"Adopt my faith, or die!" That is the slogan of the fanatics. There is no such concept as democracy, freedom of ideas, love, respect, affection, friendship, altruism, appreciating women, scientific progress or making the world a better place in fanaticism. Some people imagine that fanaticism, and its offshoot radicalism, can settle inside a true faith. Yet fanaticism is itself a religion; there are representatives of this false religion inside every idea. There are fanatics in Islam, in Judaism and in Christianity, just as there are in Marxism, fascism and atheism. They all espouse the same false faith; "I don't like your ideas! Either go along with my ideas, or die!"
Especially in recent years, fanaticism has been largely associated with Islam. Indeed, certain groups began to wrongly call this religion of fanaticism Islam, and made it the target of their misplaced fears. So much so, for some people the religion of Islam has come to stand for "fear." Islamophobia is talked about all over the world. People are unaware that their fears stem, not from Islam, but from fanaticism. They fail to see that the fanatical faith produced by peddlers of superstition has appeared in the name of Islam; nobody has ever told them that this is not Islam. Neither the radicals who emerge in the name of Islam nor the Islamophobes who fear those radicals have been shown that Islam has nothing to do with this fanatical, terrifying, loveless and hate-filled faith. The radicals of Islam have begun harming the entire world, but Muslims most of all.