The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

202 pages.

Each prophet possesses virtues that are praised in the Qur'an. Therefore, believers must carefully study every detail of these Qur'anic accounts so that they can take their lives, moral virtues, and deep devotion to Allah as models for themselves. Each prophet was sent to his own tribe, experienced different situations, and used various methods to explain Allah's existence. For that reason, the natures of the prophets' tribes, and their reactions to the prophets, as well as the difficulties experienced by those who became believers and the prophets themselves, provide us with important information about how we can please Allah.

This book introduces the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), who is praised in the Qur'an in these terms: "You have an excellent example in Abraham and those with him" (Surat al-Mumtahana: 4) so that he can serve as role model for our own lives. Since every piece of information about the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) contains considerable wisdom, we shall examine his life closely in this book so that we can follow his example.

The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

Book Contents

Titles and Chapters from the Book