
Many of the movies that have hit the big screen lately share a common subject as part of their storyline. These films question reality—or the real world, as we know it—pointing out that artificially created dream worlds or worlds produced by simulations can actually be quite realistic.

Movies, sequels and TV series like The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Thirteenth Floor, Harsh Realm, Vanilla Sky, Total Recall, The Truman Show, Strange Days, Dark City, Open Your Eyes, The Frequency, Existenz, and The One all examine the theme of just how seriously wrong we might be about what is reality and what is imagination.

These films also deal with suggestions, thus far represented only as food for thought at scientific gatherings, of how these questions could affect our lives. In The Matrix, for instance, the following dialogue takes place:

What is real? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about your senses—what you feel, taste, smell, or see—then all you're talking about are electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

Doubtless one of the foremost reasons why these films, based on scientific explanations, captivate the attention of millions is the fact that people now question the reliability of the external world's assumptions and preconditions.

These movies' themes had been the focus of philosophical research in the past, though not until the end of the 20th century did they receive the attention they deserved. But now, science has proven the subject this book discusses to be scientific fact, rather than a philosophical hypothesis.

The truth about the true the reality of matter had been kept quiet until recently, even though for over ten years, we had been publishing books about matter's true origin, along with the scientific evidence supporting it. This issue has been dealt with extensively in our previous books: Matter: The Other Name for Illusion, Timelessness and the Reality of Fate, Eternity Has Already Begun, Knowing the Truth, The Little Man in the Tower, and The Secret Beyond Matter. Besides all the above titles, many other publications like our book, The Evolution Deceit, have special chapters analyzing this issue.

These books are read and appreciated in many countries around the world from India to the United States, from United Kingdom to Indonesia, Poland to Bosnia Herzegovina, Spain to Brazil and are available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Urdu, Arabic, Albanian, Russian, Kazak, Azeri, Bosnian, Uyghur, Persian, and the Malaysian and Indonesian languages. They are valued and read with great interest by a large readership around the globe. The positive response they receive from outside Turkey increases every day, and many people are making use of these books' subject matter and the linguistic style they use.

Our efforts in this respect are continuing. Many audio and video tapes and CDs provide scientific explanations on the subject alongside a stunning commentary, as do the following websites: and www.secret

The films Matrix, Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions inspired a huge worldwide reaction and were received with great interest for their views on the origins of matter. With the publication of our book, The Evolution Deceit in English, Matrix scriptwriters Andy and Larry Waschoski obtained a copy and expressed their thanks for it. The effects of our efforts at bringing this subject to public attention for over ten years, can be seen in many of today's films, TV programs, newspapers, magazines as well as on over 1000 websites.

This book contains accounts that bear a very great similarity to certain parts of this film that had such an influence on people and that encouraged them to reflect on certain facts, with descriptions in previous books and passages from the films in question. It will thus once again be demonstrated that the explanations in this book describe a scientific reality that is accepted by the whole world, and whether people agree with this or object to it will not alter the true facts concerning matter.

The Secret Beyond Matter is Not Wahdatul Wujood

The topic called "The Real Essence of Matter" has been criticized by some people. Having misunderstood the essence of the subject, these people claim that what is explained as the secret beyond matter is identical to the teaching of Wahdatul Wujood. Let us state, before all else, that the author of this book is a believer strictly abiding by the doctrine of Ahlus Sunnah and does not defend the view of Wahdatul Wujood.

However, it should also be remembered that Wahdatul Wujood was defended by some leading Islamic scholars including Muhyiddin Ibn al-'Arabi. It is true that numerous significant Islamic scholars who described the concept of Wahdatul Wujood in the past did so by considering some subjects found in these books. Still, what is explained in these books is not the same as Wahdatul Wujood.

Some of those who defended the view of Wahdatul Wujood were engrossed by some erroneous opinions and made some claims contrary to the Qur'an and the doctrine of Ahlus Sunnah. They, for example, completely rejected the Creation of Allah. When the subject of the secret beyond matter is told, however, there is definitely no such claim. This section explains that all beings are created by Allah, and that the originals of these beings are seen by Him whereas people merely see the images of these beings formed in their brains.

Mountains, plains, flowers, people, seas—briefly everything we see and everything that Allah informs us in the Qur'an that exists and that He created out of nothing is created and does indeed exist. However, people cannot see, feel or hear the real nature of these beings through their sense organs. What they see and feel are only the copies that appear in their brains. This is a scientific fact taught at all schools primarily in medicine. The same applies to the article you are reading now; you can not see nor touch the real nature of it. The light coming from the original article is converted by some cells in your eyes into electrical signals, which are then conveyed to the sight center in the back of your brain. This is where the view of this article is created. In other words, you are not reading an article which is before your eyes through your eyes; in fact, this article is created in the sight center in the back of your brain. The article you are reading right now is a "copy of the article" within your brain. The original article is seen by Allah.

In conclusion, the fact that the matter is an illusion formed in our brains does not "reject" the matter, but provides us information about the real nature of the matter: that no person can have connection with its original.

There is Matter Outside of Us, but We Cannot Reach It

… [S]aying that matter is an illusion does not mean it does not exist. Quite the contrary: whether we perceive the physical world or not, it does exist. But we see it as a copy in our brain or, in other words, as an interpretation of our senses. For us, therefore, the physical world of matter is an illusion.

The matter outside is seen not just by us, but by other beings too. The Angels Allah delegated to be watchers witness this world as well:

And the two recording angels are recording, sitting on the right and on the left. He does not utter a single word, without a watcher by him, pen in hand! (Surah Qaf: 17-18)

Most importantly, Allah sees everything. He created this world with all its details and sees it in all its states. As He informs us in the Qur'an:

… Heed Allah and know that Allah sees what you do. (Surat al-Baqara: 233)

Say: "Allah is a sufficient witness between me and you. He is certainly aware of and sees His servants." (Surat al-Isra': 96)

It must not be forgotten that Allah keeps the records of everything in the book called Lawh Mahfuz (Preserved Tablet). Even if we don't see all things, they are in the Lawh Mahfuz. Allah reveals that He keeps everything's record in the "Mother of the Book" called Lawh Mahfuz with the following verses:

It is in the Source Book with Us, high-exalted, full of wisdom. (Surat az-Zukhruf: 4)

… We possess an all-preserving Book. (Surah Qaf: 4)

Certainly there is no hidden thing in either heaven or Earth which is not in a Clear Book. (Surat an-Naml: 75)