
Complimentary Letters To The Books Of Harun Yahya

Hellenıc Republıc, The Prıme Mınıster

Thank you very much for your kind gesture to send me a copy of the book The Evolution Deceitby Harun Yahya.

greeces president, harun yahya books

Julıan Brazıer, House of Commons, UK

Many thanks for the collection of books that you sent me. They look most interesting and I look forward to reading them.

Julıan Brazıer, harun yahya books

Lord Wıllıamson of Horton, House of Lords, UK

Thank you for your letter of March 11th and for sending me the book by Harun Yahya. I shall study these with interest.

Lord Wıllıamson of Horton

Mrs. A.M. Leendertse, Prıvate Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen and Hıs Royal Hıghness Prınce Claus of the Netherlands

Thank you for your kind letter to Her Majesty the Queen, introducing her to the books Mr. Harun Yahya has written on the Islamic culture. Your thoughtful gesture is appreciated!


Manuel Jıménez de Parga y Cabrera, Chaırman of the Constıtutıonal Court, Spaın

I thank you very much for sending me the book "The Evolution Deceit" by Harun Yahya.

manuel ispanya

Dıdıer Reynders, Fınance Mınıster, Belgıum

I have well received your recent mail and I have given my best attention to your remarks on terrorism. I would also like to thank you for sending me the book of Harun Yahya entitled "Matter: The Other Name for Illusion."

harun yahya books

Ms Margaret Stagg, Personal Assıstant to Prof. Crewe, The Vıce-Chancellor of the Unıversıty of Essex, UK

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Essex has safely received your kind gift of three books by Harun Yahya. Professor Crewe has asked me to thank you for this gift to the University and to tell you that the books will be donated to the University Library.

margaret asistan

Hıllary Rodham Clınton, Unıted States Senator

Thank you for remembering me with your generous gift. The good wishes it conveys are especially meaningful to me, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

hilary clinton

Charlton Heston, Academy Awards Wınner Actor

I appreciate the effort you took to have the two copies of your book delivered to me: I've put THE EVOLUTION DECEIT on my reading stack and look forward to it.

charlton heston

Marıo Andrea Vattanı, on behalf of Gıovannı Alemanno, Mınıster of Agrıculture and Forests, Italy

I wish to inform you that the Honourable Minister Giovanni Alemanno has received with great pleasure the books sent by you, and has had them forwarded to his closest assistants for reading and analysis. With my most cordial greetings.

Giovanni Alemanno, harun yahya books

Felıpe González, Former Prıme Mınıster of the Kıngdom of Spaın

I sincerely thank for the books by Harun Yahya that were sent to me. They allowed me to deepen my knowledge of different religions and cultures.

felipe gonzalez

E. Benjamın Nelson, Unıted States Senator

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for sending me a copy of "Islam Denounces Terrorism."It appears to be a very informative book about the teachings of Islam. I look forward to studying it more fully.

benjamin nelson

Dr. Tıto Lucrezıo Rızzo, on behalf of the General Secretarıat of the Presıdency of the Republıc, Italy

The President of the Republic offers his thanks for the publication "The Evolution Deceit" so courteously sent him as a gift. Heartfelt greetings and best wishes on behalf of the Head of State.

italya cumhurbaşkanlığı

Sue Paton, Personal Assıstant (Internatıonal) to Prınce El Hassan, Jordan Majlıs El Hassan, Royal Palace, Amman, Jordan

His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal has asked me to thank you very much for sending your book Islam Denounces Terrorism.

ürdün prensi

Chrıstal Morehouse, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Rıta Süssmuth, Member of German Parlıament

Thank you for the forwarding of the books of Harun Yahya at Mrs. Professor Dr. Suessmuth, Mdb.

alman parlemento

Tang Leqı, Lıbrarıan, Sun Yat-Sen Unıversıty School of Law, Chına

On behalf of law school, I have the honor to express our thanks for you to donate four books. Our readers can read these books in our library. I think the books would be useful to our readers to understand some views in these books.

tang leqı, Chına

Dan Burton, Member of Congress, USA

Thank you for sending me a copy of, Matter: The Other Name for Illusion.Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.

dan burton

Bıshop George D. McKınney, Ph.D., D.D. Pastor, USA

Thank you kindly for the complementary copy of the book, "The Evolution Deceit", a noteworthy, credible and effective argument in favor of creation and the God to whom all acclaim appropriately belongs. I appreciated the candidness of the author and the clarity in which the facts of creation were presented, for we are His creation and the work of His hands.

Thank you again for the book. It will be treasured reading in my personal library.

Bıshop george McKınney

Ronaldo Edgar Dunlop, on behalf of Jose Gregorı, Mınıster of Justıce, Brasıl

With much interest have we received your kind gift, "The Evolution Deceit". Speaking in behalf of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Jose Gregori, we would like to express our deepest appreciation for the book, which is a sign of the fostering of our good and sound cultural relations.

Brasıl, Ronaldo Edgar dunlop

Pavel Fıscher, on behalf of Vaclav Havel, Presıdent of the Czech Republıc

On behalf of President Vaclav Havel I would like to thank you for your letter dated 10 January 2000 as well as your thoughtful gift of the book "The Evolution Deceit"which we have forwarded to the President's library.

çek cumhurbaşkanı

Dr. Ralph Scheıde, Dırector of the Mıddle East and Afrıca Department, Federal Mınıstry for Foreıgn Affaırs, Austrıa

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs acknowledges receipt of your letter and books that you were so kind to bring to our attention. We appreciate the differentiation between Islam and fundamentalism you make in your letter and agree with your condemnation of the barbarism of 11 September 2002.

ralph scheide

Elızabeth Cowdell, The Prıvate Secretary to The Home Secretary, UK

The Home Secretary has asked me to thank you for sending him copies of the books Matter, The Other Name for Illusion and Miracles of the Qur'an; it was very kind of you.

elızabeth cowdell

Dr. Cornelıus Schley, on behalf of Mr. Sıegmar Gabrıel, the Prıme Mınıster of Lower Saxony, Germany

Prime Minister Gabriel has asked me to cordially thank you for sending the three books of the Muslim author Harun Yahya.

aşağı saksonya

Chrıstıan Leskı, on behalf of Rudolf Scharpıng, German Mınıster of Defence

Thank you very much for your letter dated 23 January 2001 you send to the German Minister of Defence, Rudolf Scharping. It was with great appreciation Mr. Scharping received your letter and the interesting book. "The Evolution Deceit".

chrıistıan leski

Deanna Maher, on behalf of John Conyers, Member of Congress, USA

Your wonderful books, written by Mr. Harun Yahya, that were sent to Congressman John Conyers are much appreciated... Thank you for taking the time to send them... their messages are critically needed at this point in our history.

kongre üyesi

Federıco Trıllo-Fıgueroa, Defense Mınıster, Spaın

I appreciate you sending me the interesting scientific book entitled "Evolution Deceit"

Defense Mınıster, Spaın

Joe Wılson, Member of Congress, USA

Thank you very much for your informative books on Islam and especially for your kind letter expressing condolences for our recent tragedies.

Joe Wılson, Member of Congress, USA

Sheıla Harter, on behalf of Louıse Slaughter, Member of Congress, USA

I am writing on behalf of Congresswoman Louise Slaughter to thank you for the wonderful books you sent to her office. These books will be of great help in providing additional information on terrorism and the Eastern world to the Congresswoman and her staff. Again, your thoughtfulness is much appreciated.

sheıla harter abd

Prof. Yurı Chernyshov, Head of the World Hıstory and Internatıonal Relatıons Department, Altaı State Unıversıty, Russıa

Thanks for the books of Mr. Harun Yahya. We are ready to cooperate in scientific work.

Yurı Chernyshov, Altaı State Unıversıty, Russıa

Colleen Carter, Personal Assıstant to the Vıce-Chancellor of the Unıversıty of Buckıngham, UK

Thank you very much for sending copies of Mr Harun Yahya's publications. We are very grateful. The books have been passed from Mr Robert Tomkinson to the Vice Chancellor of the University.

colleen carter

Josep Gallıfa Roca, Academıc Vıcerector and Secretary General, Unıversıtat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spaın

Thank you for sending me the books Islam Denounces Terrorism, El engano del evolucionismo, Matter: the other name for illusion and Pueblos desaparecidos. As a christian catholic I value very much the Harun Yahya work and I share with the author the vision of human being and his relationship with the creator God. I think that materialist ideology as a problem for religion and for humanity.

Congratulations for this work, thank you for the books. I will have arguments to communicate that Islam denounces terrorism with more grounds that I use to do.

I think that this works presents the intellectual basis for helping to understand faith to unbelievers. This is an important and not easy issue for western civilization.

joseph roca

Nancy F Mıllıs, Emerıtus Professor, Chancellor, La Trobe Unıversıty, Australıa

I write to acknowledge receipt of the four volumes by Mr Harun Yahya for which I thank you. I have made them available to other members of the University who may find them of interest and instructive.

I certainly share your sentiments that all wise people from all different religions and cultures should cooperate to eradicate terrorism. I wish you well in your endeavours.

nancy millis

Prof. Irına Karapetıants, The Head of Department Internatıonal Relatıons, Russıan State Unıversıty for the Humanıtıes

Russian State University for the Humanities is grateful to you for sending us the books by Harun Yahya. These books are very interesting to us because the problem of dialogue between different civilizations are very actually now all over the world. The dialogue between different civilizations is one of base idea of our university.

We are truly grateful for you.

ırına karapetıants, Russıan State Unıversıty for the Humanıtıes

Dr. Kulman, Head of Dıvısıon, Bavarıan Mınıstry of State, for Scıence, Research and Arts, Germany

Thank you for your letter of 1 March 2002 and for sending three books published by your publishing house.

kulman bavyera

Carlos Garcıa Revenga, on behalf of Prıncess Doña Elena and Doña Crıstına of Spaın, Palacıo de la Zarzuela, Spaın

Her Royal Highness the Princess Infanta Doña Elena of Spain and Her Royal Highness the Princess Infanta Doña Cristina of Spain requested me to extend their kind greetingsand appreciation for sending them the books Islam Denounces Terrorism and Matter:The Other for Name for Illusion by Harun Yahya.

Palacıo de la Zarzuela, Spaın

Mıchael Ancram, House of Commons, UK

Thank you for your letter of 11 March, and for the 4 volumes you kindly enclosed: "Islam Denounces Terrorism", "Matter: The Other Name for Illusion", "The Evolution Deceit" and "The Miracles of Qu'ran"all by Harun Yahya.

It was kind of you to send them to me and I look forward to reading them. I agree with you that dialogue is more important than ever, and a greater understanding of other religions and civilizations can bring great benefits.

mıchael ancram

Dr. Blumauer, Senıor Mınısterıal Counsellor, Mınıstery of Interıor Affaırs, Austrıa

The Federal Ministry of the Interior would like to thank you for your kindness of sending the books "Islam Denounces Terrorism" and "Matter: The Other Name for Illusion" whereby especially the first mentioned work is of great interest within the areas of our own concerns, and its study proved beneficent. The Federal Ministry of the Interior is very eager to prevent the unjustified identification of terrorism with Islam. The enlightening deliberations in the book "Islam Denounces Terrorism" are supplying valuable assistance in this regard.

blumauer avusturya

Stacy Newman Admınıstratıve Assıstant to Dr. Colın Lucas, the Vıce-Chancellor and Prof. Sue Iversen, the Pro-Vıce Chancellor of the Unıversıty of Oxford, UK

I am writing on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Colin Lucas and our Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sue Iversen to thank you for the copies of the books by Mr. Harun Yahya which you sent to us in March. We were very interested to receive them and appreciate your having thought of sharing them with us.

colınlucas newman