Scotland’s Chronicle, an Islamic bi-monthly journal published in Scotland, carried Adnan Oktar’s article “The True Islamic Morals” on 1 July, 2009.
True Moral Values Of islam Revealed in The Qur'an
Islam: The true religion
True natures of all believers are morally perfect
Islamic Morality
If American television was to broadcast programs describing the true Islam for || True Islam
Islamic Moral Values Enshrine Freedom Of Belief
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will disclose true Islamic moral values
Surat As-Saff, 9 (Islamic moral values will prevail)
According to the Qur'an the dominion of the morality of Islam over the world is an obligation
True Muslims believe in destiny
The True Source Of Terrorism Is Darwinism
Islamic Morality: The Source of Peace and Security
The blessed Uthman (ra): The caliph of Islam possessed of superior moral values
Love will cause Islamic moral values to prevail on earth
The mindset that seeks to ascribe terrorism to Islam is the Darwinist mindset that represents the true source of terrorism || Islam religion of piece
Muslims Must Explain the World the Difference between Extremism and the True Islam
True Happiness In The Modern World
Hypocrites never strive on Allah's path, and are terrified of both Islamic moral values prevailing and of the emergence of the Islamic Union
True alliances begin with friendship
Terror Will Disappear When People Come To Live By The Moral Values Of Islam
Islamic moral values enshrine freedom of belief
Purity of heart and moral values
Those who have true patience
Islamic Morality: Source Of Peace And Security