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Allah's Art of Detail
158 pages.

It is Almighty Allah Who created all people out of nothing, Who created all of the beauty that surrounds them and all of the blessings of which they are aware or unaware. He constantly renews each of these blessings and creates the astonishing details in each one. This is Allah’s art of detail.

With His unbounded knowledge, Allah created systems that human beings cannot comprehend because they have not yet discovered their details. Inside each detail are even more delicate beauties that reveal His Greatness and Might. If He willed, He could dispose of them all. Our duty is to thank Him for these unconditional blessings, know that we need Him, and turn only to Him.

This book seeks to remind people of this important truth, which He revealed in the Qur’an.

Allah's Art of Detail
Allah's Art of Detail
Book Contents
Titles and Chapters from the Book