God is The Giver of Honour

Many people who do not believe in the hereafter seek power, strength and superiority in the world, assuming that their life is the one of this world alone. All through their lives, they strive greedily for this end. They have their own values and criteria of being powerful, strong and honourable. According to their criteria, one needs to be rich, have a leading role in society and fame. Should they lose any of these, they think their entire esteem, honour and prestige are finished. They are, however, mistaken. This mistake is explained in the Qur'an as follows:

They have taken other gods besides God to be a source of power and strength for them! No indeed! They will reject their worship and will be opposed to them. (Surah Maryam: 81-82)

The only possessor of power and might is God and He gives power and might to whomever He wills. Therefore, those who resort to other means to attain power and superiority other than praying to God are in fact associating partners with Him. This is because neither wealth, nor prestige, nor status has any individual will to provide a person with power. Besides, it is a matter of a single moment for God to take back this power from a person. For example, a top-executive may lose all his wealth, prestige and status in a moment, because the only and real possessor of everything is God.

God bestows power and honour on His servants who are friends to Him, who are wholeheartedly devoted to Him and who follow the Qur'an. A person who lives by the Qur'an never does anything likely to bring disgrace, feel regret or shame in the presence of the Lord. The true believers fear no one and no power, and never curry favour with anyone. They only want to attain the pleasure of God and fear only God. That is why they have no weakness or any sense of inadequacy. Although they do now own any possessions, wealth, rank or prestige, God grants power and honour to them. Such a person, meanwhile, holds the superiority and honour of being faithful and living by the morals of the Qur'an. Of this God states the following:

... But all might belongs to God and to His Messenger and the believers... (Surat al-Munafiqun: 8)

  • Introduction
  • God Answers Everyone's Prayers
  • God Increases His Blessings On Thosewho Are Grateful
  • Secrets of Submission to One's Fate and Putting One's Trust in God
  • There is Good in Every Event
  • There is Surely Ease with Every Difficulty
  • God Obscures the Comprehension of Disbelievers
  • God Bestows Understanding on Those Who Fear Him
  • Those Who Do Good Meet Goodness
  • There is Light in Believers' Faces, But Disgrace in Those of Disbelievers
  • The Secret That God Erases Bad Actions
  • Divine Purposes In Spending In God's Way
  • The Effect Of Good Actions And Good Words
  • The Secret That God Provides Room For People
  • God Certainly Helps Those Who Help His Religion
  • Quarrelling Causes Loss Of Strength
  • Only In The Remembrance Of God Do Hearts Find Satisfaction
  • The Cunning Of Satan Is Weak
  • Obeying The Majority Misleads Man From The Right Path
  • Secrets in The Expansion and Diminishing of Blessings
  • Obedience to the Messenger is Obedience to God
  • A Small Group of Believers can Overcome a Vast Majority of Disbelievers
  • God Makes His Religion Supreme When One Worships Him Alone
  • God Casts Dread into The Hearts of Disbelievers
  • Wisdom and Decisive Speaking are Blessings from God
  • Man will Also Account for His Thoughts and Intentions
  • It is God Who Places Love in People's Hearts
  • The Deaths of Disbelievers and Believers will not Be The Same
  • Prayer Keeps Man Away from Evil
  • Those Who are Killed in The Way of God are not Dead
  • God is The Giver of Honour
  • Secrets of Finding the Straight Path
  • Man's Inner Self Commands Evil Acts
  • Secrets of Abundance and The Wealth Given To People
  • Conclusion