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Islam: The Religion of Ease
106 pages.

The religion Allah chose for people, which best suits their temperament, is the religion of Islam. Allah has made His religion very easy for people to live by. Religion lifts all the burdens, and things that are limiting and restricting and that cause people hardship. It informs people that they should always seek Allah's approval, lean towards Him, and resign themselves to the destiny that He has determined for them, for He is infinitely compassionate, kind and forgiving; He creates everything with a purpose for righteous people; He is the possessor of all power.

Allah, in the Qur'an, declares that religion is easy and that He will make things easier for those who follow their religion:

… He has selected you and not placed any constraint upon you in the observance of your religion—the religion of your forefather Abraham… (Surat al-Hajj: 78)

Our Prophet (saas) has always ordered Muslims around him to make religion “easier.” As a result, righteous Muslims should obey this command and should not suffer the consequences of representing easy things as hard. One of our Prophet's (saas) sayings on this matter is as follows:

"Make things easy for the people, and do not make it difficult for them, and make them calm (with glad tidings) and do not repulse (them)."

In this book, in accordance with the advice of our Prophet (saas), we are reminded of how easy it is to live Allah's religion. Furthermore, it is explained that the religion of Islam encourages the lifestyle most suitable to a person's temperament, comfort, and happiness: a life lead by the morals of the Qur'an is the best possible life a person can live.

Islam: The Religion of Ease
Islam: The Religion of Ease
Book Contents
Titles and Chapters from the Book