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The Miraculous Machine That Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
180 pages.

An enzyme is a chemical miracle in which more than a hundred microscopic molecules come together in a three-dimensional structure, whose details are difficult to fully comprehend. The purpose of enzymes is to accelerate all bodily processes, essential for your ability to blink, move your muscles, see and digest—in short, to stay alive. Even as you read these lines, billions of these chemical micro-devices are working away, performing an incredible number of processes simultaneously—initiating all the countless functions essential for your living, minute by minute.
This book demonstrates the blessings imparted by Allah in creating the miraculous structures and functions of enzymes. He has made these microscopic enzymes as structures by which He reveals His sovereignty over all living things. All the miracles exhibited through the function of enzymes extol His matchless artistry.

The Miraculous Machine That Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
The Miraculous Machine That Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
Book Contents
Titles and Chapters from the Book