What He Said?What Happened?

Bosna TV-June 3, 2008

Adnan Oktar: The circumstances are now ideal for the establishment of the Turkish-Islamic Union. There are virtually no obstacles at present. It is as if someone calls out for a union it will be formed instantly. My friends gave out a newspaper advertisement the other day calling for Azerbaijan to unite with Turkey. Excellent, positive messages have come in from all over. The president of Azerbaijan wants this also. We are in contact with Palestine and they want it, an Islamic Union. Syria wants it, Iraq wants it, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria want it. There is nobody who does not. It merely needs to be given a name. But of course these times have an owner, a right timing, and Allah is delaying this for the formation of these conditions at the correct moment.

Daily Vakit-August 15, 2008

“We Want Peace and Stability in the Caucasus”