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The Nightmare of Disbelief
178 pages.


Evil, injustice, sorrow, pessimism, stress, loneliness, fear, unease, insecurity, lack of conscience, concern, anger, jealousy, hatred, drug dependence, immorality, gambling, prostitution, hunger, poverty, theft, corruption, fighting, murder, war, conflict, oppression...

These are all problems you see just about everyday in the newspapers and on television and may even encounter personally in your daily life. Socialills of this kind that individuals and societies are exposed to have been around for hundreds of years.

So have people to date striven against these evils or made efforts to be free of them? Of course, people have been subjected to these social maladies throughout history and have struggled against them, but since they have always looked for solutions in the wrong places, they have never achieved success.

There is no doubt that the only solution to these social ills is for people to live by “true religious values.” Solong as they do not live by true religious values, people will be condemned to suffer these problems, because this is the “nightmare of disbelief.”

This book describes how “the nightmare of disbelief,” in other words evils, despair and socialin security, can be prevented solong as people live by the model of “moral values” revealed in the true faith sent down by Allah to man, how social problems can be erased, what spiritual benefits this will bring and how living by religious moral values is the only way of being freed from these scourges.

The Nightmare of Disbelief
The Nightmare of Disbelief
Book Contents
Titles and Chapters from the Book