The Harm Done By The Human Model That Does Not Live By Religious Moral Values

They say: "What is there but our life in this world? We live and die, and nothing but time can destroy us." But of that they have no knowledge: they merely conjecture. (Surat Al-Jathiyya: 24)

Yet there is among men such a one as disputes about Allah, without Knowledge, without Guidance, and without a Book of Enlightenment. (Surat Al-Hajj: 8)

In spite of all these positive characteristics of the believers, there may still be people who are uninterested in religious moral values. In order to understand the reason for this, we have to investigate their prejudices and impressions about Islam and Muslims.

As we mentioned at the beginning, one of the most important characteristics of people who live far removed from religious moral values is their behaving in accordance with the conditioning of that society. These people determine just about all their behavior through this mentality of going along with the majority. That mentality will also shape their point of view about religion.

All his thoughts about religion are instilled by his environment. Since he has not read the Qur'an even for once his whole life he possesses a conception of religion based on hearsay acquired right from a very early age. He becomes convinced that everything he hears about religion is truly a part of it.

He vigorously avoids reading the Qur'an and learning about true religious moral values, while also conditioning the people around him in the same way, and is thus instrumental in their also generally avoiding those same religious values. People with this incorrect attitude and understanding are described as follows in the Qur'an:

"Others they keep away from it, and themselves they keep away; but they only destroy their own souls, though they do not perceive it. (Surat Al-An'am: 26)

Because of the ignorance of people with such values, the fact that the majority of society avoids living by religious moral values will be the main justification for their exhibiting the same attitude. Their ignorance causes them to be negatively effected by the way that famous and leading members of society live cut off from religious moral values.

By keeping away from religion, he, in his own mind, thinks he becomes a modern and contemporary person and "is doing what the elite do." Because of this mass psychology he forgets what will the consequence of living removed from religious moral values, be in the hereafter.

Whereas he will be all alone from the moment he dies. No one will be with him when he shall have to account for his actions. Those "elites" would not be of any help for him. The situation in the hereafter is revealed thus in verses:

"They will all be marshalled before Allah together: then the weak will say to those who were arrogant: We but followed you; can you then protect us all from the wrath of Allah?' They will reply, 'If we had received the Guidance of Allah, we should have given it to you: to us it makes no difference now whether we rage, or bear these torments with patience: for ourselves there is no way of escape.'" (Surah Ibrahim: 21)

"And behold! You come to us bare and alone, as We created you for the first time: you have left behind you all the favors which We bestowed on you: We do not see with you your intercessors whom you thought to be partners in your affairs: so now all relations between you have been cut off, and your fancies have left you in the lurch!" (Surat Al-An'am: 94)

Since he misunderstands the meaning of the concept of 'being elect', he takes wrong persons as models for himself. According to the conception of the society of ignorance, to be an elect person, some special qualifications are required, such as possessing wealth and fame. In fact, however, being one of "the elect" can be attained only through sincere closeness to Allah:

"And commemorate Our Servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, possessors of Power and Vision. Truly, We chose them for the special purpose of proclaiming the Message of the hereafter. They were, in Our Sight, truly, of the company of the Elect and the Good." (Surah Sâd: 45-47)

A society that does not live by religious moral values makes a person acquire various incorrect habits. First of all, such a person thinks he needs to earn "status" in all situations. Otherwise, 'what will people think of him?' is the thougt that preoccupies him. From that on, the only thing that matters for him is "other people's impression of him". The only things that comes to mind in sucg a community is "what do the people around me think?" He is unaware what seeking Allah's approval even means. He merely seeks the approval of other people.

A society that lives far removed from religious moral values also gives people a very false education about the nature of their relationship with the opposite sex. One of the most favorite slogans is "defend women's rights and show respect for women". But, in fact, women are used as an instrument of exploitation.

The logic of "dating with someone" is imposed as supposedly the only solution to certain social problems experienced by young people. Dressed up terms such as "flirt", "boyfriend", "girlfriend" and other similar experiences have become standard items in so-called modern vocabulary. Attempts are made to denigrate the concepts of honor and chastity through the systematic, hidden or open propaganda of some of the the media, which become embedded in the subconscious. Those who try to keep their chastity are encouraged toward unchasteness under the influence of mass psychology or else excluded from society. In this way, social pressure is applied. In addition, a public opinion will be formed that would make them almost doubt themselves and loose their self-confidence unless they act in the manner desired of them.

In some societies that do not live by the religious moral values in question, young people who start to regard fornication as legitimate under the influence of this twisted social conditioning now confront a mendacious propaganda that suggests that homosexuality should also be considered normal and that this perversion is a matter of "choice" that only pertains to the person concerned. Homosexuality is depicted as supposedly being liberal, having the moral courage of one's convictions or as "living on the edge". And it is presented to him as another step that he should go beyond in immorality.

On the other hand, the institution of marriage that Allah has legitimized in Islam so that people can live together in love and respect without considering their own personal interests, is used as an instrument for mutual exploitation as necessitated by the general philosophy of this system. In this twisted system, the role of a wife is bearing the children, washing the clothes and dishes, cooking and providing sexual satisfaction for her husband. The woman, who has been brought up with the teachings of "finding a husband", would consider her husband as a means to "guarantee" her future and to provide her with the living standards she requires, and for that she tries to "bind" her husband to herself by having a child as soon as possible. She gets under the domination of the man providing those to her and would try every possible means not to lose her husband. This is nothing but a mutual life contract based on personal interests and social rules. This kind of marriage is not actually very different from an agreement made for any kind of temporary service. The only difference is in the duration of the validity of the agreement. This marriage is calculated to last for a longer time, maybe for a lifetime. Neither partner want to accept this truth, but when they see there is no love and respect in their relationship, but only role playing, they admit the true nature of their marriage to be a "reality of life". When one spouse reneges on fulfilling his/her duties as this agreement requires, their marriage shatters.

There is the concept of "marriage by logic." It means that couples may get married if certain standards are met by the two parties, although love and sincere intimacy are not involved. Love is something temporary anyway and it is to die sooner or later. So, there's no need to be in love with the person you marry. As may easily be understood, in this kind of marriages the common sharing point is not love, but money, and mutual benefits. Even sexuality, after a period of time, is considered to be a boring act, since spouses get used to each other. And even love has a distorted meaning when it is involved in the relationship. It is based on certain materialistic criteria. Young girls easily fall in love with those "cool guys" with "red sports cars". Their being irreligious person does not really matter. Since no morality as described in true religion is involved, the ensuing rooted in iniquity.

It is obvious that in these marriages, concepts such as loyalty and fidelity do not have any importance. The increasing number of cheating partners is a natural result of this system. They begin to cheat on each other after a period of time and many of them maintain their forbidden relationships secretly. Some so-called "modern" people, on the other hand, do this within the knowledge of their spouses, and are proud of their "honesty" towards them. The allegedly "modern marriage system", which is entirely different from the one described in Islam, is promoted and shown to be the ideal one. This system is used as a doorway to "free sex", widely practiced by certain "modern" groups of society, who are doing their utmost to make this a permanent concept.

Actually, a way of life that is incompatible with religious moral values, introduced as so-called modernism, is not an independent philosophy at all. It is a superstitious system which completely separates people from religious moral values and seeks to install a diametrically opposed structure and which tries to prevent the compliance to the limits set out by Allah. The subjects included within the scope of this superstitious system are by no means limited to sexuality and marriage, but extend as far as all other value judgments. It seeks to completely eliminate some of the superior virtues required by Islamic morality, such as honor and chastity, and to divert others from their true purpose by adapting them to its own superstitious system. Characteristics like honesty, courage, and being brave in the way of Allah are some of those virtues which are highly praised in the Qur'an. Intellectually fighting against the unjust, not avoiding any kind of sacrifice in communicating what is right and good, basing one's courage on nothing but his trust in Allah, fearing nothing but Allah and sacrificing one's life in the way of Allah when so required are among the most important characteristics of the believers. However this superstitious intellectual system we mentioned utterly pervertedly describes courage as indulging in the most extreme perversions, honesty as engaging openly and fearlessly in immoral activities, and determination as being firm in maintaining and promoting these irreligious values until his death.

Within this superstitious system, when we look at the situation of youngsters, we see that such concepts as "courage" and "decisiveness" are put on a par with certain personality distortions like rudeness, bullying, knowing no bound, attacking other's rights, being opportunist, abusing people, aggressiveness, litigiousness, arrogance and becoming haughty. This unsound and perverted physchology is presented as being the "rebel" or the "tough guy" as if it were an enviable state of mind.". Tactlessness, scurrilousness and garrulity are praised as signs of being a "straightforward" person.

Allah reveals the untrustworthiness of people with the negative charactwristics listed above, and other similar qualities:

"Do not heed such a despicable type of person as is ready with oaths, a slanderer, spreading calumnies, Habitually hindering all good, transgressing beyond all bounds, deep in sin, violent and cruel and with all that, base-born. Though he may possess wealth and numerous sons, when our revelations are recited to him, he cries 'Tales of the ancients'" (Surat Al-Qalam: 10-15)

As a consequence of all this distorted logic, the concept of "loving someone" takes on a different meaning. The degree of love is in direct proportion to how much one can show off with that relationship and how much material benefit one can derive from it. Another feature of the system in which people do not live by religious moral values is the way that love is equated with various images and pictures. This is, of course, not true love. In this society of ignorance, the majority of young girls allegedly fall "in love" at first sight with someone who has the latest model of car, a flashy home and a reasonable appearance. But when these worldly characteristics disappear for any reason, such as sickness or poverty, then that love comes to an end, too.

The society the individual lives in, while forming his value-judgment and shapes his thoughts and feelings, eventually turns him into someone who gives no thought to the purpose of life, his existence, religion and Allah. This is because the society of ignorance that programs him has laid countless duties at his door. First of all, he needs to be the captain who saves his ship, thus earning his status in society. In order to reach this goal, he shall have to manipulate and abuse people.

Because according to this ignorant conception, "life is a struggle" and,again due to this twisted perspective, "big fish should be swallowing up the little one." Elimination of the weak is regarded as literally a "law of nature". He does not care about others having the same mentality, so long as they do not use it against him because he would always "let sleeping dogs lie."

But once things do not work out as he plans and he fails in his attempts to gain some "status" in society, the mentality he favored so far, turns out to be a threat to his existence. He suddenly sees that he himself has also joined the ranks of those who are despised, oppressed, denigrated and excluded by this society that lives far removed from religious moral values. The rules he hoped would bear him up have now made him their target. The friends around him suddenly disappear, and he is left unhappy and alone.

As if those were not enough, he starts to become aware that there are bigger fish swimming around him. He has nobody to trust to, no branch to cling to and no one to extend a helping hand. We are told in the Qur'an that when those who spurn religion are in a state of despair they turn to Allah:

It is the Who enables them to traverse the land and sea; they embark and set sail with a favorable wind, at which they rejoice; then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think they are being overwhelmed: they pray to Allah, with all fervor saying, 'If You deliver us from this, we shall truly show our gratitude!'" (Surah Yunus: 22)

But as soon as Allah answers his prayers and he is freed from the trouble that afflicted him, he carries on with his old mindset, as if he was not the one who desperately asked for help:

"But when he delivers them, behold! They transgress insolently throughout the earth in defiance of right! O mankind! Your insolence is against your own souls. Take your enjoyment of the life of the present but in the end, to Us you shall return, and We shall show you the truth of all that you did." (Surah Yunus: 23)

According to that twisted mindset, "one must be realistic and not interpret things in a metaphysical way." He has undergone a significant experience and escaped through his own efforts. He has learned "the facts of life." He has had a bad time, but those are now left in the past. He is now more experienced and more mature. This is undoubtedly a most irrational and illogical approach to take. This ugly mindset of deniers is also revealed in the Qur'an:

"If We give man a taste of Our Mercy, and then withdraw it from him, behold! He is in despair and falls to blaspheming. But if We give him a taste of Our favors after adversity has touched him, he is sure to say, 'All evil has departed from me' and behold! He becomes exultant and boastful." (Surah Hud: 9-10)

Such an ungrateful person will encounter similar troubles again in the remaining part of his life. Allah may – if he repents and beseeches Allah – accept this person's prayers every time but, that person would not be able to appreciate the blessings he has been given as is due and will suffer a troublesome and painful life both in this world and in the hereafter due to this foolish act of his.

This person who persists in denial will have no means of repenting when he looks death in the face, and no new opportunity will be given him. That is because he has already proven what kind of a person he has been during his lifetime. Allah reveals the sorrow this person will feel when confronted with the truth in several verses of the Qur'an;

"If you could only see them they are confronted with the Fire! They will say: 'Would that we were but sent back! Then we would not reject the signs of our Lord, but would be amongst those who believe!' Indeed, what they concealed before will become manifest to them. But if they were sent back, they would certainly return to the things they were forbidden, for they are indeed liars." (Surat Al-An'am: 27-28)

On this account, it is essential for people of reason and good conscience to amend all their mistakes and to change and improve their morality while they are still in this world. As we are told in verses:

Whoever Allah misguides has no one to protect them after that. You will see the wrongdoers saying, when they see the punishment,' Is there no way back? 'You will see them as they are exposed to it, abject in their abasement, glancing around them furtively. Those who have iman will say, 'Truly the losers are those who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection.' The wrongdoers are in an everlasting punishment. They have no one to protect or help them apart from Allah. There is no way out for anyone Allah misguides. Respond to your Lord before a Day comes from Allah which cannot be turned back. On that Day you will have no hiding-place and no means of denial. (Surat Ash-Shura: 44-47)

  • A new world
  • Basic questions
  • Pondering on the Qur'an
  • Religion as described ın the Qur'an and the religion of our fathers
  • True believers and impostors
  • Believers as described in the Qur'an
  • Questioning ourselves
  • The harm done by the human model that does not live by religious moral values
  • Transition to Qur'anic morality from that of the society that spurns religious moral values
  • Hell: Made ready for the unbelievers
  • A new dimension
  • Miracles before our very eyes
  • Word repetitions in the Qur'an