
Various circles regard the theory of evolution as ideologically indispensable. From the day it was first proposed right up to the present, they have defended it by means of intense propaganda. Certain scientific publications, schools and a number of media organs portray it as a proven fact in terms of the origin of life. Since some scientists espouse the theory of evolution with the greatest devotion, most people imagine that the theory is scientifically valid.

In fact, however, over the last 150 years the theory of evolution has been totally discredited by such branches of science as paleontology, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry and biophysics. Countless findings revealed by these different branches make it obvious that evolution never happened.

Anyone reading this book may well naturally conclude that the adherents of the theory of evolution are scientists. Yet since those who find evidence that the theory of evolution is invalid are also scientists, therefore scientists must be divided into two groups: those who support evolution, and others who present evidence disproving it.

Yet this does not fully represent the true picture-because while scientists advocating the theory of evolution are in search for a single evidence about the validity of the evolution, they eventually try to adopt the current evidence proving the fact of Creation to their theory, so in fact they discover evidence that discredits the theory of evolution with their own hands.

For instance, every new discovery about the complex structure of the protein puts forth the fact that this structure can not be formed through coincidences again and again. However, even though Darwinists are very well aware of the fact that a single protein cannot be formed by coincidences and that the new found information confirm this truth, they still are advocating this theory persistently.

No doubt, it is a most contradictory and dishonest situation. It is extremely meaningless for these people to attempt to defend this theory persistently while they find evidence that totally demolishes it. Yet that is exactly their current position.

Indeed, ever since the theory of evolution was first put forward, no scientist espoused it because of the scientific evidence. It is impossible for them to defend the theory with this reason, because there is not even a single piece of evidence that would support evolution. What, then, is evolutionists' aim? And what can explain their inconsistent mindset?

The British zoologist D. M. S. Watson, himself an evolutionist, supplies the answer to those questions:

The theory of evolution (is) a theory universally accepted not because it can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true but because the only alternative, special creation is clearly incredible.1

This idea of Watson's is shared by scientists who espouse the theory of evolution. These others are well aware that no evidence proves the theory, but if they abandoned the theory of evolution, they would have to admit the existence of a Creator. Such a thing is unacceptable for proponents of materialist ideology, which we will be examining in due course.

However, the great majority of people, being unaware of this, imagine that all the scientists who support evolution have worked along exceedingly scientific lines, with methods based solely on experiment and observation. Therefore, they believe every word those scientists say, feeling no need to investigate any further.

And by doing so, they commit a serious error. As their own admissions show, evolutionists espouse their theory in violation of science. They present evolution as the scientific foundation of the ideology they insist on, which is materialism.

Fred Alan Wolf, a particle physicist at the University of California, describes, as a scientist himself, what the scientific approach should be:

My major concern, coming out of the ranks of science, has been my own arrogance. How arrogant I was, to put down other people’s ideas that didn’t agree with my scientific view. When I went around the world and spent time with indigenous peoples and tribes, I realized that my arrogance just didn’t fit in. Like the man in the story by H. G. Wells, I thought that in the country of scientifically blind, the one-eyed man would be king. In fact, I was the one who was blind. I was intellectually incapacitated. As long as I held on to my scientific view, I couldn’t see. I thought I saw everything; I didn’t see anything. So I had to give up much of what I previously held as real, in order to see what these people saw. And when I was finally able to attain this new vision, it totally changed my view of science. And I began seeing science as a tool—not the be–all and end-all of the universe, but a tool to help us begin to dig deeper into the nature of what it means to be a human being. I don’t think we’ve arrived at that point yet. I don’t think we’re quite awake yet. I think we are all still asleep—dreaming, hoping, wishing—mechanically relying on our intellect to lead us out of the morass in which we constantly find ourselves. When we can use our heart and our spirit as well as our brain, that’s when science will begin to adapt to a new world order.2

Materialist philosophy regards matter as absolute. According to that definition, matter has existed forever, and everything that exists consists of matter alone. As that logic requires, materialism has opposed belief in Allah (God) and the true religions ever since the most ancient times.

Yet when examined, materialism emerges as a philosophy devoid of any scientific evidence, and one incompatible with the truth.

The way to test the truth of any philosophy is through investigating that philosophy's claims regarding science. Using scientific methodology, we can investigate the claim of materialism. We can investigate whether or not matter has always existed, whether atoms and molecules can organize themselves in the absence of a super-material Creator, and whether or not they can give rise to life. When we do so, we see that materialism has effectively collapsed.

The idea that matter has existed for all time was demolished by the Big Bang theory, which indicated that the universe came into being from nothing. The claim that matter can organize itself-was rendered invalid with crystal clarity by scientific discoveries during the 20th century.

Yet contemporary materialists do not follow such a rational and scientific course. They have conditioned themselves never to abandon their materialist beliefs, no matter what the cost. These people are "materialists first, scientists second". They refuse to abandon their belief in evolution, even though they clearly see that even their own experiments and research refute it. Instead, they try to keep materialism alive by supporting evolution in any way necessary.

Richard Lewontin, a well-known geneticist and evolutionist from Harvard University, confesses that he is a materialist first, and a scientist second:

It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, so we cannot allow a Divine [intervention]…3

The philosophical term "a priori" that Lewontin uses here is highly significant. Latin for "from the beginning," it refers to any root assumption accepted as a given. If you believe in the truth of an idea without question and assume it to be accurate, then that idea is a priori. This is how evolutionists seek to adapt science to their own preconceptions. Since materialists absolutely reject the existence of a Creator, their only alternative is to cling tightly to the theory of evolution.

The materialist dogma underlying the evolutionist propaganda in prominent Western media organs and well-known scientific journals is the result of this kind of ideological and philosophical requirements. Since ideology makes abandoning of the theory of evolution impossible, questioning Darwinism has been declared taboo by those materialists who determine scientific standards.

This book is confessions about the theory of evolution made by scientists who espouse the theory for the sake of their materialist ideologies. As we made clear at the start of this chapter, the very scientists who support the theory of evolution also discover the evidence that demolishes it. And generally, these scientists confess that as a result of research in their own specialized fields:

  • * No such process as evolution could ever have taken place,
  • * The theory of evolution has not been proven,
  • * The theory is espoused essentially for ideological reasons, and that
  • * The entire universe must be the work of an Omniscient Creator.

You can come across similar confessions in practically every book, academic study or lecture concerning evolution-for two reasons: First, when people do all they can to conceal an obvious fact, even resorting to lies and fraud in order to do so, still they will leave obvious clues behind them. Whenever they speak, they will unwittingly make open or implied confessions indicating the dilemma in which they find themselves. Indeed, all evolutionists-beginning with Charles Darwin, who first proposed the theory-make such confessions abundantly in all their books and lectures.

The facts of creation and the existence of a sublime Creator are perfectly obvious. No matter how unwilling people may be to accept the fact, if they possess even a small amount of rational thought, they will see around them, in all places and at all times, evidence of the existence of Allah, the Creator of all things. Yet these scientists have perhaps the very closest familiarity with the evidence of Allah's creation in the world. None who study the complex structure of the cell and find themselves astounded by the flawless characteristics, extraordinary planning, and amazing intelligence inside, can avoid expressing their feelings in the face of the miracles of Allah's creation. Albeit for a brief moment, they will act according to the voices of their conscience and common sense.

One example of this is Francis Crick, a non-resident fellow of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies before he died on 28 July 2004, who discovered DNA. In the face of the DNA's extraordinary complexity, Crick was forced to admit that the origin of life cannot be explained in terms of chance. Despite being a convinced evolutionist, Crick had to admit what was apparent after he witnessed the miraculous structure of DNA:

An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle.4

The one-time atheist philosopher Anthony Flew admitted that the atheism he had espoused for sixty six years was a collapsed philosophy and announced that he now believed in Allah. A passage from Flew written during his atheist period and admitting that the Big Bang theory is one of the proofs of Creation acknowledges:

Notoriously, confession is good for the soul. I will therefore begin by confessing that the Stratonician atheist has to be embarrassed by the contemporary cosmological consensus [the Big Bang model]. For it seems that the cosmologists are providing a scientific proof of what St. Thomas contended could not be proved philosophically; namely, that the universe had a beginning.5

Having read these confessions, you might well imagine that these people had admitted the scientific facts with all sincerity and finally come to believe in the existence of Allah, as good conscience and reason demand.

However, no matter how much some scientists have seen the truth, the stirrings of their consciences have been very short-lived for many of them. They have never countenanced abandoning their ideology, but have continued in their denial despite the voice of their consciences.

Not only has our century witnessed people who, despite seeing the truth, refuse to abandon superstitious beliefs because of their devotion to materialist dogma. People with such mindsets have existed at all times. The dialogues between materialists and Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) in the Qur'an inform us of this. The materialists in his time worshipped idols that they had made with their own hands, adopting them as their deities. They claimed that certain effigies they themselves had created, which actually have no power to do anything, were in fact the creators, regulators, and lords of the entire universe.

You might imagine that such paganism is a feature of only ancient times, yet the logic of the Darwinists of the 21st century is exactly the same. They too maintain that unconscious atoms and random events, with no ability to do anything, actually created the flawlessly ordered universe and the life within it. Absolutely nothing has changed in the mindset of denial.

In his time, too, the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) employed various means to show people how irrational and illogical their beliefs were. And they then saw how corrupt their earlier beliefs had been and admitted they had been despotic.

They said, "Did you do this to our deities, Abraham?" He said, "No, this one, the biggest of them, did it. Ask them if they are able to speak!" They consulted among themselves and said, "It is you yourselves who are wrongdoers." (Surat al-Anbiya', 62-64)

However, these stirrings of their consciences were only short-lived, and they soon returned to their corrupt ways:

But then they relapsed back into their disbelief: "You know full well these idols cannot talk." He said, "Do you then worship, instead of Allah, what cannot help or harm you in any way? Shame on you and what you worship besides Allah! Will you not use your intellect?" (Surat al-Anbiya', 65-67)

The evaluation of evolutionists' own confessions is exceedingly useful to better understand this mindset described in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago. Any rational person of good conscience reading these confessions will inevitably wonder since they admit the theory is wrong, why do they still support it?

As has already been made clear, they believe in the theory not because there is scientific evidence that supports this theory, but because that is what their ideology demands. Otherwise they know they would need to admit the existence of Allah. Nor is this particular to our century alone. In the Qur'an we are told that although their hearts realized the truth, some ignored the true facts because of their feelings of pride and arrogance, and still denied the existence of Allah:

And they repudiated them wrongly and haughtily, in spite of their own certainty about them. See the final fate of the corrupters. (Surat an-Naml, 14)


1- D.M.S. Watson, "Adaptation," Nature, Vol. 123 [sic Vol. 124] (1929), p. 233.

2- Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Closer To Truth: Challenging Current Belief, McGraw-Hill, 2000, p. 58

3- Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted World," The New York Review of Books, January 9, 1997, p. 28.

4- Francis Crick, Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981, p. 88.

5- Richard Monestarsky, Mysteries of the Orient, Discover, April 1993, p. 40

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Charles Darwin's Confessions Regarding His Theory
  • Chapter 2. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding Darwin
  • Chapter 3. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding the Invalidity of the Theory of Evolution
  • Chapter 4. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that They Espouse the Theory of Evolution for Ideological Reasons
  • Chapter 5. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that Natural Selection has No Evolutionary Power
  • Chapter 6. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that Mutations Have No Evolutionary Power
  • Chapter 7. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding the Dead-End of Molecular Evolution
  • Chapter 9. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding the Lack of Intermediate-Form Fossils
  • Chapter 17. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that Complex Organs cannot Appear by Way of Evolution
  • Chapter 18. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that the Theory of Evolution cannot Explain Animal Instincts
  • Chapter 19. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that Plants Cannot have Arisen by Way of Evolution
  • Chapter 20. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding Variations
  • Chapter 21. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating the Non-existence of Vestigial Organs
  • Chapter 22. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding the Invalidity of the Claims of Homology
  • Chapter 24. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding the Invalidity of the Theory of Recapitulation
  • Chapter 25. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that Life Can Only Have Been Created
  • Chapter 26. Materialists' Confessions Stating that the Universe Has a Beginning
  • Chapter 27. Evolutionists' Confessions Stating that the Order in the Universe Cannot Have Come about by Chance
  • Chapter 28. Evolutionists' Confessions Regarding Darwinism's Negative Effect on Moral Values