
The End Times (or the Last Days) may not be a familiar concept to many people. Therefore, we first give a brief explanation of it. The End Times means 'the last era.' According to Islamic literature, it is a period of time that is close to the Last Day.

The signs in the Qur'an and the extensive references to the End Times provided in the Hadith literature brings us to a very important conclusion. It is indicated in verses and hadiths that there are two phases of the End Times. The first phase is a period when all people will suffer material and spiritual problems. Following this, Earth will enter upon a period of salvation called the 'Golden Age,' which is characterized by bounty and blessings due to the prevalence of true religious moral values. With the end of the Golden Age, there will be a rapid social collapse and people will begin to wait for the Last Day.

In this book, we examine the End Times in the light of verses and hadiths. It is clear that the signs in question have now started to appear one after another, just as described in these references. The advent of these signs heralded fourteen centuries ago are great occurrences that increase believers' faith in and loyalty to Allah. It is surely not a coincidence that, in such a short period of time, all of these signs appeared one after another. These signs are good news to Allah's servants.

The account of events related in the following pages is prepared according to the guidance of the verse, 'Say: 'Praise be to Allah. He will show you His signs, and you will recognize them. Your Lord is not unaware of what you do'' (Surat an-Naml: 93).

Another issue we need to stress here is that Allah knows the best of everything. As is in every other subject, we have no knowledge other than that about which He informs us.

Golden Age

  • Introduction
  • The Signs of The Last Day in The Qur'an
  • The End Times and The Emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
  • The Golden Age
  • Signs of The End Times from Surat Al-Kahf
  • The Prophet Solomon (as)
  • Conclusion