In the End Times, Religious Moral Values will Govern the World


Allah has promised in Qur'an that He will cause the moral values of Islam, the religion of Abraham (pbuh), the true faith, to reign supreme on earth and to give responsibility and leadership to His believing servants. This promise, which by Allah's permission will come true, is revealed in the Qur'an:

Allah has promised those of you who believe and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their religion with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security… (Surat an-Nur, 55)

They desire to extinguish Allah's light with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers hate it. It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth to exalt it over every other religion, though the associaters hate it. (Surat as-Saff, 8-9)

They desire to extinguish Allah's light with their mouths. But Allah refuses to do other than perfect His light, even though the unbelievers detest it. It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth to exalt it over every other religion, even though the associaters detest it. (Surat at-Tawba, 32-33)

As revealed in the Qur'an, the rule of Islamic moral values is a promise of Allah's, one which our Lord will indubitably keep. The moral values to reign over the world will be those of the true faith in the eyes of our Lord. That faith is the pure faith of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), and the fact that these moral values are those of Islam is revealed in these terms in the Qur'an:

The religion with Allah is Islam... (Surah Al 'Imran, 19)

In the Qur'an, it is also revealed that communities of the faithful will most certainly have a leader at their head. In the End Times, the period through which we are living, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will lead the faithful, as is revealed in mutawatir (authentic) hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).

Several hadiths reveal that the name of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be compatible with that of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Some of these hadiths read as follows:

O People, certain it is that Almighty Allah has forbidden you the oppressors, the hypocrites, and those who follow them, and has made Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), the most auspicious of the community of Muhammad, he who is in Mecca, whose name is Ahmad, son of Abdullah, your leader. Join him. (Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar Fi alamat Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar, p. 31.)

A voice will be heard from the sky: "O People, Allah has now removed the despots, the hypocrites and their helpers from you. He has placed the most auspicious of the Community of Muhammad at your head. Join him in Mecca. He is Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). His name is Ahmad bin Abdullah. Another account states: "He has appointed Jabir, the most auspicious of the Community of Muhammad, over you. Join him in Mecca, for he is Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). His name is Muhammad bin Abdullah!" (Alamat al-Qiyama, Madina Allama Muhammad bin Rasul al-Hussain al-Barzanji, Pamuk Publishing, 8th edition, p. 165.)

The names "Muhammad," which is that of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), and "Ahmad"– which indicate Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the hadith – stem from the same verb in Arabic; Ahmad means "worthy of the highest praise" or "the most lauded," while "Muhammad" means "praised over and over again." In terms of meaning therefore, and as revealed in the hadith, the two names are compatible with one another.

One indicative verse on this subject reads:

... I am the Messenger of Allah... giving you the good news of a Messenger after me whose name is Ahmad... (Surat as-Saff, 6)

In Judaic sources, this individual who will establish dominion is referred to as the Messiah (or "anointed king"). The important thing, however, is not the name given to this person, who may be called by various names. What is certain is Allah's promise of the rule of the moral values of Islam. There will be a community of true believers and at their head, a holy individual who will be a means whereby this comes about.

The Messiah Awaited by the Jews and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) Awaited by Muslims are One and the Same Holy Personage

The term "Messiah," also known as the "awaited savior" in the revealed faiths, is manifested as Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in Islamic belief. The system of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in Islam appears as the period of "Messiah" in Judaic scriptures. The Messiah whose coming the Jews anticipate for the salvation of mankind in the End Times is the same Hazrat Mahdi (as) awaited by Muslims.

However, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), whose second coming as the Messiah is awaited by Christians, is not Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Muslims also believe that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth during the End Times; however, when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) does return, he will do so as a follower of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)–with whom, by Allah's leave, he will help Islamic moral values to prevail across the world.

According to reliable reports handed on from our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), "The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will perform the prayer behind Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)." (Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar Fi alamat Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar, p. 24.)

This report appears as follows in other hadiths:

The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will appear from the sky and accept his sovereignty. People will say to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) "Lead the prayer," but he will respond, "The ameer is among you." He will say, "This is a gift of Allah to the community of Muhammad." (Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar Fi alamat Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar, p. 24.)

When Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is performing the morning prayer with the faithful at the Bayt al-Maqdis, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will appear, and the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will place his hands on his shoulder and say, "The call to the prayer has been issued for you, so you must lead it," and finally Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will lead the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the faithful in prayer. (Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar Fi alamat Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazar, p. 25.)

It is also revealed in authentic hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will appear at the same time and struggle together to spread Islamic moral values over the world. These facts, which appear in several authentic hadiths, show that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will meet in the End Times, and will carry on their intellectual struggle together.

As mentioned above, the Messiah (Mashiach) awaited by the Jews, on the other hand, is in fact Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). In Judaic texts, the term "Messiah" in a general way can also be used to refer to kings, high priests and even a foreign king, so that the meaning is those "anointed to serve and close to God." However, the specific Messiah awaited by the Jews is an envoy, a religious leader who will be sent by Allah in the End Times, bring the world under his dominion and, by the will of Allah, turn people towards His path. And this description fits Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in Islam.

In addition, an examination of the Torah and other Judaic scriptures shows that the individual described as the Messiah possesses the characteristics of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), and that their activities and changes these two will bring about in the world are exactly the same. For that reason, the Messiah awaited by the Jews is actually Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh).

In the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) resemblance to the People of Israel, the descendants of the Prophets, is highly significant. Some of the hadiths on this subject read as follows:

Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) stature and posture resemble those of the People of Israel. (Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar Fi alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, pp. 36-29.)

His [Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh)] body is an Israelite one. (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, p. 24.)

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is like one of the People of Israel. (His demeanor resembles theirs, it is majestic and wise.) (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-zaman, pp. 23-30.)

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) has an Israelite body. He resembles one of the greatest of the People of Israel. (Ibn Hajar al-Makki)

His [Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh)] body is like that one of an Israelite. (Mar'i ibn Yusuf al-Maqdisi, Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar)

He [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will resemble one of the Israelites [in his external appearance]. (Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu's-saqib fi Bayan Anna'l Mahdi min Awladi Ali b. Abu Talib Ale't-Tamam ve'l Qamal)

It is as if he [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] is a man from the people of Israel. (Nuaym ibn Hammad, vr. 52a; Mar'i ibn Yusuf al-Maqdisi, Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar)

Allah reveals in the Qur'an that He has chosen and sanctified the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and his line (Surat al-Baqara, 130, Surah Al 'Imran, 33). The same information also appears in the Torah (Genesis, 22:17, 12:2).

  • Introduction
  • Book -1-Prophet Abraham (pbuh) - Characteristics of Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) tribe
  • Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) religion
  • Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) religion -2-
  • Prophet Abraham's (pbuh) pleasing moral values
  • Book -2-Prophet Lot's (pbuh)-Prophet Lot's (pbuh) life
  • Conclusion
  • The deception of evolution
  • Foreword: A statement regarding the Torah and the Gospel
  • Introduction: The end times we are living in and the glad tidings of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)
  • The coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is announced in all the holy scriptures
  • Following the true faith of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
  • In the end Times, religious moral values will govern the world
  • The dominion promised to the heirs of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) in Judaic sources, and Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) descent from the line of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
  • The people promised dominion in the Torah is the community of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)
  • Signs of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the Torah and other Judaic scriptures
  • Sings of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the Gospels
  • Signs of Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) coming in the Qur'an and other Islamic sources
  • Conclusion: Allah never breaks his promises
  • Appendix I: Gog and magog described in the Qur'an, very likely refer to the first and second world wars
  • Appendix II: Not a drop of blood will be shed in the time of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)