New York based independent news portal Ekurd Daily published Harun Yahya’s article “Winter Plans and Migrant Policies with No Solution” on November 27th, 2015.
Winter Plans and Migrant Policies with No Solution
Winter moths' different body structures
Drowning migrants is a blot on humanity
Flawed Plan for Syria
Migrants suffer labor exploitation in the EU
Rapid policy changes in the Middle East
Cambridge Announces Plans for a Mosque Construction
We are here for the solution
Politics is not the only solution
The Solution To The Economic Crisis
In Ukraine, a Policy of Compromise Is the Key
Toward a Solution for Egypt
The Heating System of the Winter Moth
Invasion plan like the 20th century
Why plans for redrawing the Middle East will fail?
The Impact Of The Works Of Harun Yahya On Indonesian Policy
A meaningful solution to a meaningless war
Right Wing Policies and Minorities In Europe
Focusing on the real solution for Cyprus
The solution to poverty lies in love