The Story of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the Mystery of Destiny

On Mount Sinai, Allah gave the Prophet Moses (pbuh) the good tidings that He would grant him his brother, the ProphetAaron (pbuh) as a companion. Then, Allah reminded the Prophet Moses (pbuh) the blessings He previously granted to him:

We were gracious to you another time when We revealed to your mother: "Place him into the chest and throw it into the sea and the sea will wash it up on the shore, where an enemy of Mine and his will pick it up." I showered you with love from Me so that you would be brought up under My supervision. When your sister went and said, "Shall I direct you to someone who will take care of him?" that was how We returned you to your mother so that she might delight her eyes and not be grieved. You killed a man and We rescued you from trouble and tested you with many trials. You stayed some years among the people of Midian. Then you arrived at the pre-ordained time, Moses! I have chosen you for Myself. (Surah Ta-Ha: 37-41)

These verses reveal the mystery of destiny, of which many a people are unaware or hardly understand. From his babyhood to the time he was chosen as a messenger, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) spent every moment of his life in line with what was predestined for him in the eternal past. Every detail within this destiny is Allah's will. For instance, as stated earlier, thousands of minute details ordained by Allah in the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) destiny rendered possible the arrival of the chest to the family of Pharaoh.

It is also possible to see the extent to which the latter stages of the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) life were within the confines of his destiny. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) became involved in a fight, left the city and headed to Midian, where he encountered two women. These women could not water their flocks because they avoided shepherds. Upon this situation, they asked for help from the Prophet Moses (pbuh). The Prophet Moses (pbuh) earned the trust of these women, and in return for his kindness, started a new life in Midian upon the proposal of their father. When the appointed time came, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) left Midian with his family. On his way back, he saw a fire where he was addressed by Allah and chosen to be Allah's Messenger.

The chest carrying the baby the Prophet Moses (pbuh) floating randomly down the Nile, his being picked up by Pharaoh's family, his being raised in the palace, the unintentional murder he committed, his departure from Egypt, his encounter with the two women, the many years spent with them, the way he started a family, the journey back to Egypt, Allah's address to him, and countless other details he experienced during this time all happened according to the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) destiny, already ordained before his birth. Not a single one of these events could have been omitted or have occurred differently. Because, our lives are similar to a film recorded in a video-cassette; it is impossible to remove even a single scene in one's destiny, just as how it cannot be done with a scene on a filmstrip. The destiny of a man, with each and every moment in it, is an intact whole.

Also in the verses, Allah mentions of the fact that the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) journey to the holy valley of Tuwa was in conformity with his destiny:

…Then you arrived at the pre-ordained time, Moses! (Surah Ta-Ha: 40)

This matter needs to be given special attention. The destiny referred here is not peculiar to the Prophet Moses (pbuh) only. Giving birth to the Prophet Moses (pbuh) was part of the destiny of the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) mother.

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That she would give birth to the Prophet Moses (pbuh) at a certain day, and even at a certain hour, was also part of her destiny. But the mother of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) had parents as well. It was also their destiny to be the parents of the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) mother. This line of thought also holds true for the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) father and for the rest of his family.

The carpenter who made the chest which carried the Prophet Moses (pbuh) down the river also constructed it because he was predestined so in his destiny. His building of that chest was predestined for him even before he was born. The parents of this carpenter also led their lives in compliance with a certain destiny.

Let us consider the fight the Prophet Moses (pbuh) was involved in. This fight took place on just the moment the Prophet Moses (pbuh) happened to be there. From a simplistic point of view, one could say, "If it was to happen at a different time the Prophet Moses (pbuh) would not have been there and events could have taken a much different course." However this would be an incorrect evaluation. The fight took place just at the moment it was supposed to occur and evolved in the way it had to evolve. The reason being, this fight was also predestined by Allah. The same rule of destiny also holds true for the other parties involved in the fight, the reasons which led to the fight, as well as the man who advised the Prophet Moses (pbuh) to leave the city, advising him that people were conspiring against him. Ultimately, the shepherds near the Midian river, as well as the two women the Prophet Moses (pbuh) encountered, had all constituted indispensable parts of this destiny.

To fully grasp the fact that everything takes place within the decree predetermined by Allah is an important matter. The Prophet Muhammad (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), in whom there is an excellent example for all believers, said:

If any adversity comes to you, do not say: "If I had only acted in such-and-such a way, it would have been such-and-such;" but instead, say: "Allah has decreed (it) and what He willed, He has done," for verily, (the word) (if) opens the way for the work of satan." (Muslim)

When all these points are considered together, it becomes clear that, not only the Prophet Moses (pbuh), but also everything about his life, formed part of his destiny. A deeper and more detailed consideration would allow us to understand that we are all parts of the same destiny. In our own lives, we are also exposed to events predetermined in the eternal past by the all-mighty Allah. We were all bound by a destiny ordained for us. The moment of our death will also be a part of the same destiny. Destiny is, in reality, a Divine knowledge encompassing the whole of existence. Just as how all the details of the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) life, including his becoming a messenger, were predestined for him, all the details pertaining to the lives of all mankind, as well as your own lives, are all predestined. Furthermore, that you would read this book and become knowledgeable about the life of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) were all predestined at Allah's Sight for you long before the Prophet Moses (pbuh) was born. Destiny is an entirety in itself and covers everything. Immune to the will of any being other than of Allah, destiny is only determined by Him. (For more information please refer to Timelessness and the Reality of Fate and Eternity Has Already Begun by Harun Yahya).

  • Sovereignty of Pharaoh in Egypt and the Condition of the Children of Israel
  • Entrance Into the Country of Midian and His Settlement There
  • Arrival at the Valley of Tuwa and the First Revelation
  • Allah's Discourse with the Prophet Moses (pbuh)
  • The Prophet Moses (pbuh) Requests the Prophet Aaron (pbuh) as a Companion
  • The Story of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the Mystery of Destiny
  • Conveying the Message to Pharaoh and the Proper Manner To Communicate It
  • The Corrupted Reasoning of Pharaoh
  • Titles of Egyptian Rulers in the Qur'an
  • The Prophet Moses (pbuh) Demolished the Idol of His Time
  • Depravity in Some of the People Among the Children of Israel
  • The Period of Disasters and the Folly of Pharaoh
  • Exodus from Egypt and the Drowning of Pharaoh in the Sea
  • Perverse Conduct of Some of the People Among the Children of Israel
  • The Prophet Moses (pbuh) and a Learned Man
  • Conclusion