How The Ignorant Perceive Things That Happen

In general, people tend to divide events in terms of good and bad. Such a classification often depends on their habits or tendencies. Their reactions to events alternate depending on the severity and form which the event takes; yet, what they ultimately feel and experience is usually determined by societal conventions.

Almost everyone has remnants of his childhood dreams, even in his later life. Although, these plans may not always have developed in the way one expected or planned. We are all constantly prone to unexpected events in life. Such an event, in an instant, can throw our lives into complete disarray. While one is intent on his life progressing as normal, he may be confronted with a series of changes that might at first sight seem negative. An otherwise healthy person may suddenly succumb to a fatal disease, or lose some physical ability in accident. Again, a wealthy person may lose all his wealth instantly.

People's reactions to such a roller-coaster of experiences can vary greatly. Their reactions are good as long as events turn out favourably. Yet, when faced with the unexpected, they tend to feel disappointed, and even angry. Depending on the importance they attach to these events, and their ultimate outcomes, their anger may become quite severe. This tendency is common to societies mired in ignorance.

There are also those among them who, when something disappoints them, nevertheless say, "There must be a goodness in this." However, these are words which they mouth without understanding their true meaning, merely following societal conventions.

There is still another group of people, who are willing to consider what divine purpose there may be in trivial occurrences. But, when faced with more significant happenings, which may prove detrimental to them, all of a sudden, they forget any such intention. For instance, a person may not be distressed at the failure of his car engine on his way to work, and be willing to consider the possible good in it. Yet, if his being late for work infuriates his boss, or turns out to be a reason for his losing his job, then he finds reason to complain. He might behave the same way if it had been an item of jewellery instead of an inexpensive watch he had lost. As these examples indicate, there are certain minor events for which people may react reasonably, or in which they are willing to consider its good; but other more extraordinary instances can lead them to justify insolence and irascibility.

Some, on the other hand, merely seek to console with this notion, without actually having a grasp of the true significance of "seeking the good in everything". In this manner, they believe it to be a way of providing comfort to those who are in trouble, to a family member with a failing business, for instance, or a friend who has failed an exam. However, when it is their own interests that are at stake, they do not show the slightest indication of considering the "good" in it, making light of their ultimate ignorance.

The failure to see the good in what one experiences arises from the failings of one's faith. One's failure to grasp that it is God Who preordains each and every event in one's life, that everything occurs in accordance to a certain pre-planned destiny, and that the life of this world is but a trial, are what hinder him from recognizing any good in all that befalls him.

In the following section, we will explore this notion. That is, having faith that there is good in what ever befalls us, and those factors essential for being able to see it.

  • Introduction
  • Seeing good in all that happens
  • How the ignorant perceive things that happen
  • How to see the good in things that happen
  • For believers, there is good in all things
  • Reasons that prevent some people from seeing the good
  • Examples form the lives of the Prophets and true believers
  • God's promise and help to believers
  • Conclusion