Buddhism is seized upon as an important tool by people who want to demonstrate that they are different from others...
The West’s strategic mistake
The west's strategic mistake
AN-NASIR - The Helper; The Supporter
The 'fire' spreads to the West
The West's strategic mistake
The West should learn from their past mistakes
Libya seeks education support from Turkey
Why They Cannot Be Happy -2-?
Full support from Egypt for Turkey's initiative
Could Buddhism be a true religion thats become distorted ||Distorted religion
Is it terror only when the target is the West?
A bridge between Islam and the West: Turkey
The US made a Major Strategic Mistake Supporting the YPG
Obama supports construction of mosque near Ground Zero
Why is The islamic Union A Must?
Support for Homosexuality by a Distortion of Science from New Scientist
Why Do They Yearn to Be Housewives?
Why an authoritarian rule is against Islam
The new Silk Road: A route for friendship from East to West
Why did the Americans elect Trump?
The 'Fire' Spreads to the West
Support from the Islamic Scholars for Turkey
Why They Cannot Be Happy -3-?