
Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

Some 150 years ago, the British naturalist Charles Darwin proposed a theory based on various observations made during his travels, but which could not be supported by any subsequent scientific findings. In essence, his theory of evolution consisted of various scenarios, assumptions and conjectures that Darwin dreamed up in his own imagination.

According to his evolution scenario, inanimate substances came together by chance to give rise to the first living cell. No doubt this claim was highly inaccurate, and one that could not be corroborated by any scientific evidence or findings. Again according to that myth, this single-celled life form gradually—and again by chance—turned into the first living species of microbe—in other words, it evolved. According to the evolution error, all the life forms on Earth, from bacteria on up to human beings, emerged as the result of this same imaginary process.

microscope, single-lensed microscope

The single-lensed microscope that Darwin used reveals the limited and underdeveloped technological means of that era.

Darwin's claims were of course based on no scientific evidence or findings. But since the scientific understanding and technological means available at the time were at a fairly primitive level, the full extent of the ridiculous and unrealistic nature of his assertions did not emerge fully into the light of day. In such a climate, Darwin's scenarios received general acceptance from a wide number of circles.

The foundation of Darwin's theory of evolution was materialism. Therefore, it didn't take long for his theory to be adopted by materialists. Since materialist circles denied the fact of creation, they blindly grasped at the theory of evolution, and even declared that it was supposedly the scientific basis of their own world views.

fossil, insect, evolution

One of the major findings that invalidates the theory of evolution is the fossil records, which reveal that the structures of living species remained unchanged for tens of millions of years. Pictured is an insect living in our day and its 50-million-year-old fossil. This species, which remains the same after 50 million years, refutes evolution.

By carrying out a great deal of research and investigation, and by establishing artificial environments in laboratories, they sought to come up with findings that would corroborate Darwin's theory. However, every piece of research and every new finding they obtained, only constituted evidence that refuted evolution rather than confirming it. Science and technology had made rapid progress since the beginning of the 20th century, and refuted the theory of evolution. All the branches of science concerned with the subject–such as microbiology, biomathematics, cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, anatomy, physiology, anthropology and paleontology- -revealed countless proofs that totally undermined the theory of evolution.

The fossil record is perhaps the most important evidence that demolishes the theory of evolution's claims. Fossils reveal that life forms on Earth have never undergone even the slightest change and have never developed into one another. Examining the fossil record, we see that living things are exactly the same today as they were hundreds of millions of years ago—in other words, that they never underwent evolution. Even during the most ancient periods, life forms emerged suddenly with all their complex structures–with the perfect and superior features, just as do their counterparts today.

This demonstrates one indisputable fact: Living things did not come into being through the imaginary processes of evolution. All the living things that have ever existed on Earth were created by God. This fact of creation is once again revealed in the traces left behind them by flawless living things.

<> This book will provide you with not only such information as what fossils are and where and how they are found, but also a closer examination of a variety of fossil specimens, millions of years old, that are still able to declare, "We never underwent evolution; we were created." The fossils discussed and illustrated in this book are just a few examples of the hundreds of millions of specimens that prove the fact of creation. And even these few are enough to prove that the theory of evolution is a major hoax and deception in the history of science.


Ferns, evolution theory, fossilsalamander, fossil

Ferns have kept their same structure since the day they were created. Ferns that have remained the same for approximately 300 million years are one piece of evidence verifying the invalidity of the evolution theory.

A 125-millionyear-old salamander fossil and its today's counterpart.

