A Closer Look at The Religion of Darwinism

"...Thinking of so many cases of men pursuing an illusion for years, often and often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may not have devoted my life to a phantasy." (Charles Darwin's Letter to C. Lyell, November 23, 1859, cited in Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, New York; D. Appleton and Company, 1888, p. 25.)

In order to understand the religion of Darwinism, it is first necessary to abandon some preconceived ideas. What one has read so far does not demonstrate the real attributes and goals of this religion but only the ideas that bring people under its influence. Darwinism has been represented by evolutionists as a scientifically proven truth revealed by Charles Darwin; however, science has more recently invalidated the claims of Darwinism one by one.39 Because there is no longer a scientific foundation for the theory of evolution, it now relies only on methods of propaganda through which evolutionist thought is still being imposed on contemporary people as a scientific fact. To understand every aspect of Darwinism it is first necessary to escape the influence of evolutionist propaganda and uncover the truth.

Charles Darwin: Founder of the "Religion"


Charles Darwin

When evolution is mentioned today, the first name that comes to mind is that of Charles Darwin. Regardless of the fact that belief in the evolution of living things lies at the root of many ancient pagan religions, the one who brought the concept into its present form was Darwin. As one gets to know the religion of Darwinism, an important myth to be overcome is that which has grown up about Darwin over the past 150 years. Charles Darwin has been presented for years as a brilliant, successful man of science, an objective researcher. The fact that he is remembered in evolutionist circles as "the greatest scientist" and the "genius of the century" is basically due to propaganda. However, when Darwin's life and ideas are scrutinized, it becomes clear that this is not the case.

Darwin, contrary to what everyone thinks, was neither an important scientist, nor the "lord of the species" who solved the mysteries of nature. The founder of this religion was but a layman who received a Protestant education and failed to complete his medical studies. He was an amateur researcher afflicted by many undiagnosed illnesses who was taciturn and avoided arguments, whose mind was full of doubts, who had difficulty in thinking logically, who was solitary and lived in a confused spiritual world. In an emotional reaction to the death of his young daughter, he became rebellious against God and religion. It was in this unhealthy spiritual state that he proposed his thesis that would later become known as the "foundation of atheism."

Darwin first preached the fundamentals of the theory in detailed form to important scientists in his circle through conversations, articles and personal letters. What Darwin left unfinished or insufficiently elaborated was completed by his followers, who subsequently continued to expound the theory.

Asa Gray

Asa Gray

Darwin's The Origin of Species, which is revered as if it were a holy book, is actually full of impasses and contradictions and is based on an inconsistent logic relying on mere probabilities and guesses. Darwin himself regarded his book not so much as a scientific work but as "a long argument." Darwin acknowledged the weaknesses, incon-sistencies, impasses and difficulties of his theory in his writings and in letters to friends. In one letter he confessed that there were serious flaws in the theory which had brought him to the point of suicide:

You ask about my book, and all that I can say is that I am ready to commit suicide; I thought it was decently written but find so much wants rewriting...40

In another letter, he said:

Pray do not think that I am so blind as not to see that there are numerous immense difficulties in my notions.41

Particularly in letters to his friend, Charles Lyell, he clearly expresses the doubts he felt with regard to his theory:

Thinking of so many cases of men pursuing an illusion for years, often and often a cold shudder has run through me, and I have asked myself whether I may not have devoted my life to a phantasy.42
Charles Lyell

Charles Lyell

Long before having arrived at this part of my work, a crowd of difficulties will have occurred to the reader. Some of them are so grave that to this day I can never reflect on them without being staggered.43

In a letter to his close friend, Asa Gray, he defined his theory as extra-scientific speculation:

"I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science."44

Some later scientists have also pointed to Darwin's contradictory spirit and unsound logic. The fact that the founder of a theory which was presented to the world as absolute reality has a mind filled with contradictions and doubts gives rise to serious misgivings about the foundation upon which the theory is built. The American physicist Lipson has this to say about Darwin's fears:

On reading The Origin of Species, I found that Darwin was much less sure himself than he is often represented to be; the chapter entitled "Difficulties of the Theory," for example, shows considerable self-doubt. As a physicist, I was particularly intrigued by his comments on how the eye would have arisen.45

How did Darwin fall in love with "a phantasy"? As a child, he had a prolonged religious education providing him with knowledge about the beliefs, doctrines and religious history of ancient civilizations. But on the other hand, he was profoundly affected by the positivist, materialist thought of the century in which he lived. In particular, it was his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, who held anti-religious views that had a radical influence on him.

Erasmus Darwin's "Temple of Nature"

Erasmus Darwin

Erasmus Darwin

The young Charles Darwin had listened to his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, since childhood.46 Actually, it was Erasmus Darwin who first proposed the idea of evolution in England. He was known as a physicist, a psychologist and a poet and exercised considerable influence, although he led a dark personal life and had at least two illegitimate children.47 But Erasmus Darwin was one of the most well-known naturalists in England. Naturalism believed that the essence of the universe lay in nature and that it had a creative power. While the roots of this doctrine go back to the naturalist philosophy found in ancient Greek and Sumerian myths, its major proponent by the 19th century was the Masonic organization.

This fact was confirmed in 1884 by Pope Leo XIII, the leader of the Catholic world, in his encyclical Humanum Genus (The Human Race), which was directed particularly at the Masons:

At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to be combining together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called the Freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against God Himself.

The Pope continued to describe the relation between this organization and naturalism:

robert darwin

Robert Darwin

For, from what we have above most clearly shown, that which is their ultimate purpose forces itself into view – namely, the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.48

The Masons who adopted naturalism had their greatest representative in Erasmus Darwin, who was one of the masters of the Canongate Kilwinning Masonic lodge in Edinburgh, Scotland.49 Additionally, he seems to have been involved to some degree with the Jacobin clubs in France, or with the Illuminati, which was connected with certain Masonic lodges in France and whose primary duty was to oppose religion.50 Erasmus educated his son Robert Darwin (the father of Charles) to be like himself and made him a member of Masonic lodges.51 Therefore, Charles Darwin inherited Masonry from his father and grandfather.

The main lines of Darwin's theory were, in reality, determined by his grandfather, whose naturalist works were designed as a guide for him. Erasmus Darwin developed the basic logic that was to give form to Darwinism and expounded it in books titled The Temple of Nature and Zoonomia. It was a renewal of the ancient pagan belief that nature has creative power. In 1784 a society was founded to assist in the dissemination of these ideas – The Philosophical Society – which, decades later, would become one of the largest and most passionate supporters of Charles Darwin's ideas.52 Darwin's own theory of evolution, however, was first proposed in the Galapagos Islands.

A Dark Religion Comes to Life on the Galapagos Islands

Imagine visiting a vibrant green archipelago in the middle of the ocean. On this bit of land separated from the mainland by thousands of kilometers there is a beautiful, rich variety of plants and animals found no where else in the world. Living things one never encountered before abound here in great variety. If you found yourself in such a place with this magnificent view in front of you, what would you think?

With such wonderful colors, vitality and variety before your eyes, you would, no doubt, feel a deep sense of pleasure and would ask yourself how all these beautiful things came to be. You would conclude that in the middle of the ocean on a tiny piece of land a great creative artistry is displayed and that everything is part of an extraordinary creation.

Galapagos Islands

Right: A representation of the ship "Beagle" on which Darwin made his journey.
Bottom: The Galapagos Islands where Darwin worked out his theory.

However, when Darwin saw this awesome variety in nature, he did not react as most people would; he instead concluded that every living thing came to be as a result of coincidence. He did not consider that every one of these things was created by the eternal power of Allah; Darwin's logic led him in the opposite direction.

Darwin encountered many living things that most westerners had never seen before during his five year journey, especially on the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands are a place where there are countless numbers of living species that a scientist may study. In the course of his journey Darwin (in spite of collecting thousands of living things which he preserved in alcohol) paid most attention to various kinds of finches. After examining the physical differences between their beaks, he began to shape his theory.


Darwin proposed that different kinds of beaks in finches is a proof of natural selection. But today science has shown that this is nothing but a case of variation within a species. It does not constitute a proof for evolution.

What Darwin really did was to make exaggerated speculations about certain observations he had made. It is true that among finches there has been a wide variation in so far as the gene pool has allowed. But this does not mean that the finch evolved from another bird species or that it can develop into another species. Modern evolutionists have admitted that claims made by Darwin based on the variation in the beaks of finches are exaggerated unscientific suppositions.53


Birds' feathers with their highly complex structure are a proof of deliberate creation.

Indeed, no thinking person can accept inferences made about the origins of every living thing merely on the basis of differences in the beaks of finches. How could that lead to conclusions about the emergence of giant whales, elephants with their distinctive features, flies with their amazing abilities, the magnificent symmetry of the wings of a butterfly, the great variety of fish, crustaceans, birds, reptiles, and most importantly, human beings with intelligence and consciousness?


The art evident in a peacock's feathers is another of the millions of proofs of creation.

When a true scientist examines living things, variation is not the only aspect to be taken into account. On the contrary, it is evident that a much more important and basic matter is the extraordinary design found in these beings. When dealing with finches, he would consider their flawless flying mechanisms, wings so wonderfully constructed with perfect technology. He would explore the aerodynamic quality of a single feather, its delicate but pliant structure that enables the bird to fly, and the millions of small hooks holding the feathers together. A scientist with open-minded awareness and no preconceived ideas will see a plain and evident truth: this flawless design, matchless beauty and innumerable variety can only be the work of the Creator.

The reason that Darwin and his followers put this reality out of sight is their psychological attachment to materialist philosophy, a spiritual condition which is clearly perceived in Darwin. His comment on the structure of the eye and the feathers of the peacock is a good example:

I remember well the time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over, but I have got over this stage of complaint and now small trifling particulars of structure often make me very uncomfortable. The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick! 54

This is certainly a demonstration of Darwin's prejudiced point of view with regard to what he encountered in nature. Because of the great variety of living creatures he observed in the Galapagos Islands, he was content to store them away in alcohol and refused to think about the extraordinary qualities he noticed in them. Yet, one need not go to the Galapagos Islands to see the proofs of distinctive creation throughout the universe. By simply gazing into the heavens he can see countless proofs of the existence, power, wisdom and intelligence of Allah.

An eye, the thought of which once made Darwin cold all over, is just an example of these countless proofs. The eye possesses a structure which is far too complex and perfect to have been the result of chance. It is composed of forty different components; one of its important aspects is its "irreducible complexity. " This means that the eye, to be able to function, must contain every one of these forty components at once. The eye would be useless if even one component was missing. Besides that, every one of these forty components has its own complex internal design. For example, the retina at the back of the eye is composed of eleven different layers, and one of these layers is a web of blood vessels. This layer, which is the body's densest web of blood vessels, provides the oxygen needed by the cells of the retina to interpret light. Each of the other layers has its own function. No evolutionist can give a convincing answer to the question of how such a complex organ was formed because the eye is one of the signs of the perfect creation of Allah. In the Qur’an, Allah says:

"He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise." 55


In the illustration on the left are only twentytwo parts of the eye; actually, it is composed of forty parts and is a magnificent example of creation.

Those who blindly devote themselves to following Darwin and proclaim him as the "lord of the species" must certainly consider what we have said so far about his character. They must see that Darwin's theory depends on a fairytale about the “Temple of Nature” that he learned from his grandfather, mistaken inferences derived from an amateur's knowledge of biology, an extreme prejudice for the rejection of Creation based on speculations about these mistaken inferences, and a superficial 19th century culture that believed atheism to be science. This picture, compiled from ancient pagan cultures, is part of the false belief known as the Scala Naturae proposed centuries ago by Aristotle.

The only reason why false religion is stubbornly espoused is that it is seen as an instrument in the propaganda against true religion, that is, belief in Allah. Phillip E. Johnson of Chicago University, who occupies an esteemed position in academic circles despite his criticism of the theory of evolution, explains:

In short, the triumph of Darwinism implied the death of [belief in] God and set the stage for replacing ...religion with a new faith based on evolutionary naturalism. 56

In another book Johnson describes this aspect of Darwinism:

Prejudice is a major problem, however, because the leaders of science see themselves as locked in a desperate battle against religious fundamentalists, a label which they tend to apply broadly to anyone who believes in a Creator who plays an active role in worldly affairs. These fundamentalists are seen as a threat to liberal freedom, and especially as a threat to public support for scientific research. As the creation myth of scientific naturalism, Darwinism plays an indispensable ideological role in the war against fundamentalism. For that reason, the scientific organizations are devoted to protecting Darwinism rather than testing it, and the rules of scientific investigation have been shaped to help them succeed. 57

As Phillip E. Johnson has said, materialist philosophies found support for their own views in the theory of evolution and propagandist activities against religion found strength in Darwinism. Therefore, the promotion of Darwinism is one of the most important aims of anti-religious forces, and the most prominent proponents of Darwinism are adversaries of religion and of those who practice it.

The Origin of Species: The False Book of the False Religion


A. Sedgwick

The Origin of Species is regarded and revered by Darwinians as a "holy" book. However, as previously seen, The Origin of Species is a huge inconsistent knot of observations, doubts and uncertainties resulting from Darwin's negative spiritual condition. The book is not really a scientific work but is based simply on inference; even Charles Darwin himself had serious reservations about its scientific character. In a letter to his friend, L. Blomefield, he wrote:


Darwin's The Origin of Species.

So much has been published since the appearance of The Origin of Species that I very much doubt whether I retain power of mind and strength to reduce the mass into a digested whole...58

Concerning the contents of the book, one of Darwin's closest friends, A. Sedgwick, replied:

I have read your book with more pain than pleasure. Parts of it I admired greatly, parts I laughed at till my sides were almost sore; other parts I read with absolute sorrow because I think them utterly false and grievously mischievous. Many of your wide conclusions are based upon assumptions which can neither be proved nor disproved... You write of "natural selection" as if it were done curiously by the selecting agent. 59
The Long War Against God

In his book The Long War Against God, Henry Morris criticizes the evolutionists' misguided battle with religion.

Despite the fact that the book was based on many errors in logic, irrational suppositions and improvable assertions, today it remains generally unchallenged. Because The Origin of Species provides the basic foundation for materialist and atheist philosophy, it is regarded as a savior by the ideologies, misguided beliefs and false religions throughout the world that are based on a materialist understanding of life. Although most people today have not even read the book, many educational institutions regard it as the basic foundation of modern thought. Jack Barzun describes the importance of The Origin of Species in these words:

Clearly, both believers and unbelievers in Natural Selection agreed that Darwinism had succeeded as an orthodoxy, as a rallying point for innumerable, scientific, philosophical, and social movements. Darwin had been the oracle and The Origin of Species the "fixed point with which evolution moved the world." 60

While Darwin and his book continue to receive adulation, Henry M. Morris, in his book The Long War Against God, shows how far removed The Origin of Species is from science:


Albert Einstein

Isaac Newton

In fact, one can search the whole book in vain for any real scientific evidences of evolution... No proof is given anywhere – no examples are cited of new species known to have been produced by natural selection, no transitional forms are shown, no evolutionary mechanisms are documented. Actually, the whole book is most notable for its complete lack of documentation. It is all speculation, special pleading, ad hoc assumptions. None of the Origin's evidences or arguments have stood up under modern critical analysis, even by other evolutionists. One can only marvel that such a book could have had so profound an influence on the subsequent history of human life and thought. There is bound to be something more here than meets the eye! 61

As Henry Morris had guessed, there are many different reasons behind the influence that The Origin of Species has had on human history. In the whole history of science, no scientific work, whether correct or not, has been adopted with such passion and fanaticism. The ground-breaking discoveries in the scientific world by Newton and Einstein were not followed with this kind of zeal. It is not a scientific conception that is being dealt with here but a religion that is propagated by the power of suggestion. Darwin is the founder of this religion, and he produced the "holy" book of the evolutionists.

The Religion of Darwinism Is a Pagan Religion

A large number of people believe in the religion that Allah revealed. Others believe in false religions that they or their societies created; they worship totems, pray to the sun or expect help from UFOs. Such people are known as pagans. From what has been shown so far, it may be said that the theory of evolution is among the pagan religions in which several gods are worshipped.

The main deity in Darwinism is "coincidence." No matter what Darwinist work one reads, he will find mention of the power of this idol, its capabilities, experience and foresight because Darwinists believe that the universe and everything in it, animate and inanimate, came into being by chance. The god called "coincidence" is the essence and lifeblood of Darwinism. What is interesting is that some Darwinists who carry the title of "scientist" speak of the same object of worship and doctrines of this pagan religion. For example, the French zoologist Pierre P. Grassé, himself an avid evolutionist, draws attention to this fact: "Chance becomes a sort of providence, which, under the cover of atheism, is not named but which is secretly worshipped."62

The same idol is encountered in other pagan religions as well. In Greek, Chinese and Indian religions the emergence of living things is also described with reference to chance occurrences. Ancient Mesopotamian religions worshipped several idols, hoped for help from these piles of stones, and believed they were possessed of great powers. According to these religions, chance brought living things into existence, for example, the overflowing of a river or some other natural occurrence. The emergence of new organisms and living species according to Darwinism was also dependent on natural phenomena like sudden changes in temperature or high levels of radiation. However, Darwinism's "coincidence" is different from the other gods; it is one to whom is attributed consciousness and intent!

It turns out that "coincidence" had a purpose; it left nothing to random processes. This idol was so prescient that, starting from the smallest organisms, it brought every living thing on earth into being and planned for its future needs millions of years in advance. It even knows every event that will happen millions of years in the future and can make provision for each without missing a single detail.

To manage this, the god called "coincidence" uses many methods; one of the most important is mutation. Mutation means alterations or changes in the DNA molecule (located in the nucleus of a living cell and carrying genetic information) effected by means of radiation or chemical activity. Mutation usually causes damage that the cell cannot repair. For example, mongolism, dwarfism, sickle cell anemia, mental and physical impairments as well as cancer are cited as examples of the destructive nature of mutation. Mutation is not something magic that develops beings toward perfection. It is clearly a harmful process that causes death, impairment and illness. This fact is acknowledged by scientists who compare mutation to earthquakes. 63

The effects of mutation are always negative; nevertheless, "coincidence" produces orderly and positive results! And it is believed that this god produces beauty, perfect creatures and magnificent order. For example, it can create the 100 trillion cells in a human body without error or deficiency. Whether creating cells like a factory, producing energy, enzymes and hormones, storing information about what it has produced in the information bank of a nucleus, or distributing raw materials and finished products among different departments with a laboratory and refinery system that analyzes everything coming from outside and a membrane that insures the quality of everything that is released, this god never makes a mistake and its plans never go awry.

Examples of the deity's matchless power are innumerable. For example, coincidence made the life of a living thing dependent on its heart and circulatory system, and in order for the heart to perform its function, created a system of arteries to carry blood to every part of the body; and while it was at it, did not forget a system of veins to carry the blood back to the heart. In the meantime, it added the liver (or gills) to the system to clean carbon dioxide from the blood, and connected the whole system to the heart. It knew that in order to clean the blood of other impurities kidneys were needed and so immediately created them...


Evolutionists claim that their adored idol, coincidence, has the power to create all the wonderful things pictured above. According to their belief, this idol is so proficient that, in order to create the eye in a beautifully esthetic manner, it did not forget first to create the two cavities that the eyes would require. Again, according to this belief, it is so intelligent and knowledgeable that it was able to create fruits and vegetables to meet the needs of living things.

This list could be extended. For the life of any creature to continue, a large number of organs must perform their function perfectly and at the same time. If even one of them fails to work properly, the creature dies within a few minutes or, at most, a few days. But according to the claims of the evolutionists, the god, coincidence, is highly conscious and aware, projecting and bringing into existence millions of complete and flawless beings. It also created human beings as the result of a lengthy process. But not being content just to create human beings, it also conceived of every possible thing that they and their progeny for thousands of generations would need. To provide for the needs of coming generations, it created wheat thousands of years earlier; and for the energy needs of succeeding generations, it created oil. When making the sun a source of energy, it did not neglect to create layers in the atmosphere to protect human beings from its dangerous rays. When designing the human system to breathe, it also created an appropriate atmosphere. It balanced such a system that the life of one living thing is dependent on that of another; the existence of oxygen depending on plants, plants on water, water on the atmospheric heat; all these systems depend on the rotation of the earth which, in turn, depends on the gravitational pull of the heavenly bodies, the distances of the sun and the moon, and thousands of other details. Every creature is nourished by another, and if one becomes extinct, the other is harmed. According to what evolutionists claim, coincidence has such a degree of awareness that is has left out no detail!

Additionally, in the course of time the idol created millions of living species and adorned each with special characteristics. According to evolutionists, this idol is such that it can do anything it desires. If it wants to make an eye, it makes it; if it wants to make an arm, it makes that too. It conceives everything it wants to make and how to make it, obtaining perfect results. Before an eye existed, when there was no such thing as sight, coincidence created two spaces in the skull and inserted two spheres filled with liquid into which light could pass. Later, it set two lenses in the front of this liquid which could easily refract light and project it onto the back wall of the eye. Still later, so the eye could see the surrounding space, it created the optic muscles. But the eye was still unfinished, so it created a retina at the back to perceive light, with nerves connecting it to the brain, tear glands to protect it from drying, and two eyelids and eyelashes to protect it from dust and other foreign material. So Darwinism's god formed all these perfect organisms by means of mutation – a process which, under normal circumstances, produces monstrosities, gives rise to defects and diseases, and has no positive effect on living things.

Michael Denton

Michael Denton and his book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.

According to evolutionist belief, Darwinism's deity also has a special concern for the esthetics of what it creates. Whether animate or inanimate, it takes care that its color, appearance, taste, smell and shape are esthetically appropriate. When making a fruit or vegetable, it does so with consideration for its taste, smell, shape, its vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, calories and sugar content. It is not satisfied to merely make a strawberry but also provides its appealing smell and attractive shape. And of course, it makes a sense of taste and smell in human beings so they may take pleasure from these sensations. The renowned French zoologist, Pierre-Paul Grassé, says this about the concept:

The opportune appearance of mutations permitting animals and plants to meet their needs seems hard to believe. Yet the Darwinian theory is even more demanding: A single plant, a single animal would require thousands and thousands of lucky, appropriate events. Thus, miracles would become the rule: events with an infinitesimal probability could not fail to occur... There is no law against daydreaming, but science must not indulge in it. 64

So the essence of the Darwinist religion is a doctrine which is anti-scientific, anti-intellectual and nonsensical. If human intellect has the capacity to understand that a complex construction cannot form by chance and must be the product of an intelligent plan, then Darwinism is diametrically opposed to human reason. But like the primitive pagans who, contrary to reason, worshipped the idols they made with their own hands, Darwinists, likewise disregarding human reason, adhere to their teachings. The famous molecular biologist, Michael Denton, describes this interesting situation:

To the skeptic the proposition that the genetic programs of higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million bits of information, equivalent to the sequence of letters in a small library of one thousand volumes, containing in encoded form countless thousands of intricate algorithms controlling, specifying, and ordering the growth and development of billions and billions of cells into the form of a complex organism, were composed by a purely random process is simply an affront to reason. But to the Darwinist, the idea is accepted without a ripple of doubt – the paradigm takes precedence! 65

One will conclude that there is a great similarity between the beliefs of Darwinists and those of old pagan cultures. Just as idolaters believed that lifeless idols created, evolutionists and materialists believe that lifeless matter, prompted by random occurrences, created living things, including themselves.

So the religion of Darwinism is founded on an illusion. However, even its founder, Charles Darwin, was aware that complex living things could not have come into being by chance. The perfect order in nature showed him that every existing thing was possessed of a magnificent design. Darwin acknowledged his doubts in these words:

I cannot anyhow be contented to view this wonderful universe, and especially the nature of man... I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from designed laws... All these laws may have been expressly designed by an omniscient Creator, who foresaw every future event and consequence. But the more I think, the more bewildered I become. 66

I am conscious that I am in an utterly hopeless muddle. I cannot think that the world, as we see it, is the result of chance; and yet I cannot look at each separate thing as the result of Design. 67

I could give many most striking and curious illustrations in all [living] classes; so many that I think it cannot be chance. 68

The Impact of the Religion Due to Missionary Activities

Those who disseminate any ideology or religion are generally its adherents. The influence of Darwinism throughout the world came about through those who regard it as a duty to spread their religion through missionary activity, a concept that exists in many religions. Missionaries are people who travel from place to place preaching their religion, gathering supporters and seeking to set up an organization in every locale. The basic goal of missionaries is to teach a way of thinking that complies with their religion, having the purpose of molding others who think as they do and share their values and judgments.

Evolutionist missionaries

From top to bottom: Evolutionist missionaries William Smith, James Hutton, Robert Chambers, and Alfred Russell Wallace.

The greatest aim of Darwinist missionaries is to create a society that shares the same view of life as theirs; indeed, a society in which every institution, particularly the educational system, is founded on their principles. Its goal is to educate a generation that denies the existence of Allah, accepts the materialist view of life, worships the current idols, and blindly adheres to this false religion in spite of its being unintelligible and unreasonable. With this in view it is important that the people chosen have those qualities which form the essence of a missionary. They must be those who will offer material and spiritual support to the religion and who will later be able to influence people and address large groups.


"Darwin's Bulldog" Thomas Huxley and his son, Julian Huxley.

Julian Huxley.

The missionaries of Darwinism may be from any profession or educational background, and it is not required that they have scientific training or a sophisticated level of education. Indeed, Charles Darwin himself was not a true scientist; he was a person with a background in theology who turned away from religion. Of those who played an important role in the dissemination of his theory, Charles Lyell was a lawyer, William Smith a surveyor, James Hutton an agriculturist, John Playfair a mathematician, Robert Chambers a journalist, and Alfred Russell Wallace did a short apprenticeship in surveying. 69

Darwin regarded these men as his soldiers who would do battle in the social arena because he himself did not like to be involved in such activities. The idea of speaking or disputing in public made him physically ill. Richard Milner, a well-known evolutionist of a later period who did much research on the life of Darwin, described these people as "Darwin's band of rebels."

In time the number of missionaries gradually increased, and the spread of Darwin's religion throughout the world became an ideal, in support of which people came forward from every segment of society. Of these the first that comes to mind is Thomas Huxley, known as Darwin's "bulldog," his son Julian Huxley, and Theodosius Dobzhansky; in modern times, Richard Dawkins and Stephen Jay Gould.


Stephen Jay Gould.

Richard Dawkins.

What is most noticeable about these men is that despite the irrationality (which they admit in their confessions), they refuse to give up their allegiance to Darwinism. In every area of their lives, in their writings and their conversations, they always defended the theory of evolution. On many occasions they were openly challenged as to its validity, but obstinate in their blind attachment to it, they would resort to demagoguery and bypass the issue to win the argument. In every confrontation they adopted an aggressive stance against their opponents with ridicule and insults.

Their greatest allies have been those media organizations that tow the evolutionist line. These organizations make it their duty to communicate the message of Darwinism to everyone; in fact, it is the media that make it possible for the dogma of evolution to have such a great influence. And it is evolutionist scientists who support the media with their interpretations and so-called scientific data, exploiting the trust and respect that society has for scientists.

In every country there are similarities in the methods used by Darwinist missionaries. To blur people's vision, they use two different ploys. The first is an open expounding of Darwinism and presentation of its tenets through books and the media. Articles dealing with Darwinist subjects continuously appear in magazines and newspapers, articles in which scientific correctness carries little importance; the important thing is to alienate people from the fact of creation and to accustom them to the idea of evolution.

Darwinism's Deviant Sense of Morality

The second method used is indirect intimation. The suggestion Darwinism gives to people is, "You are not responsible to anyone because you owe your life to chance. In the struggle to survive you may have to crush others; this world is a world of conflict and self-interest. " It is the message given by biological concepts of Darwinism such as "natural selection," "random mutation," "struggle for survival," "survival of the fittest," etc. In many societies today this suggestion has been successful, and most people live their lives accordingly. They live in this world to get a good job, own property, earn money, find entertainment and excel in the struggle for life. People with this mind-set do not ask why they exist or think about the existence of Allah. They feel no responsibility toward Allah, who created them. Most of them have never even heard of the theory of evolution or of Darwin's ideas, but they look at life from a Darwinist viewpoint.

The clandestine suggestion from Darwinism has become a code of morality that holds sway over society in general. Even if the number of missionaries in society is small, they are the ones who influence ideas. This group is powerful and influential in universities, a number of scientific institutions, and every social sector. It gives direction to society, determines the politics of education, and forms the public conscience assisted by the media. And in great measure it is composed of atheist evolutionists.

Although the minds of many are unconcerned with the question of where they came from, most of those who make films, publish newspapers and magazines, dominate the theater, art centers, publishing houses and the music industry, who consider themselves "enlightened," are people who believe in Darwinism as a religion. Hence, when a young person attends a university, he is under the influence of Darwinist teachers; when he goes to a book fair, he finds Darwinist and atheist books; at the theater or in an art gallery the same messages are etched into his brain. Thus, an irreligious understanding takes the educational sector of society under its influence and is handed on from generation to generation.

Those who have fallen under the influence of this moralist understanding believe that Darwinism is scientific fact. They accept it blindly and regard true religion as a traditional belief espoused by uneducated groups of people, as described in the Qur’An:

"And when it is said to them, What has your Lord sent down? they say, Legends of the former peoples." 70

However, true religion, that is, IslAm, has nothing to do with tradition; it is the absolute truth revealed by Allah, who created and guided mankind. Those who have been deceived by Darwinism have dulled consciousness insofar as they are unable to grasp this truth. In order to expose this false religion and lift the curtain of heedlessness that has fallen over society, Darwinism and materialist philosophies must be invalidated by scientific methods.

The Religion of Darwinism Has Taboos Which May Not Be Questioned

Regardless of the fact that the Darwinist religion is merely a product of demagoguery, it has come to occupy an influential position in people's minds. They are not able to question it because it is forbidden to ask questions; this religion demands unconditional faith.

To be a Darwinist it is necessary to believe that living beings were formed from lifeless matter, that reptiles began to fly as a result of a coincidental process, that highly complex organisms such as cells, and eventually eyes and ears, came into existence by random chance, that sea creatures such as whales evolved from mammals like bears who went into the sea in search of food, that dinosaurs who ran after flies developed wings and became birds. It is evident how unreasonable and illogical these presuppositions are. One who reads these words might think that since respected scientists believe these things, they must have proof. But there is not the slightest proof – only guesses, suppositions, probabilities and whims. The decision about these things has already been made; now it is necessary only to believe.

All that is needed to get people to believe in this religion is a single article in a magazine or book or a short documentary film. Even if one wishes, he cannot ask questions nor examine the fossils that are supposed to confirm transitional forms or the fabricated drawings and illustrations that are claimed to be true representations. He cannot himself carry out experiments, such as the Miller experiment which was proven invalid by scientific developments. 71 Those who get involved in this type of enterprise are immediately excluded from scientific circles by the Darwinist missionaries; in fact, they are "excommunicated." If they would just think a bit about these facts, they would realize the truth.


Sahte = False

Evolutionist slogans and suggestions are encountered everywhere. Picture number 1 is a film frame. Numbers 2, 3 and 4 are taken from a video clip. Number 5 is an evolutionist propaganda caricature. Number 6 is a bank advertisement.


film frames

Sahte = False

Evolutionists suggest that human beings and apes evolved from a common ancestor. They try to show that human beings with their advanced spiritual values are on the same level as animals. The pictures and film frames on this page are the products of their efforts.

Anyone with minimal scientific knowledge knows that there would not be enough time for a fish coming onto the land to grow accustomed to the new environment, and that it would soon die. Anyone who has studied the complex structure of a cell will understand that this miraculous organism could not have come to be through coincidence. He will realize that a reptile cannot just develop wings by chance and fly. Perceived with a common sense approach, such facts will be proven by every kind of experiment and observation. But people whose minds have been clouded by Darwinist doctrine do not want to think about such things; they are afraid to think about them.

However, it is only by thinking, investigating and observing that a person will be able to see the truth, save himself from prejudice and overcome taboos. In order to understand that Allah created the universe, people must think deeply about the creation of the earth and the heavens. When one frees himself from prejudice, the only conclusion he can come to is that there is a supreme Creator. In the Qur’An, AllAh shows the importance of using one's mind:

"Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what AllAh has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and earth are signs for a people who use reason." 72

"...Those who remember AllAh while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], 'Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.'" 73

Darwinist leaders are aware that freedom of thought will mean the end of their theory of evolution, and for this reason they have discouraged thought. The method they use is to suggest to people that the so-called scientific aspects of this religion are highly complex and very difficult to understand. They use incomprehensible terminology, Latin words and scientific comparisons and insist that such things can never be understood by ordinary people. People are thus persuaded and decide from the beginning that they cannot understand and that the fundamentals of Darwinism can be comprehended only by great men of science. In order to avoid embarrassment, the most logical thing, as they see it, is to accept what they say. So between the leaders of the religion and the followers a hierarchy has been established, and everyone knows his place.

But despite all the precautions, prohibitions and obstacles, Darwinists cannot prevent their adherents from experiencing doubt because their surroundings provide thousands of proofs for creation. In order to doubt the Darwinist theories it is enough to contemplate the perfect order of the world, the interesting characteristics of every living thing, the dazzling precision in the whole of creation from an atom to the galaxies, the complex structure of every living organism, the beauties of nature, the smell of a rose, or the taste of a fruit.

After scientific developments proved the invalidity of the theory of evolution, many scientists have had to acknowledge this in various ways. Darwinists have done everything they could, but they were unable to cover the facts with mud. As much as they try to suppress them, discussions, books and research papers which show the invalidity of Darwinism are always appearing, and it is impossible to prevent their circulation. Therefore, Darwinist missionaries revert to one of their most significant emergency measures – forgery.

Evolutionists Regard It Permissible to Commit Forgery

To support their theory and its basic claims, evolutionists have often committed forgery. This is the only plausible way to remove doubts because they realize that beyond a certain point, their empty words and demagoguery have no value. People are waiting for documented proof from the supporters of the theory of evolution, but the only proof the Darwinists can give is this false evidence. There is no other resort for those who propagate an imaginary process than to hide new discoveries, destroy evidence, or bend it to support the theory of evolution.

One of their methods is the use of fantastic drawings to support the proposal of a so-called ape-man. In the past they sketched fanciful illustrations, and now, with the help of a computer, produce new ape-man designs. But their only source of inspiration is imagination because they have no scientific proof. Therefore, they invent "evidence" to support their theory.

"And those who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and have taken My verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule." 74

Indeed, Darwinists have committed substantial forgeries that went down in history as scandals. For example, the Piltdown Man skull, which was discovered in 1912 and deceived the world until 1953, turned out to be a fake fossil fashioned by an evolutionist from a human skull to which he fit the jaw of an orangutan. The teeth of the skull were later added and arranged so as to give the impression that they were human; once in place, they were filed smooth at the place where they joined the jawbone. Then all the parts were stained with potassium dichromate to give the impression of age. Evolutionists displayed this fossil for forty years in the British Museum, the world's most famous. For forty years the scientific world was utterly deceived.75

Piltdown Man

The skull of the Piltdown Man is one of the greatest evolutionist falsifications.

Another interesting forgery bears the name of the German biologist, Ernst Haeckel, a friend and contemporary of Darwin. To support his theory "Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny," he made illusory drawings which showed a human embryo and that of a fish as if they were alike. He made additions to some pictures of embryos and removed parts from others. After this became known, he defended himself only by saying it showed that others had made similar falsifications:

After this compromising confession of "forgery" I should be obliged to consider myself condemned and annihilated if I had not the consolation of seeing side by side with me in the prisoners' dock hundreds of fellow culprits, among them many of the most trusted observers and most esteemed biologists. The great majority of all the diagrams in the best biological textbooks, treatises and journals would incur in the same degree the charge of "forgery," for all of them are inexact, and are more or less doctored, schematized and constructed.76

Only a few of these forgeries have been reported in the press, but an examination of evolutionist history reveals many more examples: whimsical drawings, false reconstructions, fossil alterations... The purpose of these forgeries was to revitalize the theory by giving it as much support as possible – support which it could not find from scientific evidence. Such falsifications are important proofs that evolution is a dogmatic religion and that its followers are fanatics who will stop at nothing to defend it.



39. For more details on the collapse of Darwinism in the face of science, refer to Harun Yahya’s The Evolution Deceit: The Scientific Collapse of Darwinism and Its Ideological Background, 8th updated edition, Taha Publishers, London, 2003 and Darwinism Refuted: How the Theory of Evolution Breaks Down in the Light of Modern Science, Goodword Books, New Delhi, 2003.

40. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, p. 501.

41. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. I, p. 395.

42. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, p. 25.

43. The Origin of Species, 6th edition, p. 204.

44. Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation, p. 2.

45. H.S. Lipson, "A Physicist's View of Darwin's Theory," Evolution Trends in Plants, vol. 2, no. 1, 1988, p. 6.

46. The Evidence for Creation: Examining the Origin of Planet Earth, p. 94.

47. The Long War Against God, p. 178.

48. Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus, Encyclical on Freemasonry, promulgated on April 20, 1884. www. newadvent.org/docs/le13hg.htm

49. Freemasonry Today, Autumn, 1999, Issue 9, p. 5.

50. The Long War Against God, p. 198. The "Illuminati" organization established in Bavaria, Germany, in 1776 was a kind of Masonic lodge. The founder of the lodge, Adam Weishaupt (who was of Jewish descent), listed the goals of the organization in this way: 1) The abolishment of all monarchies and methodical governments, 2) The abolishment of personal properties and inheritance, 3) The abolishment of the family and marriage, and the establishment of a communal educational system for children, and 4) The abolishment of all theistic religions. (See Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers, p. 5; Lewis Spence, The Encyclopedia of the Occult, p. 223.)

51. The Long War Against God, p. 198.

52. 10,000 Famous Freemasons, vol. 1, p. 285.

53. It is also now accepted by evolutionist biologists that variations called "microevolution" do not cause "macroevolution"; that is, they do not supply any explanation for the origin of species. The renowned evolutionist paleontologist, Rower Lewin, describes the conclusion reached in a four-day symposium held at Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History in 1980 in these words: "The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. ...The answer can be given as a clear 'No.'"

54. R. Lewin, "Evolutionary Theory Under Fire," Science, vol. 210, 21 November, 1980, p. 883.

55. Sürah al-Hashr, 59: 24.

56. Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, p. 99.

57. Darwin on Trial, p. 155.

58. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, p. 388.

59. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, pp. 42-43.

60. Darwin, Marx, Wagner, p. 69.

61. The Long War Against God, p. 156.

62. Evolution of Living Organisms, p. 107.

63. Origins?, p. 7.

64. Evolution of Living Organisms, p. 103.

65. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, p. 351.

66. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, p. 105.

67. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. II, p. 146.

68. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, vol. I, p. 455.

69. The Long War Against God, p. 191.

70. Sürah an-Naúl, 16: 24.

71. For more details refer to Darwinism Refuted: How the Theory of Evolution Breaks Down in the Light of Modern Science, Goodword Books, New Delhi, 2003.

72. Sürah al-Baqarah, 2: 164.

73. Sürah ‘li Imran, 3: 191.

74. Sürah al-Kahf, 18: 56.

75. For more details, see The Evolution Deceit by Harun Yahya.

76. The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong, p. 204.