The Prophet Moses (pbuh) Requests the Prophet Aaron (pbuh) as a Companion

The Prophet Moses' (pbuh) answers to the revelations from Allah are replete with numerous examples of his sincerity. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) told Allah frankly that he was hesitant and asked for His guidance. For instance, he expressed his concern that he might be killed by an Egyptian seeking vengeance, for having killed another Egyptian. He also stated that he was concerned of his inability to express himself fluently, fearing not being able to address Pharaoh properly. That is why he asked for the Prophet Aaron (pbuh), his brother, who was better at speaking, to accompany him. The related verses read:

He said, "My Lord, I killed one of them and I am afraid they will kill me; and my brother Aaron is more eloquent than me so send him with me to support me and back me up. I am afraid they will call me a liar." (Surat al-Qasas: 33-34)

"My brother Aaron. Strengthen my back by him and let him share in my task, so that we can glorify You much and remember You much."(Surah Ta-Ha: 30-34)

Therefore, we should understand that the other wisdom why the Prophet Moses (pbuh) asked for the Prophet Aaron (pbuh) as companion was to help him better remember Allah. He thought the company of another person would make him glorify Him more. Indeed, the company of other believers and their mutual spiritual encouragement are essential in warding off heedlessness, for which reason, in many verses of the Qur'an, Allah admonishes the believers to remain together. This is another lesson believers must draw from the story of the Prophet Moses (pbuh).

The Prophet Moses' (pbuh) requests were granted by Allah. Allah declared that the Prophet Aaron (pbuh) had been allowed to accompany the Prophet Moses (pbuh) in order to support him in his mission to Pharaoh as well as to give him strength:

He (Allah) said, "We will reinforce you with your brother and by Our Signs will give you both authority, so that they will not be able to lay a hand on you. You and those who follow you will be the victors." (Surat al-Qasas: 35)

In another verse Allah conveys the same event as follows:

He said, "O Lord, expand my breast for me and make my task easy for me. Loosen the knot in my tongue so that they will understand my words. Assign me a helper from my family." (Surah Ta-Ha: 25-29)

(Moses said,) "For You are watching us." He (Allah) said, "Your request has been granted, Moses." (Surah Ta-Ha: 35-36)

When we consider the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) requests, we see that he disclosed all his requests candidly to Allah, and that he prayed and pleaded for Allah's guidance. The sincerity of his prayer is an example for all people. A human should pray humbly to Allah with sincerity, aware that he is weak and destitute before the Presence of Allah, Who holds everything under His total control. Allah knows everything and witnesses every deed a human engages in. Further, He knows inner thoughts of man. This being the case, there is no need to conceal anything from Allah.

To conclude, every one needs to turn to Allah, with the sincerity and candour that he would otherwise not show to other human beings.

Those who perform bad actions will be flung head first into the Fire: 'Are you being repaid for anything other than what you did?' (Surat an-Naml: 90)

  • Sovereignty of Pharaoh in Egypt and the Condition of the Children of Israel
  • Entrance Into the Country of Midian and His Settlement There
  • Arrival at the Valley of Tuwa and the First Revelation
  • Allah's Discourse with the Prophet Moses (pbuh)
  • The Prophet Moses (pbuh) Requests the Prophet Aaron (pbuh) as a Companion
  • The Story of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the Mystery of Destiny
  • Conveying the Message to Pharaoh and the Proper Manner To Communicate It
  • The Corrupted Reasoning of Pharaoh
  • Titles of Egyptian Rulers in the Qur'an
  • The Prophet Moses (pbuh) Demolished the Idol of His Time
  • Depravity in Some of the People Among the Children of Israel
  • The Period of Disasters and the Folly of Pharaoh
  • Exodus from Egypt and the Drowning of Pharaoh in the Sea
  • Perverse Conduct of Some of the People Among the Children of Israel
  • The Prophet Moses (pbuh) and a Learned Man
  • Conclusion