• He must believe there is no other god than Allah,
• That it is Allah alone Who creates all things,
• That it is Allah Who performs all deeds,
• That all hearts are under the control of Allah alone,
• That Allah enfolds all things,
• That He determines destiny,
• That His might is sufficient for all things and that He does what He wishes,
• That He knows and hears all things,
• That He watches over and protects all things,
• That He knows the unseen,
• That He has no need of anything and is unfettered by any deficiency,
• That He is unborn and has not given birth,
• That He never goes wrong or forgets,
• That all things belong to Him alone,
• That he is the sole heir to all,
• That He is eternally living,
• That He is the sole Lord of chastity and honor,
• That he is always victorious,
• That the most beautiful names belong to Him,
• That He is the Lord of pronouncement and wisdom,
• That He is closer to His servants than their own jugular veins,
• That He knows even the smallest things in their hearts,
• That He knows the most secret things,
• That He is infinitely just,
• That He is the most compassionate of the compassionate,
• That He is forgiving toward His servants,
• That He loves His servants,
• That He accepts repentance,
• That He answers sincere prayers,
• That He greatly rewards goodness and gratitude,
• That He teaches men all things,
• That He warns and frightens,
• That He resurrects the dead and creates the Day of Reckoning,
• That He helps those who help the religion in this world and the Hereafter,
• That His promise is true,
• That He creates Hell for deniers and Paradise for believers.

• He fears Allah alone.
• He feels fear for none other than Allah.
• He fears Allah with all His might.
• He feels that it is Allah Who installs faith and fear of Him in hearts.
• He feels this fear at every moment, not just in times of difficulty and helplessness.
• He does not forget that Allah knows the most secret things and what lies in people’s hearts.
• He remembers at every moment that Allah sees places that nobody sees.
• He acts in the knowledge that he will have to render account.
• He is scrupulous when it comes to what is lawful and unlawful.
• Everything he does is based on that awe.
• He turns to Allah in all he does.
• He knows that Allah alone metes out punishment.
• He fears Allah’s station, threats and the Hell.
• He never forgets the punishments Allah inflicted on those who have gone before.
• He feels a respectful, trembling and powerful fear of Allah.

• He possesses a faith based on fear and love of Allah alone, through which;
• He worships Allah alone,
• He holds Allah above all else,
• He looks for no other god than Allah,
• He ascribes nothing as an equal to Allah,
• He knows that everything comes from Allah,
• He knows that Allah is with him at all times and sees everything he does,
• He makes ‘earning the approval of Allah’ his true aim at every moment,
• He lives his whole life for Allah,
• He scrupulously observes the bounds set by Allah,
• He realizes his helplessness in the face of Allah,
• He is sincere to Allah’s verses,
• He trusts in and relies on Allah alone,
• He knows that help comes from Allah alone,
• He always remembers Allah,
• He establishes strong bonds with the Qur’an,
• He is never ungrateful to Allah,
• He has absolute faith until the Day of Judgment,
• He has total belief in the Hereafter,
• He is prevented from being deceived by the life of this world,
• That eliminates concerns for the future,
• That causes him to feel everything is for the best, through which
• He turns to Allah in all things,
• He never forgets that all characteristics possessed belong to Allah,
• He willingly obeys Allah, His commandments and His envoys,
• That allows satan to have no influence,
• That ensures he listens to the voice of his conscience at all moments,
• That bestows a state of mind that turns unconditionally to Allah alone,
• That ensures he takes only Allah and other believers as his friends,
• That involves a sincere struggle to draw closer to Allah,
• That ensures he is grateful to Allah at all times,
• That bestows fortitude in the face of all difficulties and a determination that cannot be worn down,
• That bestows superior moral virtues,
• That ensures continuity in the signs exhibited by a believer and
• That leads him to compete in taqwa.

• He knows that everything is created with a destiny,
• That Allah creates all events, from birth to death, on the basis of destiny,
• That everything happens only at the time ordained by Allah,
• That he must be devoted to Allah with a fully satisfied heart,
• That he must submit with a sincere heart,
• That Allah sees all of time as a single moment,
• The need to submit, unreservedly, to Allah alone,
• That no matter what he does, Allah will determine its conclusion,
• That he will never be saddened in the event he fully submits to Allah,
• And the need to accept every image created by Allah.
• Since he knows that everything that befalls to him comes from Allah;
• He never becomes excited.
• Is never saddened or troubled.
• Never panics.
• Never despairs.
• Never experiences stress.
• Is never troubled.
• Is never angry.
• Never says, “If only...”
• Never overreacts.
• Never grieves in the face of death.
• Does his best and is never saddened by what befalls him.

• He possesses a mindset and moral values that properly reflect on the Qur’an,
• Evaluates everything through the logic of the Qur’an,
• Always thinks positively,
• Acts in the direction dictated by his conscience,
• Realizes that everything happens in the manner ordained by Allah in destiny,
• Tries to see the goodness and wisdom behind every event,
• Thinks of Allah at every moment, when standing, sitting or lying down,
• Reflects deeply on the existence of Allah and the artistry in His creation,
• Investigates and reflects on those matters to which Allah draws our attention and the signs leading to faith,
• Finds the answers to questions in the Qur’an alone,
• Always looks for solutions to problems in the Qur’an,
• Always thinks in favor of the religion,
• Realizes that whispering comes from satan and seeks refuge from it in Allah,
• Always thinks the best of believers,
• Can always consider others’ needs,
• Can identify matters of urgency and give them priority,
• Can make the appropriate comparisons between truth and superstition in the light of the Qur’an,
• Can think with an unsullied reason,
• Can reflect on his own creation,
• Can reflect on the Day of Judgment,
• Can reflect on Doomsday,
• Can think about Paradise and Hell and draw appropriate conclusions,
• Can properly reflect on advice directed toward him and
• Possesses a reason and logic able to make accurate decisions.

• He loves Allah more than anyone or anything else.
• His love for believers is one based on the approval of Allah.
• The people he loves most are those who strive most for Allah’s approval and those he considers to have most taqwa.
• He feels no passionate love for the baubles of this world.
• He expects no reward for the good deeds he performs other than the love of Allah.
• He feels no love for those who rebel against Allah and His envoy.
• The love and need he feels for something do not prevent him foregoing it.

• He addresses Allah by the finest names.
• He speaks the finest words.
• He uses the term “Insha’Allah,” meaning “If Allah so wishes,” when speaking of events in the future.
• He praises the glory of Allah by saying “Masha’Allah” every time he sees beauty reflecting the artistry of Allah.
• He speaks the words he hopes will be most pleasing to Allah.
• He recalls the verses when he speaks.
• He speaks wisely.
• He speaks briefly, to the point and comprehensible.
• He speaks no empty or useless words.
• He speaks according to need.
• He tells no lies.
• He speaks so respectfully he will not even breathe a sigh against his mother and father.
• He speaks gentle words.
• The other party feels he is to be trusted when he speaks.
• He speaks as sincerely and genuinely as possible.
• He avoids speaking in secret.
• He speaks in the knowledge of what his words mean and considers them carefully.
• He gives advice when he speaks.
• When entering someone’s home, he says the word “Salaam,” as set out in the Qur’an.
• When he meets ignorant people, he does not address them in an ignorant manner, but with the word “Salaam.”
• He speaks not a word of slander.
• He never joins in such talk, but passes by in an honorable manner.
• He speaks in such a way as to encourage good and moral behavior and discourage bad behavior.
• He speaks with moderation, never shouting.
• He knows he is responsible for every word he speaks.
• He never swears for aimless and empty purposes.
• He never disparages or accuses anyone when he speaks.
• He never gossips.
• He speaks words that stir people’s consciences.

• He prays by turning to Allah in all things.
• He prays to Allah alone and seeks help only from Him.
• He knows that all prayer is addressed to Allah.
• He knows that Allah is closer to him than his own veins and hears what he thinks at all moments.
• He addresses Allah by the finest names and thinks deeply on their meaning.
• He places no bounds on what he asks from Allah in prayer.
• He knows that prayer has no set form, and that all activity performed for Allah’s approval is prayer.
• He knows there is no special place for prayer, and that one can pray anywhere, at any time.
• He prays to Allah in the most respectful manner.
• He prays in times of plenty and blessing, not when he is troubled and in need.
• He is not ungrateful for the blessings that come in the wake of his prayers.
• His prayer is true and sincere.
• He begs and beseeched Allah in prayer.
• He never prays for show.
• He prays in fear and hope.
• He prays for the prophets and other believers as much, or even more, as he does for himself.
• He prays for the health, security, ease, wealth and strength of believers.
• He prays to draw close to Allah, to be successful, to live by the religion in the best way and to be able to display fortitude in his moral values.
• He prays for Allah to give the best and increase His blessings in this world and the Hereafter.
• He prays for nobody to harm believers.
• He adopts the prayers of the prophets cited in the Qur’an as models.
• At the end of his prayers He calls on Allah by saying “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds." (Surah Yunus, 10)