Impasse of Intermediate Forms

Darwin had written: "If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties… must assuredly have existed". However, evolutionists, despite their 140 year-long search, have not been able to find even one.

Darwin admitted the non-existence of intermediate form fossils in the chapter titled "Imperfection of Geological Record" of his book The Origin of Species.

Darwin had written: "If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties… must assuredly have existed". However, evolutionists, despite their 140 year-long search, have not been able to find even one.

The theory of evolution asserts that living things descended from a common ancestor. According to the theory, living beings differentiated from each other over a very long time with linked, gradual modifications.

In the excavations carried out from Darwin's time till the present day, not even one intermediate form has been unearthed.

If this assertion were true, then numerous "intermediary species" should have lived in history linking different living species. For instance, if birds had indeed evolved from reptiles, then billions of creatures which were half-bird/half-reptile should have lived throughout history.

Darwin knew that the fossil deposits ought to be full of these "intermediary transitional forms". Yet he was also well aware that no transitional form fossils were available. That was why he devoted a chapter to this problem in his book The Origin of Species.

Darwin was hoping that this great problem would be solved in the future and that transitional forms would be discovered with new excavations. Despite their best efforts, however, evolutionists have not been able to find even a single intermediate form in the 140 years that have passed since Darwin. The well-known evolutionist Derek Ager confesses this fact:


The most important example of evolutionists' alleged intermediate forms is a fossil bird called Archaeopteryx. Focusing on the teeth and claws of Archaeopteryx, evolutionists allege that this creature is an intermediate form between reptiles and birds.

However, an animal class may well possess features of another animal class, without this being an indication that it is a transitional form. For instance, the Australian platypus reproduces by laying eggs like reptiles despite being a mammal. Besides, it has a beak similar to a bird's. Scientists call organisms like platypus "mosaic forms". Leading evolutionists now also admit that mosaic forms cannot be considered as intermediate forms.

The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in detail, we find–over and over again–not gradual evolution, but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another.20


The fact that similar animals in different sizes have been found throughout the ages is not evidence for there being "intermediate forms". If the different deer and gazelle species we see in the picture had been available only as fossil forms, evolutionists might well have made an imaginary evolutionary scheme by arranging them in a line progressing from the smallest to the biggest. Yet, these animals are not intermediate forms, but individual living species.

The sudden origination of living beings on the Earth is proof that they were created by God. Evolutionist biologist Douglas Futuyma admits this fact:

Organisms either appeared on the earth fully developed or they did not. If they did not, they must have developed from preexisting species by some process of modification. If they did appear in a fully developed state, they must indeed have been created by some omnipotent intelligence.21


The intermediate forms evolutionists have to find are organisms that are in between two species and that have missing and half developed organs. For instance, if invertebrates like starfish had evolved into fish as evolutionists claim, many "half fish" and "half starfish" organisms ought to have lived. In the fossil record, however, there are only perfect starfish and perfect fish.


20) Derek A. Ager, "The Nature of the Fossil Record", Proceedings of the British Geological Association, Band 87, 1976, S. 133

21) Douglas J. Futuyma, Science on Trial, New York: Pantheon Books, 1983. S. 197


  • An Outdated View: The Theory of Evolution
  • The Origin of Life
  • The Design in the Protein
  • The Design in the Cell
  • Genetic Information
  • The Design in Nature
  • Miller's Experiment
  • The Natural Selection Misconception
  • Mutations
  • Irreducible Complexity
  • Impasse of Intermediate Forms
  • The Cambrian Period
  • Fish and Amphibians
  • Coelacanth Misconception
  • Reptiles
  • Birds and Reptiles
  • Archaeopteryx Misconception
  • Bird Feathers
  • The Origin of Mammals
  • Living Fossils
  • The Tale of Man's Evolution
  • Australopithecus
  • Homo Erectus
  • A Lost Human Race: Neanderthals
  • The Collapse of the Family Tree
  • The Bipedalism Impasse
  • False Faces
  • Piltdown Scandal
  • Why is Evolution Defended?
  • The Obvious Truth: Creation