Harun Yahya’s article is published at the national daily newspaper of South Africa, The Mercury.
Urgent call to end Syria's 'silent massacre'
The Silent Massacre of Rohingya
An urgent plea on behalf of the children of Syria
Mr. Adnan Oktar’s Call for Urgent Aid to Yarmouk has found an echo
Immediate call for peace in Syria
Turkey must take the lead role to end conflict in Syria
Why have Darwinists been silent for so long?
Will fighting in Syria end if Assad goes?
A call from the Arab world: the border between Syria and Turkey must be lifted at once
A call for brotherhood at İftar table
Syria's human tragedy
Yemen Needs Urgent Ceasefire
“A City for Refugees” in Syria
Preventing Syria’s disintegration
Spark of hope in Syria
Russia: Syria's game changer
The Jokela High School Massacre: Another Application of Natural Selection
Syria’s territorial integrity is important
The Islamic community is in urgent need of alliance