
The dictionary defines passive as "not active or not participating perceptibly in an activity, organization, etc." and "inert." When one refers to another as a "passive person," he means someone who lacks zeal, who is not concerned with the outside-world, or with the problems and trials of others, and who makes no effort to seek solutions to their problems. One who is passive lives unto himself, immersed in his own little world. This book explores the nature of this human type, one who consciously adopts this lack of commitment, a degree of moral depravity which he then tries to impart to the rest of the community. When commenting on this sort of character, we will refer to him as a "passive" person, that is, "one who advocates passivity."

Some, among the Muslims, are of a temper that is contrary to the zeal and enthusiasm expected of the believers. Far from feeling the motivation endowed by faith, and believers' inner contentment and peace, these people lead dull and selfish lives. They are loath to involve themselves in any attempt to live according to the morality of Islam, but watch such efforts instead from a distance, being reluctant to grasp Allah's greatness, and to adopt the higher principles espoused in the Qur'an. Vitality is found neither in that which they do, nor in their understanding of faith.

They are devoid of those attributes of moral perfection that please Allah, such as loving-kindness, sincerity, and loyalty. With their lack of enthusiasm and passivity, which they deliberately make apparent, they are aloof, insensitive and overly formal, and are those with whom it is impossible to establish close bonds. Above all else, they are lacking in fear of Allah, being instead highly prone to treachery. Allah informs us about these character traits in the following verse;

Among you there are people who lag behind, and if you encounter a setback then they say, "Allah has blessed me in that I was not there with them." (Surat an-Nisa’, 72)

In several other verses, Allah introduces us to these people, as those who strive to wreak the zeal of the Muslims, in communicating the morality explained in the Qur'an, by "lagging behind." These verses provide important information that will help us perceive the real intentions behind their suspect aloofness.

Such people, who aim to demoralize the Muslims, while living amongst them, may maintain they believe, but exhibit the attitudes of the hypocrites and those with a sickness in their hearts. Or, they may be of weak faith, and have not properly grasped its meaning, and failed to justly assess Allah. Despite being among believers, these people are deficient in their understanding of the morality of Islam, and how to live by it, and wish too for other Muslims to behave as they do. Apart from these, among the unbelievers and those who are ignorant of religion, there may also be found such who make every effort to undermine the Muslims' resolve and morale. These people will act openly or furtively to accomplish their aims. For instance, the hypocrites, and those with a disease in their hearts, may cooperate with the unbelievers against the believers. Their goal, ultimately, is to harm the believers. And, through devious insinuations, by being negative in speech or in action, they may aim deceptively to demoralize the believers.

Nevertheless, these people often have certain characteristics in common. Whether they are amongst the believers, or elsewhere, these people mentioned above consistently exhibit these characteristics—it is inevitable. Effectively, poor wisdom, lack of insight, indolence, fearfulness, treachery, deceptiveness, greed, negativity, lack of love, pride, jealousy, all vices the sincere believers carefully avoid become their salient features. Whether they are together or apart, it is these common traits that allow them to ally themselves against the believers.

Basically, this book will examine both the overt and subtle methods employed by those who live amongst the Muslims, but who strive to demoralize them. And, it will deal with the attributes of those unbelievers who are prone to ally themselves with such people. In this regard, this book will expose all those character-types who aim to deflate the zeal of the Muslims. Finally, it will explain that what is incumbent upon the Muslims is to further the intellectual struggle, as mentioned in the Qur'an, against these ill-willed people, who strive to promote passivity and idleness among the Muslims.

  • Introduction
  • How do they aim to demoralize Muslims?
  • The characteristics of the passive
  • Conclusion