Human Beings Are Intelligent and Wilful Beings
into Whom God Breathed His Spirit

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Wild peacock feather

The theory of evolution's claims are too obviously illogical to need discussion. They are as nonsensical as the assertion that skyscrapers in the middle of a city came about by chance, arising from the stones and other debris left by a rainstorm.

To state the matter briefly, evolutionists believe that if given enough time, lifeless matter comes to life and forms cells.

As a result of rivalry among cells and the mutations that happen within them, they bring into being a Stephen Hawking, an Albert Einstein, a Frank Sinatra and a Marie Curie, not to mention elephants, butterflies, fish, hyacinths, lemons and acacia trees.

Because their claims are based on no scientific evidence, one of the most difficult things their proponents must explain is the unique character of the human spirit.

They cannot explain in the least how it happens that lifeless matter can, by chance, bring about a thinking human being able to enjoy himself and laugh; one able to experience sorrow and excitement; one who can produce works of art, create fashions, compose music and poetry, feel pleasure at hearing a favorite song played, enjoy the smell of pizza and the taste of yogurt; someone who has longings, who can be a good friend, make discoveries, administer a government and travel into space.


"He Who has created all things in the best possible way. He commenced the creation of man from clay; then produced his seed from an extract of base fluid; then formed him and breathed His Ruh into him. . . ." (Qur'an 32: 7-9)


"He created the heavens and the earth with truth and formed you, giving you the best of forms. And He is your final destination." (Qur'an 64: 3)


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Evolutionists claim that all existing things are the result of chance events. According to this false belief, over the course of time living things "happened" to appear from muddy water called the "primal soup" and developed into human beings. With the help of time, they say, chance produced the human body's beauty and symmetry and went on to create human feelings and intelligence. However much it hides behind scientific terminology, this warped logic lies at the root of evolutionists' claims.

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"We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him hearing and seeing." (Qur'an 76: 2)

A human being is aware, possesses a will, and can think, speak, consider, make decisions and form judgments. All these qualities are the result of the fact that God has given him a spirit. But according to the assertions of evolutionists, all the politicians who have come and gone and made successful or unsuccessful decisions for their nations, came into being as the result of mechanisms directed by chance. Darwin himself recognized the impossibility of such claims. As he wrote in his book:

We have seen in the last two chapters that man bears in his bodily structure clear traces of his descent from some lower form; but it may be urged that, as man differs so greatly in his mental power from all other animals, there must be some error in this conclusion.25

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Darwinists attribute to chance events something like supreme intelligence and accept the idea that total of millions of chance events, coming one after another, have "creative power." According to Darwinists, chance events have a far greater intelligence than all people on Earth.

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No matter how many people have lived and died over the eons, Darwinists claim that every one of their brains, intelligence, cognitive faculties, judgment, memory, physical characteristics and thousands of other qualities have been formed by chance. According to Darwinists, a cell that the world's most intelligence scientists could not produce with the highest technology could arise by the chance interaction of unconscious atoms.

Moreover, such chance events have been able to produce geniuses like Einstein, Pasteur, Galileo and Newton. Certainly, these claims are beyond all sense. The creator of all existing things is Almighty God, with His eternal power.


"... each other. The noblest among you in God's sight is the one of you who best performs his duty. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware." (Qur'an 49: 13)

Darwinists attribute to chance events something like supreme intelligence and accept the idea that total of millions of chance events, coming one after another, have "creative power." According to Darwinists, chance events have a far greater intelligence than all people on Earth.

No matter how many people have lived and died over the eons, Darwinists claim that every one of their brains, intelligence, cognitive faculties, judgment, memory, physical characteristics and thousands of other qualities have been formed by chance.

According to Darwinists, a cell that the world's most intelligence scientists could not produce with the highest technology could arise by the chance interaction of unconscious atoms. Moreover, such chance events have been able to produce geniuses like Einstein, Pasteur, Galileo and Newton. Certainly, these claims are beyond all sense. The creator of all existing things is Almighty God, with His eternal power.


"Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between them,the Almighty, the Endlessly Forgiving." (Qur'an 38: 66)

The evolutionists claim that a combination of time and chance turned muddy water into skilful, successful, intelligent beings with beauty and perfect senses of sight and hearing. Do you think that the men and women you see on these pages, known for their talent and success, could be the result of chance, time and muddy water? Consider for a moment:

◉ Could living things claimed to be the product of chance take pleasure from beauty and art?

◉ Could beings who write screenplays, compose music, direct and act in films be the work of chance?

◉ Could such beings win an Oscar?

◉ Could beings created by chance have the imagination to write novels hundreds of pages in length?

No is surely the only answer to all these questions. No matter how much time chance is given, it cannot turn muddy water into a human being and later provide him or her with these creative qualities. Simply the negative answers to these questions are enough to invalidate the theory of evolution. Clearly, all the beings who could succeed in these endeavors are works of God's supreme knowledge and creative power.

Because God created them with these talents, inspired in them artistry and acting ability, and gave them a good voice, they are successful artists.

About seven billion people live in the world. The majority of these people have perfect vision systems and perfect hearing systems. The human visual system is so developed that no camera produced with the latest technology can attain the quality of image that the human eye can afford. The human ear is more advanced than the most modern sound system. But Darwinists believe that these visual and sound systems, which the most advanced technology cannot even approach, are the products of blind chance.

According to this strange claim, mud and time combined by chance to bring about a technology that human intelligence and experience cannot achieve. And the most intelligent and meticulous chance made it possible for every one of today's seven billion people to have one of each of these systems.

This claim shows clearly that evolutionists believe that the threesome of chance, time and mud actually has the character of a triune god.

Lifeless, unconscious atoms linking together by chance cannot think; they are ignorant of physical laws and cannot make mathematical calculations. They cannot become engineers who construct huge skyscrapers or dams that restrain tons of water; they cannot use a computer, play the piano or compose pleasant music.

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25. Charles Darwin, Descent of Man, chapter 3, Internet edition