the true facts are now out in the open. People now know that the fossil record contains specimens of present-day life forms that were in existence millions of years ago. One of these is the 85-million-year-old lion skull pictured. This fossil proves that, like all other living things, lions never underwent evolution at all. |
Age: 55 million years The record jumps, and all the evidence shows that the record is real: The gaps we see reflect real events in life’s history, not the artifact of a poor fossil record.18 Darwinist confessions of this kind show that no matter how much they may try to cover up the fact, they are actually aware of the reality demonstrated by the fossil record. The fossil record is full of gaps and has produced not the slightest trace of the intermediate forms hypothesized by Darwinism. Instead, it is full of “living fossils” that show that contemporary life forms with their complex structures have never altered at all. This 55-million-year-old brown hyena skull shows that hyenas have remained unchanged for millions of years, and that the species has never evolved. No matter how much Darwinists may search, they will never be able to find a single intermediate form to show that living things ever did evolve. |
Age: 66 million years Many more species have remained unchanged over the course of tens of millions of years that could ever be contained in the pages of a single book. If evolution were a valid theory, then there should be billions of intermediate forms to show that countless species did, in fact, change. Instead of fully-developed life forms, we should be able to see the remains of developing entities that only recently attained their present-day forms. But Darwinists have been unable to point to a single transitional form. On the other hand, millions of fossils in books and on display in exhibitions show that living things have existed unchanged for millions of years. In contrast to Darwinists’ lack of evidence, the proofs of the fact of Creation are increasing with every passing day. One example of this is the 66-million-year-old antelope skull illustrated here. |
Age: 66 million years Studies of the anatomical details of another antelope skull dating back 63 million years have revealed it to be identical to those of specimens alive today. The fact that this mammal has remained the same for 63 million years, and the lack of any evidence that it ever changed, certainly show the complete invalidity of the theory of evolution. It is not hard to appreciate the conclusion that this evidence all leads to. Living things are all sublime works of art, created at Allah’s command. He has no need of natural causes or means to bring them into being from nothing (Surely Allah is beyond that). His command is sufficient to bring a life form into existence. A person can see this just by looking at the sublime Creation in his or her own body. To regard this as the result of chance is evidence of a complete logical collapse. Does not man see that We created him from a drop, yet there he is, an open antagonist! He makes likenesses of Us and forgets his own Creation, saying, “Who will give life to bones when they are decayed?” Say “He Who made them in the first place will bring them back to life. He has total knowledge of each created thing.” (Surah Ya Sin, 77-79) |
Age: 74 million years The Atlas of Creation series and this book offer important evidence that can only add to Darwinists’ panic, showing them that evolution is dead and that they can no longer deceive the world. This 74-million-year-old polar bear skull, for instance, is identical to the skulls of polar bears alive today—sufficient on its own to undermine Darwinists’ arguments. As the evidence increases declaring that Darwinism is invalid, the more Darwinists seek to give the impression that “We are alive and well.” They try to use propaganda techniques to fight an intellectual struggle that they were unable to wage with science. They attempt to cover up studies that demolish Darwinism. But this behavior does not prevent them from seeing, albeit subconsciously, the scale of the collapse that has taken place. |
Age: 50 million years The details of the bone structure of the fossil illustrated can be seen clearly. Wild dogs are just one of the millions of species of living fossils. All evidence goes to show that present-day wild dogs, bears, jackals and tigers were also living 50 million years ago, and even earlier. Millions of years ago, the Earth was inhabited by present-day life forms with their present-day characteristics. Contrary to what evolutionists suggest, it was not inhabited by odd, semi-developed life forms. The fossil record presents a completely different picture from what Darwinists suggest |
Age: 81 million years The biologist Edmund J. Ambrose is one evolutionist who admits the realities demonstrated by science. The fossil record, having demolished evolution, is producing more evidence of the fact of Creation every day. This 81-million-year-old skull shows that grizzly bears had exactly the same appearance then as they do now. Any objective evaluation of the scientific proof shows that the same applies to so-called human evolution. Since there has been no change in any living species, we can be quite sure that human beings have never changed, either. Every living thing has been created, together with all its particular characteristics. The claim that primitive animals or primitive humans used to live in the past is not supported by any evidence. |
Age: 42 million years Fossils may tell us many things, but one thing they can never disclose is whether they were ancestors of anything else.20 The evolutionist Colin Patterson admits that fossils constitute no evidence for evolution. On the contrary, the fossil record shows that living things have constantly appeared as if out of nothing, with exactly the same appearances they have today. The 42-million-year-old skull illustrated is important evidence that black wolves have remained unchanged for 42 million years. This is the reality demonstrated by the fossil record in the 21st century. |
Age: 87 million years When he first proposed it, Darwin’s thesis that humans and apes are descended from some common ancestor was not supported by any scientific evidence, and that has remained the case ever since. All efforts made in the intervening 150 years to support the myth of human evolution have been in vain. The fossils obtained have proved that apes have always existed as apes and humans as humans; that apes did not turn into human beings and that humans and apes share no common ancestor. Faced with the disappointment inflicted on them by the fossil record and their lack of any supporting evidence whatsoever, all that evolutionists had left to do was to arrange fossil skulls out one after the other in totally arbitrary ways and to engage in conjecture, whose unrealistic nature has long been documented. However, fossils such as the 87-million-year-old jaguar skull fossil in the picture totally invalidate such speculation. In the same way that there has been no change over tens of years in the skulls of these mammals, so there have been no changes in apes or humans, either. |
Age: 65 million years Darwinists constantly suggest that evolution is a proven theory. They trace the imaginary descent from one species to another, and adorn such scenarios with plentiful Latin terminology. But not a single piece of scientific evidence showing that this claim is true has ever appeared in any Darwinist publication. Indeed, it’s impossible for any such evidence to be published, since no such evidence exists. Their main obstacle, however, is that Darwinists are unable to account for the origin of life, how life first emerged, how the first cell came into being. Darwinists have stumbled at this very first hurdle. The reaction they have shown to proofs of Creation is nothing more than a requirement of their ideology. On its own, the 65-million-year-old lion skull illustrated is sufficient evidence to consign evolution to the dustbin of history. There is no difference between this fossil skull and those of lions living today. |