Parting Thoughts

Death is not distant from any one of us. It is perhaps even closer than we think. That Allah did not create the life of this world for a vain purpose and that death is not the end is an undeniable fact. We all have to organise our life according to this great truth, because after death we will be judged according to the life we lived, and we will either be welcomed in paradise or thrown into hell. Even if one is not convinced by the truth of this, can he really afford to risk so much and not work for his life in the hereafter? The only solution is to obey the commands of Allah by listening to the conscience. If someone does not follow his conscience or use it fully, when he meets the angels of death, he will be plunged into an agony of remorse and hopelessness, which he will suffer for eternity.

Someone who has employed his conscience while reading this book will strive to put into practice what he has read. Someone who has not used his conscience may form good intentions for a period of time, but eventually he will forget what he read here and carry on with his worldly life. In a few years time, he may not even remember the name of the book. But Allah forgets nothing, and everything is recorded in His exalted presence. Whether a person follows his conscience or not is recorded by two angels sitting on his right and left who do not leave him throughout his life. This is related in the Qur'an:

And the two recording angels are recording, sitting on the right and on the left. He does not utter a single word, without a watcher by him, pen in hand! (Surah Qaf: 17-18)

On the Day of Account, the recordings of these angels will be placed on balanced scales. On one side will be conscientious, god-fearing acts, and on the other side evil acts. The person may have long forgotten the evil that he did, or the good he postponed, but Allah will make him face every single word and every single action, no matter how minute. Certainly the words he read in this book will be remembered and he will be questioned about it. In truth, people are aware of these facts and can, with reference to their conscience, more or less understand what is right and what is wrong. However, as we have mentioned throughout the book, they turn their back on the truth and ignore it for the sake of their worldly interests.

Whatever we do, our conscience will not leave us until we die. Conscience is a power that works totally out of our will. It is Allah's voice. We will all continue to hear this voice until we die, but those who do not follow this voice will taste the intense regret of it after they die. Accordingly, in the Qur'an, many examples are given from the conversations in the hereafter in which those in hell confess what they failed to do in life. Therefore, in truth, everyone knows what he must and must not do and evading the conscience does no good.

'What caused you to enter into Hell Fire?'

They will say, 'We were not among those who prayed, and we did not feed the poor. We plunged with those who plunged, and denied the Day of Judgement, until the Certain came to us.'

The intercession of the interceders will not help them. What is the matter with them that they run from the Reminder like panicked donkeys fleeing from a lion?

In fact each one of them wants to be given an unfurled scroll.

No indeed! The truth is they do not fear the hereafter.

No indeed! It is truly a reminder to which anyone who wills may pay heed. (Surat al-Muddaththir: 42-55)

If you do not want to make the above speech, listen to your conscience, follow the Qur'an, follow the Messenger (SAW) and follow the rightly-guided people. Do not turn your back on the truth once it has been shown to you, and do not try to turn off the voice of righteousness within you.