Fossil Specimens of Marine Creatures (2/5)


Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location:Haqel, Lebanon

The eyes, fins, gills, digestive systems, reproductive systems—in short, all the features of all the guitar fish that have ever lived throughout the course of history—have been fully formed, unique and ideally structured. In addition, these structures’ present-day forms are identical to what they were tens of millions of years ago.

According to Darwinist claims, however, these fossils should present a diametrically opposite picture. The fossil record should be full of "half-needlefish." The fact that fossils do not fit the Darwinian picture, and actually exhibit structures that argue the exact opposite, is an expression of the dire straits into which the theory of evolution has fallen.

Squid (with its pair)

Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon

Darwin knew that his theory could be verified only by the fossil record, for which reason he pinned great hopes on paleontological research. In one part of his book he said:

". . . if my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking closely together all the species of the same group, must assuredly have existed. . . . Consequently evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains . . ." (Charles Darwin, Origin of Species, p. 179)

Yet no intermediate-form fossil has been found over the 150 or so years since Darwin’s day. So his claims have never been verified and confirmed. Fossils have buried Darwin’s theory of evolution, whose invalidity is now a proven fact. One such fossil is this 95-million-year-old fossil squid, identical to living present-day specimens.


Age: 206 to 144 million years
Period: Jurassic
Location: Solnhofen, Bavaria, Eichstatt, Germany

The shrimp pictured is some 200 million years old. Shrimps, having remained unchanged for all that time, tell us that no evolutionary process ever happened.

The fossil record deals one of the heaviest blows to the theory of evolution, because:

1. Evolutionists maintain that living things progress from the primitive to the more advanced by undergoing a constant succession of small changes. Fossil findings, however, prove that living things undergo not the slightest change over even hundreds of millions of years.

2. Evolutionists maintain that all living things are supposedly descended from a common ancestor. Yet to date, not a single fossil has been unearthed that can be regarded as the forebear of any other living thing.

3. Evolutionists say that life forms are descended from one another, via intermediate forms. Yet from among all the millions unearthed as the result of research over the last 150 years, not a single intermediate form fossil has ever been discovered to indicate this.


Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Lebanon

The fossil record reveals that living things do not change, as long as they remain in existence. The 95-million-year-old catshark pictured is one of those life forms that have not altered over millions of years. This means that evolution—which maintains that living things are in a constant state of change and progress from the primitive to the more developed—is invalid. In actuality, evolution's claims regarding the origin of life do not reflect the facts, as is expressed in the book Integrated Principles of Zoology, jointly authored by three evolutionist biologists:

"Many species remain virtually unchanged for millions of years, then suddenly disappear to be replaced by a quite different . . . form. Moreover, most major groups of animals appear abruptly in the fossil record, fully formed, and with no fossils yet discovered that form a transition from their parent group." (C.P. Hickman [Professor Emeritus of Biology at Washington and Lee University in Lexington], L.S. Roberts [Professor Emeritus of Biology at Texas Tech University], and F.M. Hickman, Integrated Principles of Zoology, St. Louis: Times Mirror/Moseby College Publishing, 1988, p. 866)


Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon

One of the characteristics of guitarfish, members of the sub-order Rhinobatoidei, is their guitarlike body shape. They generally live at the bottom of tropical seas, close to the shoreline.

The fossil pictured shows that guitarfish have remained the same for 95 million years, condemning evolutionists to a profound silence. These creatures, which have survived unchanged for tens of millions of years, demonstrate that evolution never happened to them and that they were created by Almighty God.


Age: 150 million years
Period: Jurassic
Location: Solnhofen Formation, Bavaria, Germany

One common tactic that evolutionists employ is to distort or carefully conceal those fossils that represent indisputable proof of Creation. Although the fossil record shows that evolution never took place, they determinedly ignore this fact.

The American paleontologist S. M. Stanley describes how facts revealed by the fossil record are ignored by the Darwinist dogma that dominates most of scientific world:

"The known fossil record is not, and never has been, in accord with gradualism. What is remarkable is that, through a variety of historical circumstances, even the history of opposition has been obscured. . . . as the biological historian William Coleman has recently written, "The majority of paleontologists felt their evidence simply contradicted Darwin's stress on minute, slow, and cumulative changes leading to species transformation." . . . but their story has been suppressed." (S. M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes and the Origin of Species, N.Y.: Basic Books Inc., 1981, p. 71)

However, these Darwinist efforts to silence dissent are now of no avail. It is no longer possible to conceal the fact of Creation revealed by fossilized shrimp like this one pictured, some 200 million years old.


This is a fossil with both negative and positive slabs.

Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Lebanon

The coelacanth is a large fish some 150 centimeters in length, whose body is all covered by thick scales reminiscent of armor. It is a member of the class of bony fishes (Ostechthyes), of which the earliest fossils are found in strata belonging to the Devonian Period (417 to 354 million years ago). For years, evolutionists portrayed fossils belonging to this vertebrate as belonging to an intermediate form, until the capture of a live coelacanth invalidated such claims. Research into the fish's anatomy again inflicted a major defeat on Darwinists.

In an article in Nature magazine, an evolutionist paleontologist named Peter Forey said this:

"The discovery of Latimeria [coelacanth] raised hopes of gathering direct information on the transition of fish to amphibians, for there was then a long-held belief that coelacanths were close to the ancestry of tetrapods. . . . But studies of the anatomy and physiology of Latimeria have found this theory of relationship to be wanting and the living coelacanth's reputation as a missing link seems unjustified." (P. L. Forey, Nature, Vol. 336, 1988, p. 727)

The latest information regarding the complex structure of the coelacanth continues to pose difficulties for evolutionists. This problem was expressed in Focus magazine:

"According to fossils, fish emerged some 470 million years ago. The coelacanth emerged 60 million years after that. It is astonishing that this creature, which would be expected to possess very primitive features, actually has a most complex structure." (Focus, April 2003)

For evolutionists insisting on a gradual process of evolution, the appearance of the coelacanth with its complex structure naturally came as a major surprise. Yet there is nothing surprising about this at all. Any rational person is able to understand that God creates all living things, together with their complex structures, in the form and at the time He so desires, and in a single moment. The entities flawlessly created by God are all means by which His might and power can be appreciated.

This is a fossil with both negative and positive slabs.


Age: 100 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location:Hjoula, Byblos, Lebanon

Evolutionists cannot point to even one of the countless stingray fossils unearthed as evidence for their claims. No stingray with supposedly primitive, semi-developed features belonging to two different life forms has ever been encountered. Every stingray fossil discovered belongs to a creature that was identical to stingray alive today and had exactly the same characteristics. This goes to show the invalidity of the claim that species are descended from one another and that life forms developed by way of small, gradual changes.

The 100-million-year-old stingray fossil pictured proves once again that living things did not evolve, but were created.


Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Lebanon

The crayfish pictured is 95 million years old, and there is no difference between it and crayfish living today. These invertebrates, which have undergone not the slightest change in the intervening 95 million years, show that evolutionists' claims are fantasies, products of the imagination, and that scientific data and findings do not support them in any way.

Due to their materialist perspectives, Darwinists have a habit of making various assumptions and adorning them with Latin words and scientific terms difficult for ordinary members of the public to understand, presenting them as if they were scientific facts. The fact is, however, that the evidence showing the invalidity of evolution is perfectly clear. Even by a child of primary school age can easily understand it. One of these pieces of evidence is the fossil record. The absence of any difference between living things that existed hundreds of millions of years ago and specimens alive today totally undermines the concept of evolution.

Sea Urchin

Age: 354 to 290 million years
Period: Carboniferous
Location:St. Louis Formation, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Sea urchins are free-moving, spiny invertebrates. Their entire bodies are covered in spines. A roughly 300-million-year-old sea urchin defies all evolutionist claims regarding the origins of life.

But sea urchins are by no means the only living things to invalidate evolutionists' claims. The fossil record is full of fossils of plants and animals that have undergone no changes. There is no evidence of any half-developed or deficient forms, despite the passage of very lengthy geological ages. Evolutionists have no rational and scientific answer for how or why living things have remained unaltered for so long. Yet for people who have not been taken in by Darwinist preconceptions, the answer is clear: Living things never evolved, but were all created by our Lord, God.


Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon

Despite all the findings and evidence, Darwinists refuse to admit that Darwinism has been defeated by scientific findings. They still blindly espouse claims first put forward under the primitive level of scientific knowledge in the 19th century. They turn their backs on all the scientific data out of ideological concerns and various preconceptions, and resort to hoaxes, distortions and irrational and illogical explanations.

However, the millions of fossils unearthed over the last 150 years make it impossible for them to defend the theory of evolution any longer. Each and every fossil shows that living things have remained unchanged for millions of years—in other words that they never evolved, and that Creation is the origin of life. One such fossil is the 95-million-year-old stingray pictured here.

Sea Bass

Age: 37 to 23 million years
Period: Oligocene
Location: Carpathian Mountains, Rowne, Poland

These fish, members of the Perciformes (perchlike fishes) order, are classified under the family Serranidae. This roughly 30-million-year-old fossilized sea bass, identical in terms of its appearance and structural characteristics to those fish living today, is one of the proofs that invalidate the theory of evolution.

Like all their other theses, Darwinists' claims regarding the "evolution" of fish are nothing more than fairy tales, with no scientific foundations. When we examine the evolutionist literature, we never encounter even a claim regarding any potential intermediate forms. Evolutionists have no fossil findings they can use to support the idea that invertebrate organisms developed into fish.

Flying Fish

Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon

According to the fossil record, life forms emerged independently of one another, each one in a single moment, and with no line of familial descent between them. Fish, for example, did not emerge from invertebrate life forms, as evolutionists maintain, and neither did they later turn into reptiles.

In his 1991 book Beyond Natural Selection, the American paleontologist R. Wesson describes what the fossil record tells us about the emergence of life:

"The gaps in the fossil record are real, however. The absence of a record of any important [evolutionary] branching is quite phenomenal. Species are usually static, or nearly so, for long periods . . ." (R. Wesson, Beyond Natural Selection, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991, p. 45)

Sand Fish

Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon

Despite having been scientifically discredited, the theory of evolution is kept constantly on the agenda of certain circles. Accompanied by drawings of imaginary half-man, half-ape creatures of no scientific validity, reports headlined "Missing Link Found!" announce every new fossil discovery. Captions read, "Our ancestors were microbes," "We are no different from apes," "Did we come from space?" and "Evolution in test tubes". The theory of evolution is constantly depicted as having solid evidence to support it, one that can explain every aspect of human life.

The fact is, however, that fossils demonstrate that such reports and the claims associated with them are mere nonsense. As with the 95-million-year-old sand fish fossil pictured, all fossils reveal that living species have not changed at all over millions of years—in other words, that they never evolved. Faced with this reality, evolutionist propaganda is seen as nothing more than helpless posturing.

The fossil in the illustration is a mirror-image one, traces of which can be seen on both surfaces of the split rock.


The fossil in the illustration is a mirror-image one, traces of which can be seen on both surfaces of the split rock..

Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon

These fish, members of the order Anguilliformes (true eels), are classified under the family Congeridae (marine eels). The fossil in the picture proves that eels have not undergone the slightest alteration over 95 million years. It's just one of the other millions of fossil species that undermine Darwinism. Fossil research over the last 150 years or so has revealed not one single fossil to support evolutionists' theories. On the other hand, countless fossils prove that living things appeared suddenly, complete with all the features they possess, that they have not changed over millions of years—and that they were created, rather than having evolved.

Lady Fish (Elopidae)

Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location: Haqel, Lebanon

The evolutionist fossil expert David Pilbeam admits that fossil findings invalidate the theory of evolution:

"If you brought in a smart scientist from another discipline and showed him the meagre evidence we've got he'd surely say, 'forget it; there isn't enough to go on.'" (Richard E. Leakey, The Making of Mankind, Barcelona: Sphere Books Limited, 1982, p. 43)

It is meaningless for Darwinists to refuse to see the groundlessness of their theory. Fossil discoveries have demolished the theory of evolution. The Elopidae fossil pictured, aged 95 million years, is one of these findings that defeat evolutionists' claims.

Pipefish (Syngathodei)

Age: 5 to 1.8 million years
Period: Pliocene
Location: Marecchia River Formation, Poggio Berni, Rimini, Italy

One of the most important features of pipefish is the long, tubular structure on the end of their mouths. With their structures that have remained unchanged for millions of years, these marine fish, members of the suborder Syngathodei, are a challenge to the theory of evolution. Even if Darwinists continue to make every effort to distort the facts or resort to hoaxes, they can no longer conceal the facts revealed by the fossil records. Fossils state that living things did not evolve, but were created.

Horseshoe Crab

Age: 150 million years
Period: Jurassic
Location: Solnhofen Formation, Germany

With their characteristics that have gone unaltered for millions of years, horseshoe crabs, members of the family Chelicerata, are among those life forms regarded as "living fossils," even by evolutionists. Horseshoe crabs living in the Jurassic Period, approximately 150 million years ago, are identical to those living along seacoasts today. This lack of differences demolishes evolutionist claims and once again proves that the thesis of living things' evolution of is a ridiculous myth.

Science irrefutably reveals that living things are the work of Almighty and All-Powerful God.

Sand Fish

Age: 95 million years
Period: Cretaceous
Location:Haqel, Lebanon

In claiming that all species multiplied by having evolved from one another over long periods of time, Darwinists never stop to consider that almost all the main categories of species known today emerged suddenly and at the same time in the geological age known as the Cambrian Period, 530 to 520 million years ago. They fail to understand that none of the living things whose remains are preserved in the fossil record underwent any change, and that this fundamentally demolished the theory of evolution.

Yet even if evolutionists refuse to think and understand, fossil findings such as the 95-million-year-old sand fish pictured here reveal the invalidity of evolution for all to see.

The fossil pictured has both positive and negative slabs.

  • Introduction
  • Evolutionists' Intermediate-Form Dilemma
  • Cambrian Fossils and The Creation of Species
  • "Missing Link Discovered" Headlines are an Unscientific Deception
  • Darwin's Illogical And Unscientific Formula
  • Fossil Specimens of Land Animals (1/2)
  • Fossil Specimens of Land Animals (2/2)
  • Fossil Specimens of Marine Creatures (1/5)
  • Fossil Specimens of Marine Creatures (2/5)
  • Fossil Specimens of Marine Creatures (3/5)
  • Fossil Specimens of Marine Creatures (4/5)
  • Fossil Specimens of Marine Creatures (5/5)
  • Fosil Specimens of Plants (1/2)
  • Fosil Specimens of Plants (2/2)
  • Fossil Specimens of Insects (1/2)
  • Fossil Specimens of Insects (2/2)