Representatives of Harun Yahya held a conference and organized a fossil exhibition at the Théâtre du Gymnase Marie Bell, one of the most famous theatres of Paris, on the 22nd of January. 2012. The conference was also followed by various press organizations such as Canal+ and Radio Inter France.
In the last two years, more than 30 Harun Yahya conferences were held in 15 of the biggest cities of France. This year’s conference tour was organized in the cities of Paris, Rouen and Evry between the 18th and 22nd of January, 2012. At these conferences, in which the French and Muslims living in France showed great interest, subjects such as 2012: The End of Atheism, The Beginning of the Century of Faith; The Miracles of the Quran; The Molecular Collapse of the Theory of Evolution; Islam: The Religion of Peace; The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution were discussed.