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The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
347 pages.

The Prophet Jesus (pbuh), whom Allah supported with superior wisdom, is set apart from the other Prophets in several aspects, among them that he, by Allah's Will, spoke even in the cradle, and that he was the vehicle for countless miracles while he was in this world. That his status is different also can be deduced from the fact that he was raised to Allah's Presence and that in the Qur'an Allah indicates strongly his second coming.

The Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second coming is a very great gift of Allah for all humanity. For the first time ever in their lives, all people alive at that time will see a Prophet of superior human qualities.

While reading this book, the reader will come to know of the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) miraculous life and realize that we live in a very special time. Given that his second coming will be an extraordinary, miraculous, and metaphysical event that will affect the whole world, all believers should prepare and mobilize to welcome him in the best possible way.

All of the signs indicate that the second coming will take place soon, so there is no time to waste.

The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
The Glad Tidings of the Messiah
Book Contents
Titles and Chapters from the Book