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Self-Sacrifice in the Quran's Moral Teachings
228 pages.

The Qur’an reveals a very important truth: “You will not attain true goodness until you give of what you love.” (Surah Al 'Imran: 92)
Self-sacrifice, one of the basic moral qualities that allows people to attain real goodness, can enable individuals to give up, happily and without a second thought, all that they own, love, and value.
All people are created with negative moral tendencies that direct them toward selfishness and egotism. If one’s lower self is not trained, this selfishness will take control of one’s moral character. However, people can overcome their lower self by understanding belief in Allah and practicing the Qur’an’s moral teachings.
This book examines the nature of self-sacrifice from all angles. You will see for yourself that self-sacrifice is a moral virtue that must dominate a believer’s life and that it must be lived in its totality to win Allah’s favor.

Self-Sacrifice in the Quran's Moral Teachings
Self-Sacrifice in the Quran's Moral Teachings
Book Contents
Titles and Chapters from the Book