National Yemen newspaper published Harun Yahya’s article “What has Happened to Muslims” 12th January 2015. You may read the article at the below links.
What Has Happened to Muslims?
What Darwinists claimed, what happened
What's happening on British bases in Cyprus?
What has changed since Lausanne?
What Do Muslims Pray For?
What Has Turkey Learned From Terrorism?
Human Evolution Never Happened!
What do Muslims pray for?
What happens if people do not live by the Qur'anic understanding of mercy?
In the light of the hadiths of our Prophet (saas), what will happen in the Middle East in the end times?
What should be the outlook of Muslims to Judaism and anti-Semitism?
What has changed since September 11?
What Is Happening In Yemen Is No Longer A Political, But A Humanitarian Crisis
Allah Has Created a Powerful Love among Muslims
What Darwinists said, what happened then
Seeing good in all that happens
The Time Has Come for Our Rakhine Brothers to Pray for Unity among Muslims
What’s next for Turkey?
Understanding Zionism: What It Is and What It Isn't
Never forget that the day of resurrection and the day of reckoning will surely happen