The Effects of the Muslim Way of Speaking

The Muslim way of speaking is a significant characteristic of faith, and is the most influential way of speaking on the face of this earth. The power of its influence springs from the faith and sincerity of the believers. Muslims reflect to one another the way they live with their words; they reveal what they really believe and feel in their speech. Generally, those who speak in the way of the Muslims impress those they meet. Because, for much of their lives, they have been exposed only to conversations which do not reflect the morality of the Qur'an, the sincerity of Muslims offers a stark contrast and therefore profoundly affects them. Though some they had formerly met with and spoken to may have explained to them the need for moral perfection and sincere religious devotion, perhaps these people's failure to practice what they preached prevented what they said from having a sincere effect on the listener. Because these cases are so widespread, when meeting those who are sincere, that is, who practice what they preach, they listen to what they have to say—Allah willing—with great interest and sincerity, that which they had previously heard, but had often dismissed , and put what they hear into practice. This is one of the most important effects that the Muslim way of speaking can have; being able to reform the hearts of people, through Allah's will, and make them love the faith.

One who speaks in the way of the Muslims is able to explain the morality of the Qur'an to others in the best and most effective way. For example, when they are explaining the meaning of awareness of Allah, this awareness of Allah is also reflected in their speech, and with Allah's permission, thus allows those they are speaking with to understand this subject more easily. If the speaker tries to explain the same subject without this awareness in his or her heart, repeating the same sentences, in the same way, with the same arguments, even if he were to do so over and over, because he was not able to convince them of his sincerity, the listeners will likely be unmoved by what they were told. However, one who speaks in the way of the Muslims will explain sincerity by being sincere, submission by feeling submission, optimism with optimism, and compassion with compassion, etc, Allah willing, will exercise an effect on the conscience of the listener.

Another important effect that the Muslim way of speaking has is that it puts people's hearts at peace, contentment and ease, because, as Allah tells us, "… Only in the remembrance of Allah can the heart find peace" (Surat ar-Ra'd: 28). Every word spoken mindful of Allah and in conformity with His will, brings peace and joy to people's hearts. Those who speak in this way may not directly refer to Allah by name, or be speaking on a religious subject, but just their manner of speech, which reflects their faith and the morality of the Qur'an, effectively reminds people of Allah. Muslims affect people around them; because of their way of speaking, others begin to think about the temporary nature of this worldly life, the nearness of death, the truth of the afterlife, and the importance of earning Allah's approval. Thus, one of the effects on those who benefit from witnessing the Muslim way of speaking is that it leads them towards examining their consciences and thinking sincerely.

Those around one who speak in the way of the Muslims may come to abandon their own errant ways of speaking, which had not been mindful of Allah, though these had become a habit and they seeing nothing dubious about them. The obvious contrast between the two styles of speaking makes them feel embarrassed of their errant manner and they thus abandon it. In fact, where speech which is not mindful of Allah predominates, these people do not see anything wrong about speaking in a base manner which arises from their forgetting about death, the afterlife and their powerlessness before Allah. Nevertheless, when one speaks with them in the way of the Muslim they will often put an end to their old ways. The sincerity of the believer awakens their suppressed conscience, and, even if only for a short time, inspires them to think and act sincerely.

The Muslim way of speaking also allows the development of deep friendship and trust between people. Those who show their devotion to and love of Allah in their speech inspire affection and respect in those they talk with. This also fosters great cooperation amongst Muslims. In fact, Allah advises the Muslims in the following manner:

Your friend is only Allah and His Messenger and those who believe: those who establish prayer and give alms, and bow. As for those who make Allah their friend, and His Messenger and those who believe: it is the party of Allah who are victorious! (Surat al-Ma'ida, 55-56)

As these verses explain, the faithful ought to make Allah, His Messenger, and those who believe, their friends. When they meet other believers, who speak in the way of the Muslims, their words being a reflection of their sincere faith, they develop trust and a deep bond among themselves. This is Allah forging their hearts into agreement. The foundations of this friendship are so sound that we are told in the Qur'an that this closeness cannot be acquired in any other way: "And [He] unified their hearts. Even if you had spent everything on the earth, you could not have unified their hearts. But Allah has unified them. He is Almighty, All-Wise." (Surat al-Anfal: 63)

Another effect caused by the Muslim way of speaking is an increase in hope and enthusiasm. Those who speak in accordance with the morality of the Qur'an, throughout their lives, consistently inspire others to what is good, and in conformity with the Qur'an. Because they remind one another that trust in Allah is a source of hope for the faithful, even in their most difficult moments, that fate unfolds in the best possible way, and of other such matters, naturally, they strengthen one another's morales.

Moreover, the effect of this faith-boosting manner of speaking also takes place in hypocrites and unbelievers as much as on Muslims. The Muslim way of speaking, at all times and in all places, of those who are devoted to Allah with profound faith and sincerity, causes serious discomfort in hypocrites. Like idolaters and unbelievers, hypocrites feel ill at ease in the presence of those who speak in the way of the Muslims.

In the same way, Satan cannot be assuaged where people speak in the Muslim way, because, in such instances, hypocrites cannot foment their havoc and Satan cannot pursue his Satanic aims. Every word of the hypocrite, and every whisper of Satan, loses its effect through the Muslim way of speaking. For this reason, where people speak in the way of the Muslims, one with the character of a hypocrite either reforms his ways by deriving lessons from their speech, or reaches a point where he cannot stand it any longer, and removes himself from the presence of the faithful. In this way, the Muslims purge themselves of hypocrites who otherwise try to find a place amongst them by concealing their true faces.

In short, the Muslim way of speaking is a continual source of blessing and abundance for those around them; it is a form of worship which is, not only important from with regards to the afterlives of the faithful, but is at the same time directed towards everyone. As a matter of fact, in the Qur'an Allah explains that the best of words are a permanent source of blessing for people:

Do you do not see how Allah makes a metaphor of a good word: a good tree whose roots are firm and whose branches are in heaven? It bears fruit regularly by its Lord's permission. Allah makes metaphors for people so that hopefully they will pay heed. The metaphor of a corrupt word is that of a rotten tree, uprooted on the surface of the earth. It has no staying-power. (Surah Ibrahim, 24-26)

  • Introduction
  • The aspects of the Muslim way of speaking 2
  • The effects of the Muslim way of speaking