Getting Away from the Crude Understanding of Disbelief

Throughout the book, we have underlined the fact that all the plans made by ignorant people made them drift into trouble that they can never overcome. Even though they attain the best standards of living, they still feel the restlessness of not being able to attain true happiness. There is, however, only one way to save oneself from monotony, discontent, purposelessness, fears and anxiety. Allah informs man about this important secret in the following verse:

Surely in the remembrance of Allah all hearts are comforted. Blessed are those who have faith and do good works; blisful is their end. (Surah Al-Rad: 28)

As stated in the above verse, the individual attains real happiness and peace only when he keeps his mind occupied with the remembrance of Allah and spends his life doing good deeds to earn His good pleasure. Ignorant people, unaware of this most essential secret of the Qur’an, believe the trouble they go through to be a reality of life and simply resign themselves to living through times, since they cannot find a way to rid themselves of their difficulties. At this point, believers who are aware of this important secret, undertake the important responsibility of showing "how to purify oneself of the rationale of ignorance and to live a happy and rewarding life, both in this world and the Hereafter", in other words, of summoning people to the true path of Allah.

Another point deserves mention here: Allah promises all people from the ignorant society that their misdeeds will be forgiven provided they truly believe in Him and submit to the guidance of the Qur’an. In this way, for all people Allah points to an escape route from the ignorant society.

A person who abandons the ignorant way of living and submits himself to Allah, meets forgiveness in His presence. Meanwhile, believers embrace such a person with no prejudice on account of his former way of living. Among believers, a person is assessed according to his recent stance. Therefore, even though he indulged himself in extravagant pleasures in his former life, his old way of living never becomes a matter of interest for believers.

Hence, Allah makes it easy to lead a good life with the guidance of the Qur’an. Under such circumstances, it would be the wisest course to surrender oneself to Allah. Keep in mind that man is free to make his choice: 60-70 years of a troublesome life which will eventually be concluded in Hell, the place, which is specially created to give pain to the body and soul of disbelievers. Alternatively, a life spent among the most trustworthy people, in the most beautiful places, having the best of favours which will extend to heaven, a place of beauty beyond imagination. Surely the wise man will choose the latter; not only because it is the logical alternative but because it is what the human conscience commands. To turn to the Creator to Whom we owe our existence is surely what satisfies the human soul.

Despite what has been said so far, there may be still be certain people who are raising doubts about complying with the Qur’anic way of living. In the Qur’an, Allah states that people feel attachment to this life rather than the next as they consider it closer:

But you love this fleeting life and neglect the Hereafter. (Surah Al-Qiyama: 20-21)

At this point, the Qur’an advises such people to ponder death. One of the major reasons why people feel a profound sense of attachment for life and cast religion aside is the assumption that life, actually limited to 60-70 years, is eternal. However, death is likely to put an end to this life at any moment. When death comes, a person will leave behind him his prestige, diploma, wealth, bank accounts, credit cards, in short, all the forms of prosperity he either possesses or strives to possess. Soon after he will be buried under the earth, his body will be consumed by worms and he will be simply reduced to bones. His only gain in the Hereafter will be the good deeds he engaged in to earn the good pleasure of Allah.

Therefore, those involved in the ignorant way of living should see this fact as soon as possible. Beyond death, there is an eternal life. On the Judgment Day, everyone will face the consequences of his behaviour. Those who did not conduct themselves responsibly towards Allah will be driven into Hell, a place of grievous punishment. There they will have no one to help:

So taste (the evil of your deeds). For as much as you forgot the meeting of this day, We will forget you. Taste eternal doom because of what you used to do. (Surah Al-Sajda:14)

Those, on the other hand, who sincerely repent and ask forgiveness of Allah and follow His guidance, will attain salvation, both in this world and beyond.

They shall have what they will of their Lord’s bounty. That is the reward of the good:

Allah will remit from them the worst of what they did, and will reward them according to their noblest actions. (Surah Al-Zumar: 34-35)

Be they men or women, those that embrace the Faith, and do what is right We shall truly grant a happy life, and We shall pay them a recompense in proportion to the best of what they used to do. (Surah Al-Nahl: 97)

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Getting to know the ignorant society
  • Chapter 2: The lifestyle ignorance exposes
  • Chapter 3: The moral values of ignorance
  • Chapter 4: Fears and obsessions of ignorance
  • Chapter 5: Deviant beliefs of ignorant people about religion
  • Chapter 6: An important characteristic of the ignorant society: the impossibility of convincing the ignorant society
  • Chapter 7: Getting away from the crude understanding of disbelief
  • Chapter 8: Conclusion