The Defence System

Around 250 years ago, scientists discovered, after the invention of microscope, that we live together with many tiny creatures, which we cannot see with the naked eye. These creatures are present everywhere — from the air we inhale, to the water we drink, to any object which comes in contact with the surface of our body. It was also discovered that these creatures penetrate the human body.

Although the existence of this enemy was discovered two and a half centuries ago, most of the secrets of the "defence system" that fights a vigorous war against it have not yet been uncovered. This molecular system in the body is activated automatically according to an exquisite plan the minute a stranger makes its way in, declaring an all-out war against it. When we take a quick look at how the system works, we see that every phase takes place according to a meticulous plan.

The System That Never Sleeps

Whether we are aware of it or not, millions of operations and reactions take place in our bodies every second. This action continues even when we are asleep.

This intense activity occurs in periods of time which from our viewpoint are very short. There is a significant difference between the notion of time in our daily lives and the biological time of our body. The span of one second that represents a very short time period in our daily life would pass for a very long time for many working systems and organs in our bodies. If all the activities performed by all the organs, tissues and cells of our body in one second were written down, the result would be so inconceivable as to push the limits of the human mind.

One vital system, which is involved in constant activity, never shirking its duty, is the defence system. This system protects the body from all kinds of invaders day and night and works with great assiduity, just like a fully-equipped army for the host body, which it serves.

Each system, organ, or group of cells within the body represents a whole within a perfect labour distribution. Any defect in the system ruins the order. And the defence system is indispensable.

Would we be able to survive in the absence of the defence system? Or what sort of life would we have if this system failed to fulfill some of its functions?

It is not hard to make a guess. Some examples in the world of medicine make clear how vital the immune system is. The story of a patient cited in many related sources shows how difficult life would be in case of any defect in the defence system.

This patient was placed immediately after his birth in a sterile plastic tent, which nothing was allowed to penetrate. The patient was forbidden to touch any other human being. As he grew up, he was placed in a larger plastic tent. He had to wear a specially designed outfit similar to an astronaut’s to get out of this tent. What prevented this patient from living a normal life like other people?

Following his birth, the patient’s defence system had not developed normally. There was no army in his body to protect him from the enemies.

The boy’s doctors were well aware of what could happen if he entered normal surroundings. He would immediately catch a cold, causing diseases to develop in his throat; he would suffer from one infection after another, despite being given antibiotics and other medical treatments. Before long, medical treatment would lose its effect, resulting in the death of the boy.

At best, he would be able to live only for a few months or a few years out of this safe environment. So the boy’s entire world was forever bounded by the walls of his plastic tent.

The Soldiers of the Body
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Within a lymph node a battle rages between the body's attackers and defenders.
When bacteria pour through a lymphatic channel (1),
A macrophage engulfs some of the invaders (2),
Digests them, and displays their identity markers on its own surface.
This chemical message is presented to a type of white blood cell known as a helper T cell (3),
which responds by multiplying (4) and releasing chemical messages that call more defenders to arms (5).
Other T cells signal B cells to join the battle (6). Some B cells begin to reproduce (7),
And these new cells store information to help the body fight the same invader on another day (8).
Other B cells spew out thousands of antibodies each second (9),
Forcing bacteria to clump together (10).
Macrophages can then sweep through, swallowing the clumped bacteria, while special protein molecules and antibodies make bacteria palable for macrophages (11).
Sometimes, the proteins kill bacteria directly by puncturing their cell walls (12).
Scavenging macrophages then clean the entire node of battle debris, engulfing scattered antibodies, dead bacteria, and other debris until the infection subsides

After sometime, the doctors and his family placed the boy in a completely germfree room which had been specially prepared in his house. However, all these efforts were useless. In his early teens, when a bone transplant failed. 1

The boy’s family, doctors, the staff of the hospital where he had earlier stayed, and pharmaceutical companies did their best to keep him alive. Although absolutely everything was tried, and the boy’s place of residence was continuously disinfected, his death could not be prevented.

This end clearly shows that it is impossible for a human being to survive without a defence system to protect him from microbes. This is evidence that the immune system must have existed complete and intact since the advent of the first man. Therefore, it is out of question that such a system could have developed gradually over a long lapse of time as the theory of evolution claims. A human being without a defence system, or with a malfunctioning one, would shortly die as seen in this example.


1. Edward Edelson The Immune System, Chelsea House Publisher, 1989, p. 13-14

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • The Defence System
  • Besieged Castle: The Human Body
  • Intelligent Weapons: The Antibodies
  • Organs Employed in Defence
  • Cells on Duty in the System
  • Step by Step To All-Out War
  • The Enemies of the System
  • The Defence System cannot Have Been Formed by Evolution
  • Conclusion